Awesome Etiquette

Hosts Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning answer audience questions about modern etiquette with advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty. Like their great-great-grandmother, Emily Post, Lizzie and Dan look for the reasons behinds the traditional rules to guide their search for the correct behavior in all kinds of contemporary situations. Test your social acumen and join the discussion about civility and decency in today's complex world.

Society & Culture
Kids & Family
Episode 426 - Housewarming Registries?
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on notifying another guest when one drops out, housewarming registries, getting in line after someone opens the door for you, and talking gun safety when you take your kids to play dates. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about soft speakers on conference calls. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on Thanksgiving hosting.
65 min
Episode 425 - Headed South
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on updating the company phone list, thanking someone for taking you on a trip, bringing up the fact that you weren’t invited to something, and tipping the owner of a business. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about responding to invasive questions about your skin. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on hosing Thanksgiving.
65 min
Episode 424 - Sloppy Signature
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on offering people coffee at a non profit, improving a sloppy signature, cashing in on old agreements, and returning unexpected gifts. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about talking to a roommate who eats all your food. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript from our new book! On The Practice of good etiquette.
68 min
Episode 423 - Housewarming Shower
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on indicating who’s paying the bill, throwing a housewarming party for someone else, someone who never brings a dish to a party, and an uncomfortable play date. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about asking people to stop apologizing. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on Debrett's Etiquette.
66 min
Episode 422 - Tipping for Delivery
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on destination wedding expectations, saying goodbye to a not-so-good temp worker, tipping for delivery and eating out of bowls. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about trying to speak someone else’s language. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on The Origin of The Tuxedo
61 min
Episode 421 - Retired
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on people who question your choice to retire early, talking to a roommate about their pet’s diet, letting dates down easy and an offer of kitchen use that’s turned into a disaster. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about talking to business clients about their personal lives. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on being a good guest when dining out
71 min
Episode 420 - Hotel Tipping
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on getting the bill before you’re ready to leave, putting first names on cards for children, uncomfortable family dinners, and hotel tipping. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about honoring both someone’s late wife and more recent girlfriend in a eulogy. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on sharing drinks from Margaret Visser’s The Rituals of Dinner
59 min
Episode 419 - Condolences
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on being mindful of reserved time slots at public pools, the dos and don’ts of a small wedding, post-wedding wedding showers, and taking a mental health day from work. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about acknowledging that someone has brought you a gift before they’ve presented it to you. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on condolence notes
64 min
Episode 418 - Godparents
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on seating people who don’t get along, etiquette for picking someone up for a carpool, blocking off parts of your home during a party, and asking someone to be a godparent. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about reconnecting when you left on a bad note. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript From Margaret Sherwood’s gilded age etiquette book Manner and Social Usages.
51 min
Episode 417 - Feuding Guests
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on a masseuse that talks too much, feuding wedding guests, returning texts you’ve been neglecting, and a confusing wedding invitation. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about left-handed table manners. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript with guest JuliAnn Stitick on self-assessment for optimum performance and being your personal best.
82 min
Episode 416 - Touchy Topics
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on avoiding touchy topics with hair dressers, not wanting people to hold your baby, responding to people asking if you’re pregnant, and how to leave a guest bed. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about people who prefer formal titles. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on the somewhat surprising importance of baby showers.
50 min
Episode 415 - Deception
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on passing the salt and pepper, dealing with someone who you know has lied to you, selling tickets when your friend backs out of a concert and eating lobster. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about not being allowed to play video games and having friends who are allowed. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on going back to school.
59 min
Episode 414 - Extra Wheels
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on feeling left out, setting boundaries as a host, hosting tiny house-guests, and respecting your roommates. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about grabbing food from a potluck you weren’t invited to. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on Emily Post’s wedding.
70 min
Episode 413 - Age Difference
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on Christmas cards for everyone in a household, how to handle a wedding born out of an affair, wedding guest woes, relationships and age difference assumptions. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about an awkward dog situation among neighbors. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on top ten table manners.
65 min
Episode 412 - Guest of Honor
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on avoiding a big sendoff when switching jobs, which way the toilet paper should go, considering others when hosting a shower, and talking to people about…pimples. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about taking the leftovers when someone else pays for your meal. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on joining the Post family.
51 min
Episode 411 - Too Friendly
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on people who don’t wash the communal dishes, a landlord who is a little…too friendly, making new friends as an adult, and getting a gift from an estranged family member. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about expecting or not expecting a man to pick up the check on the first date. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on feeling shame.
83 min
Epsiode 410 - The "B" List
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on gifting cash, being the second choice for an invite, wedding invitations that aren’t clear about plus-ones, and when to use the title “master.” For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about asking a new boss about working from home. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on small talk.
56 min
Episode 409: Cringe-worthy Wedding Trends
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on gender neutral titles, dressing for a concert and how it might impact a friend, apologizing for misgendering someone and the neighbor’s plants affecting your property. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about what items you should keep in your guest bathroom for guests. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on cringe-worthy wedding trends that we’ll explore with Lindsay Jones of the Woman Getting Married website.
84 min
Episode 408 - Going Slow
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on tipping on a discounted service, sending gifts when you can’t attend a wedding shower, delivering welcome bags to out of town guests, and how to solve the mystery of who sent a wedding gift that arrived with no card or sender information. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about rude behavior from family members at a wedding. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript where we consider slowing down with Christine Porath and Christine Pierson.
50 min
Episode 407 - Patience
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on contributing to a trip as a birthday gift, fielding rude messages from clients, asking for a father’s blessing after the ceremony, and thanking friends for letting you live with them. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about voicing concerns about pets you are pet sitting for. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on punctuality and patience.
71 min
Episode 406 - Dressing Up
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on politely getting out of conversations when you’re trying to work, responding to comments about being dressed up, preparing your home for younger guests, and people who bring their dogs to your house. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about dishes served with shrimp tails. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on meeting etiquette.
74 min
Episode 405 - Work Working Out
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on what to wear when working out at work, giving cash at weddings, and eating when not everyone has their food. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about following up after interviewing for a job. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on Wedgwood Ware and it’s impact.
55 min
Episode 404 - On Tablets
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on people who interrupt your conversations, tracking monetary gifts from your wedding, old family feuds, and handwritten cards on tablets. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about unwanted company. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on using someone’s second home.
64 min
Episode 403 - Who Started It
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on politely ending phone calls, leaving a job without knowing what’s next, family members who comment on what you wear, and telling family members you’re not ready for marriage. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about writing thank you notes for gifts you know have been purchased but have yet to receive. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on Emily Post from the book Extraordinary Origins of Everyday Things by Charles Panati.
63 min
Episode 402 - Many Grads
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on group graduation parties, giving older relatives car rides, speaking another language in a public space, and sharing one family member’s news with the rest of the family. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about paying to replace something you didn’t break. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on the history of etiquette books.
59 min