Awesome Etiquette

Hosts Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning answer audience questions about modern etiquette with advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty. Like their great-great-grandmother, Emily Post, Lizzie and Dan look for the reasons behinds the traditional rules to guide their search for the correct behavior in all kinds of contemporary situations. Test your social acumen and join the discussion about civility and decency in today's complex world.

Society & Culture
Kids & Family
Episode #321: Long Term Guest?
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on hosting etiquette for those with long-term guests, addressing letters to a couple with a name that includes a suffix, finding a happy medium with the thermostat and writing a thank you for an ambiguous gift. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members, your question of the week is about keeping up a relationship when you can’t offer up your home to entertain. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we discuss what we aren't discussing.
58 min
Episode #320: On Candelabras
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on getting guests to use coasters, distracting smells from neighbors, guests who want to extend their stay, and where candelabras go on the table. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about navigating a tricky wedding funding scenario. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we discuss Holiday Cards this Year.
57 min
Episode #319: Slacker
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on sending messages over Slack, sending a follow up thank you note, name tag etiquette, and using girl...friend versus girlfriend. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about making plans with friends who have financial obstacles. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we read about Emily as her son saw her.
51 min
Episode #318: 1, 2, 3 Gratitude
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on fire etiquette, writing thank yous for boxes with several small gifts, junior and senior titles and asking for more information when you’re invited to a gathering during a pandemic. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members, your question is about how to hint at a ring for your engagement without hinting. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we discuss 1,2,3 gratitude.
44 min
Episode #317: Speeding Ticket
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on throwing gifts away, getting a speeding ticket with friends, a messy mask situation and guests who offer to bring something to dinner. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question of the week is about reposting your registry when you’re already married. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and postscript where we discuss five elements of a good apology.
53 min
Episode #316: Uninvited
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on Celebrating birthdays and christmas as a family, how to handle being univinted to a wedding, reflecting on the past, and are b list wedding guests really a thing? For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question of the week is about whether or not to send your regrets when the invitation wasn’t sent directly to you. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and special postscript where we discuss Housewarmings and Registries.
60 min
Episode #315: Ignored
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on what to do when you’re ignored trying to join a conversation, sending multiple emails to your favorite podcasts, listing preferred pronouns in business correspondence, and celebrating a 50-year-anniversary a few months late. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about inviting coworkers to your wedding. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and special postscript where Lizzie interviews Peter Post.
57 min
Episode #314: Curbside Pickup Courtesy
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on household helpers who don’t wear deodorant, unsolicited religious texts, how to handle a wedding announcement when you not sure if there’ll be a belated reception  and wearing a mask for a curbside pickup. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question of the week is about throwing a party for someone with privacy concerns. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and special postscript where we discuss wearing white after labor day.
47 min
Episode #313: Stationery Surnames
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on differing opinions over thank-yous, what’s appropriate to ask of inexperienced hosts, a drive through baby shower, and the surnames on your stationery. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about inviting the parents of those in your bridal party. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and special postscript reading from Margaret Visser's, Rituals of Dinner, on table talk.
51 min
Episode #312: Hats at the Table
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on wanting a day to recover after having a weekend guest, coming for the wedding ceremony but not the reception, thank you notes with a twist, and wearing hats while dining in the COVID-era. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about hosting a DIGITAL wedding. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and special postscript where Cindy returns to answer a few questions Dan forgot to ask.
60 min
Episode #311: Traditions and Transitions
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on car magnets for a cause, bicycle etiquette, sending selfies to friends and serial eaters (not cereal eaters). For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about opting out of having your child in the wedding party. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and post script segment on traditions and transitions.
47 min
Episode #310: Sneak Peak
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on curse words around kiddos, putting step parents on the wedding invitations, a follow-up to last week’s lunch date dilemma, and pre-cutting your meat before the meal. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question is about what to do with a wedding gift from a very badly behaved guest. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and post script segment where Lizzie shares a draft section of the 20th edition of Etiquette.
57 min
Episode #309: Who I Am
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on friends asking for baby bump photos, lunch dates who don’t offer to pay, etiquette for dropped calls and a coworker who is rude to callers. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about a wedding RSVP that comes with essay questions. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and our final  postscript segment for our series on doing a personal image assessment.
71 min
Episode #308: When you..., I feel....
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on condolences for colleagues, uninviting those who don’t follow COVID-19 guidelines, sending a thank you note for a thank you gift, and wanting others to respect your avoidance of bad news. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about carefully critiquing what the host serves. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript segment on "when you..., I feel..." statements.
47 min
Episode #307: Your Team
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on keeping a tidy lawn,  disagreeing respectfully, carpool conundrums and carefully offering your support. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your bonus question is about higher etiquette in the COVID-19 era. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript segment on conducting a self assessment.
66 min
Episode #306: Who Are You?
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on looking at the camera during zoom calls, baby nickname preferences, family members who take photos of your home, and being tall at the theater. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about masks at a wedding. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript segment on self-assessment.
58 min
Episode #305: Big Friendship Guests
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on sleeping in when you’re a guest, rescheduling a meet-up due to COVID-19 testing, tipping the owners of a restaurant and still wanting to host a traditional baby shower during the pandemic. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about at home cards. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript where we interview some special guests.
59 min
Episode #304: Musical Choices
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on friends who get divorced but are both invited to your wedding, asking for gifts not gift cards, differing music tastes during quarantine and a poorly attended drive through birthday party. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about the use of the phrase 'best wishes'. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript RSVP’s.
56 min
Episode #303: Summer BBQ
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show we take your questions on wanting to minimize interactions with people during the pandemic, being worried about not attending a wedding, a messy married name, and a family feud that affects a wedding. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your question of the week is about how to respond to criticism from friends about a fast-moving relationship. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript backyard bbqs during covid-19.
58 min
Episode #302: In the Garden
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Lizzie and Dan take your questions on people laughing aloud at their phones, inviting someone who’s separated (but not divorced) to a wedding, sending thank yous for newborn gifts and responding to questions about your engagement ring. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about addressing unsightly objects in the neighborhood. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript where we look at Emily Post in the garden.
38 min
Episode #301: Memory Lane
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Lizzie and Dan take your questions on feeding extended family for free, addressing racial slurs, invasive questions for essential workers, and addressing an email during difficult times. For Awesome Etiquette Sustaining members our question is about reflecting on past behaviors. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript where we take a trip down memory lane.
59 min
Episode #300: Not Enough
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Dan and Lizzie take your questions on shared spaces in townhome communities, etiquette when entering someone’s home, inviting other people’s guests to an event on the same day, and honoring someone who has passed if you couldn’t attend the funeral service. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our bonus question is about distance dating while living with your parents. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on listening.
72 min
Episode #299: Show You Care
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Dan and Lizzie take your questions on video calls that go way too long, the expectations that come with a destination wedding, followup questions about vaccinations and addressing wedding invitations for families with younger kids. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about post-pandemic protocols. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on stress, and masks.
70 min
Episode #298: For Everyone
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Lizzie and Dan take your questions on a mouthy mother-in-law, post-dated wedding receptions, friends who avoid heavy subjects and being perceived as pretentious. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members our question is about invitations to an overseas wedding. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript on emotional maturity.
66 min
Episode #297: A Spot of Tea
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show Lizzie and Dan take your questions on sending checks with condolence cards, asking other parents if their children are vaccinated, giving gifts when a wedding is affected by the pandemic, and dealing with noise while working odd hours from home. For Awesome Etiquette sustaining members your bonus question is about being overwhelmed with baby gifts. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute and a postscript from Emily’s 1922 edition of Etiquette on Afternoon Teas.
49 min