Awesome Etiquette

Hosts Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning answer audience questions about modern etiquette with advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty. Like their great-great-grandmother, Emily Post, Lizzie and Dan look for the reasons behinds the traditional rules to guide their search for the correct behavior in all kinds of contemporary situations. Test your social acumen and join the discussion about civility and decency in today's complex world.

Society & Culture
Kids & Family
Episode 500 - Yes, 500
On today’s special 500th show, we take your questions on why we can’t correct others' etiquette, early RSVP expectations, bridal shower alerts for registry items, and to ask or not about a work issue. For Community Members, your question of the week is on: To correct or not to correct? Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on the past, present, and future of Awesome Etiquette. Join the community, support the show -
103 min
Episode 499 - Etiquette vs. Protocol
On today’s show, we take your questions on preparing for cell phone disruptions at concerts, the idea of asking for recycled birthday gifts, whether you should tip your tax accountant, and whether seconds at the buffet are okay. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, your question of the week is a two-for-one, with a question on when to stop using social titles and tipping practices today. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on Protocol where Lizzie Interviews protocol expert Catherine Wilson. Join the community, support the show -
67 min
Episode 498 - New Gift Etiquette
On today’s show, we take your questions on preparing for porch pirates, paying for your plate at a wedding, handling salespeople in big box and grocery stores, and what to do when you’re invited to all the wedding parties. For Awesome Etiquette community members, your question of the week is about moving someone to BCC in business emails. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript from The Rituals of Dinner by Margaret Visser. Join the community, support the show -
64 min
Episode 497 - Etiquette Fails
On today’s show, we take your questions on a camping birthday bash, sympathy cards in lieu of funeral attendance, when to begin at a banquet, and how to handle plus-ones for wedding invitations. For Awesome Etiquette community members, your question of the week is about a gift card wedding shower. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on our most memorable etiquette fails. Join the community, support the show -
77 min
Episode 496 - Registered
On today’s show, we take your questions on how to handle a thank you and condolence card, setting hosting boundaries with your social spouse, navigating a very awkward situation with a coworker, and how to handle sympathy you’ve received when there’s no contact information to acknowledge it. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, your question of the week is about needing to deflect well-meaning conversations about hard times. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a wedding-themed postscript on setting up registries. Join the community, support the show -
67 min
Episode 495 - Dinner Plate Decisions
58 min
Episode 494 - Emily Post Postscript
On today’s show, we take your questions on hosting gifts, a puzzling wedding invitation, the good reason to ghost, and how to handle one menu for four people. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question concerns condolences for a miscarriage. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on the life of Emily Post by Emily Post.
56 min
Episode 493 - Copy Edit Curse
On today’s show, we take your questions on getting everyone involved at a wedding, the curse of the copy edit, sending acknowledgments to condolences, and a guest of honor who doesn’t want to participate. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about non-invitation invitations. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on eating bread and soup.
74 min
Episode 492 - Reluctant Host
On today’s show, we take your questions on whether or not to host a bachelorette party after the wedding, stealing a thank you, some misguided guest requests, and how to handle feeling unwelcome with extended family. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about season tickets when you have guests in town. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on keeping your mouth shut while eating from Margaret Vissers, the rituals of dinner.
62 min
Episode 491 - Professionalism
On today’s show, we take your questions on personal stationery use, sympathy note wording, how to handle that last piece of bread in the basket, and a real speaker phone shocker. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about a Vexed semi-vegetarian. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on professionalism.
66 min
Episode 490 - Impossible Perfection
On today’s show, we take your questions on addressing noise at the library, what to do with a wedding announcement, whether or not to tell someone you exchanged their gift, and how to get out of being called dear. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our bonus question is about making plans with friends. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on the essential nature of etiquette advice.
60 min
Episode 489 - Hold the Door
On today’s show, we take your questions on teaching kids manners in public, handling homemade gifts, hosting gifts for team dinners, and getting a gift but not being able to return the favor. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about strangers sleeping on you on the plane. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on the practice and meaning of holding doors.
62 min
Episode 488 - Second Letter
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect, and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on writing a second letter when you haven’t gotten a response to the last one, planning a post-wedding gathering for family, commenting on YouTube videos, and hosts with less-than-sanitary serving methods. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about waiting behind someone to take their parking spot in busy cities. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on what to say when offering condolences.
66 min
Episode 487 - Gloves and Napkins
On today’s show, we take your questions on forgetting to bring a host gift, bearing feet as a host, handling unwrapped gifts sent straight to you, and sitting or standing during a greeting when there’s an age gap. Our bonus question for Awesome Etiquette Community Members is about quick passing conversations in office hallways. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on gloves and napkins from the 1922 edition of etiquette
60 min
Episode 486 - Engagement On
Happy New Year! Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect, and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on asking a parent’s permission to marry someone over Facetime, modern hugging etiquette, signing greeting cards as a married couple, and giving holiday cards to coworkers. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about eating hamburgers. Plus, your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on engagement etiquette.
58 min
Episode 485 - No Obligations
On today’s show, we take your questions on returning containers empty, asking both sides of the family to speak at a wedding, moving furniture for contractors, and holiday party hand washing hygiene. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members, our question is about seeing a difficult coworker outside work. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on thank you notes.
62 min
Episode 484 - Visiting Whom
Welcome Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on brushing your teeth at the office, opening gifts from clients in front of them, someone asking to see your wound, and friends who always want you to come see them. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is about keeping the toilet lid shut to contain germs. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on getting kids ready for the holidays.
58 min
Episode 483 - Holiday Tips
On today’s show, we take your questions on listing your degrees in your email signature, conversations interrupted by kids, being honest yet polite, and people who repeatedly mispronounce your name. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question of the week is about responding when being teased in front of others. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on Holiday Tipping.
57 min
Episode 482 - Re-gifting Again
On today’s show, we take your questions on sending out cards without asking for an address, quickly replying ‘no’ to an invitation, hosting your own birthday, and when to not open gifts at the party. For Emily Post Substack subscribers our bonus question of the week is about sitting properly in a restaurant booth. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on Gift Giving and Re-Gifting.
58 min
Episode 481 - Phone-free Holidays
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on using a two-handled soup bowl, keeping the holidays phone-free, arriving late to a holiday dinner, and being unsure if someone got your wedding gift. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is about not inviting someone to a holiday this year who has been invited in years past. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on holiday cards.
56 min
Episode 480 - Thanksgiving Host
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on having multiple hosts for Thanksgiving, e-invites for children's birthday parties, maintaining old friendships, and setting plates directly on the table. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is about well meaning intrusive comments. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on conversation.
66 min
Episode 479 - Bringing Dishes
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on turning a Bunco party into a birthday party, keeping up old friendships, having your baby shower in your own home, and bringing dishes to holiday meals. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members your question is about side conversations at small dinners. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on the future of business etiquette.
61 min
Episode 478 - How Much is That?
On today’s show, we take your questions on being asked how much something costs, the order of co-chairs on an invitation, managing a difficult family situation, and thanking someone for attending your wedding. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is about agreeing to host something once, but not every year. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on being a great guest of honor.
59 min
Episode 477 - Not Too Scary
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on conversation poachers, large parties with no split checks, setting boundaries with family members, and waiting for machines at the gym. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is about riding in an Uber where the driver makes an illegal turn. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on, "BOO!", Trick-or-Treat Etiquette!
68 min
Episode 476 - Not Feeling Rushed
Welcome to Awesome Etiquette, where we explore modern etiquette through the lens of consideration, respect and honesty. On today’s show, we take your questions on not wanting others to feel rushed at the dinner table, wearing flip flops at the office, feeding out-of-town guests at the rehearsal dinner, and where to dry your hands at someone else’s house. For Awesome Etiquette Community Members our question is a followup to a question about tipping with gift cards. Plus your most excellent feedback, etiquette salute, and a postscript on being a great guest of honor.
64 min