Awesome Etiquette

Hosts Lizzie Post and Daniel Post Senning answer audience questions about modern etiquette with advice based on consideration, respect, and honesty. Like their great-great-grandmother, Emily Post, Lizzie and Dan look for the reasons behinds the traditional rules to guide their search for the correct behavior in all kinds of contemporary situations. Test your social acumen and join the discussion about civility and decency in today's complex world.

Society & Culture
Kids & Family
Episode #97: I’ve Got the Next Round
You’ve got a friend who loves to be a part of the crowd. But you’ve noticed that whenever it’s their turn to buy the next round, they’ve suddenly had enough for the night, or have to go somewhere. Should you call them on it, or butt out?
42 min
Episode #96: The Clean Plate Club’s Only Member
You’re at a restaurant, and you’re the first person to finish your meal. Everyone else is still enjoying theirs and chatting. Should the server come and get your plate immediately, or wait for the rest of your party to finish?
48 min
Episode #95: Let’s Never Do This Again Sometime
You’re out with an acquaintance you don’t see very often. You suddenly hear yourself say “That was fun … we should do it again soon.” But you know you don’t mean it. Are you just following accepted social custom, or are you being rude and disingenuous?
44 min
Episode #94: Rent Asunder
The paint is still fresh on the walls, and some unpacked boxes are still sitting in the corner, but you are already getting the dreaded question: ‘Nice place … how much are you paying?
51 min
Episode #93: You Are What You Eat
Eating with dietary restrictions can be tricky when you aren’t cooking for yourself. On the show this week, Lizzie and Dan tackle a range of questions about food choices.
45 min
Episode #92: Forever Hold Your Peace. Please.
Everyone has an opinion about your wedding. And you’ve tried being nice. So how do you get people to keep their ideas to themselves and let you enjoy your engagement?
45 min
Episode #91: Politically Impolite
A listener feels like they are being respectful when talking politics with a friend who supports the other side. But they feel that that respect isn’t being reciprocated. Can they keep having conversations, or will they blow up before November?
45 min
Episode #90: An Affair to Remember (and Boycott)
A listener’s brother is recently divorced due to his wife’s infidelity with a local restaurateur. She wants to boycott the man’s establishments when going out with friends, but also keep her brother’s secret. How can she stay true to family but not betray them to her friends?
41 min
Episode #89: It’s Not a Character Flaw, It’s a ...
A listener has recently moved to a bigger city, and is wondering how to deal with the people they see on the street who look like they might be experiencing homelessness.
44 min
Episode #88: A Prom-Posed Problem
A shy girl just prom-posed to a boy she likes. And he said yes! But then he finds out the prom is on the same night as his mother’s 50th birthday. What’s a boy to do?
36 min
Episode #87: When ‘Nice to Meet You’ Isn’t So Nice
A listener is an attorney whose job requires meeting people during very difficult times in their lives. Dan and Lizzie help with language on how to greet new clients in a way that doesn’t imply: You’re getting divorced. Will you be using cash or credit?
44 min
Episode #86: It’s Just How I Was Brought Up
A listener feels like she comes across as being judgmental and reprimanding to her friends when discussing the manners with which she was brought up. Lizzie and Dan talk through strategies on how to talk about your upbringing.
43 min
Episode #85: The Grumbling Groomsman
A listener suspects that a groomsman invitation is less about friendship and more about compensating for a less-than-responsible best man. Communication has been spotty. Plus, the costs are starting to pile up. Is it too late to back out?
39 min
Episode #84: So … How Did It Turn Out?
We check in with listeners who’ve had their questions answered to see what happened after the advice was given.
51 min
Episode #83: When You Want to Bring Home the B ...
A listener loves a liqueur. And loves to spread the love. But do they have to donate an expensive bottle to the party every time they BYOB? Or can they take it back at the end of the evening?
49 min
Episode #82: What’s That Smell??!? I’m Working ...
A listener was greeted in the office kitchen by a note dictating what co-workers could and could not heat up in the microwave for lunch. So, who has the authority to say so, and who has the authority to eat what they want?
49 min
Episode #81: NBA? Nevermind!
A listener and her fiancé were gifted some basketball tickets, but the game was on a day she couldn’t attend. After the fiancé invited a mutual friend, he realized that he had the day wrong, and she could go. So, who gets the ticket?
42 min
Episode #80: Consulting an Authority
Lizzie and Dan hear from several listeners who might need to bring in someone with more authority. They tackle roommate issues, talking about people behind their backs, and when you’ve done as much as you can and have to consult someone else.
51 min
Episode #79: It’s My Party and I’ll DJ If I Wan...
The audience weighs in when a dinner party host asks how to deal with guests who want to add songs to the evening’s playlist. We also hear from Rico and Brendan from the Dinner Party Download on the subject.
38 min
Episode #78: Johnny On the Spot (And He’s Not L...
When a blizzard consumed Baltimore, a listener became frustrated when neighbors began claiming street parking spots after digging them out. So who has the etiquette right when reserving the parking spot you worked so hard to dig out?
43 min
Episode #77: Being Polite On Both Sides of the ...
A southerner and a New Englander ask for suggestions on raising their kids to say “sir” and “ma’am,” understanding that those terms have very different meanings and expectations in each of their home regions.
39 min
Episode #76: Destination: Expensive
A listener has been invited to the destination wedding of a co-worker, and is concerned about the cost. Lizzie and Dan discuss whether it’s rude to force your wedding guests to spend a lot to get to your event.
36 min
Episode #75: The Mystery of the Unsent Postcards
Lizzie and Dan need your help with what to do! A listener bought an item secondhand, and in it has come across some items personal to someone else’s life. What should the listener do with the postcards in the book?
33 min
Episode #74: Gifts? Yes, Please!
A listener thinks that some gifts from guests would be nice at her party celebrating a milestone event in her life. But she’s worried that “no gifts, please” has become de rigueur on modern party invitations for adults.
36 min
Episode #73: Spoiler Alerts Spoiler Alert
It’s a question as old as cinema itself – how long does a movie have to have been out to be OK to talk about openly?
39 min