I read Reddit stories with emotion and with funny voices. My most popular subreddits are r/Prorevenge, r/Entitledparents, and r/Choosingbeggars Subscribe to unlock bonus episodes: https://anchor.fm/rslash/subscribe
r/Prorevenge Speed on My Street? I'll Make You ...
<p>r/Prorevenge OP is a peaceful homeowner who has a couple of young kids who like to play on the street. Some jerk in a truck keeps speeding down OP's street, risking the lives of both him and his children. He tries to get the guy to slow down, which just makes him speed even more. So, OP decides to set up a clever little trap by filling orange cones with cement and rebar. When the driver tried to run over the cones, he was in for a big surprise!</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
15 min
r/Pettyrevenge I Embarrassed My Lying Boss in F...
<p>r/Pettyrevenge In today's episode, OP's boss gets Covid conveniently right before a giant deadline at work. The boss leaves OP and all of his coworkers hanging for months. Later, OP notices his boss in the trailer for an upcoming reality TV show. He quickly looks up when the episode filmed and discovers that his boss lied about being sick so that he could go on the reality TV show. OP concocts an elaborate plan to reveal his lie to the entire company!</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
14 min
r/F-youkaren Karen Fights Giant T-Rex
<p>r/F-youkaren Do Karens hate everything? I mean, who hates T-Rexes? I thought it was a universal law that everybody had to love T-Rexes. They may be the coolest animal to have ever existed. Well, this Karen decides that a giant T-Rex statue in a McDonalds parking lot is an affront to her sensibilities and it must be removed at any cost. What do you think? Should the T-Rex stay up, or should we feed the Karen to the T-Rex is some sort of ritualistic sacrifice?</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
19 min
r/Maliciouscompliance They Made Me Wear a Bra, ...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP is a woman who endured a double-mastectomy's. She's also an avid swimmer who swims at the local swimming pool. The pool manager go on OP's case because she wasn't wearing a tank top without a bra while swimming. OP carefully read through their policy and discovered that the rules don't explicitly state WHERE the bra has to be worn, so she wore it on her head. They quickly changed the policy after that!</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
12 min
r/Rpghorrorstories A N*ked Catgirl Destroyed My...
<p>r/Rpghorrorstories In today's episode, OP is a charming and attractive fella who decides to start a D&D game with a couple of friends. These friends also know that OP is in a relationship with his girlfriend. That doesn't stop the two girls in his D&D group from coming up with a plan to tempt OP into cheating on his girlfriend. One of the players sneaks off into OP's room and presents herself to him in full catgirl attire, and then gets upset when OP kicks her out of the apartment.</p>
18 min
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP is a teenage girl who was sick at home. She was resting in her bed while family friends were visiting. An entitled brat walks into her room, so of course she kicks him out -- she's sick, after all! A furious entitled mom bursts into OP's room and then actually tries to spank OP. This wasn't OP's mom who spanked her -- the entitled mom was a guest in their house, and she thought it was a good idea to spank the homeowner's kid!</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
13 min
r/Maliciouscompliance My Boss Wants to Race Me....
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP has a boss who's OBSESSED with racing. The boss forces all of his employees to attend a go kart racing company event so that he can beat all of his employees in the race and feel good about himself. The boss forces OP to go... but the boss isn't aware that OP is a competitive go kart racer. OP absolutely destroys his boss in the race, embarrassing him in front of the whole company!</p>
<p>Download the GetUpside app and use Code "Slash" to get up to 50¢ off per gallon on your next tank of gas.</p>
13 min
r/Choosingbeggars "BUY MY KIDS CHRISTMAS PRESEN...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars It's November, so you know what that means! It's time for entitled Karens to demand that strangers buy Christmas presents for their kids! What? You don't want to buy presents for kids you've never met? What's wrong with you! Are you some kind of monster?! You're going to RUIN THEIR CHRISTMAS! The choosing beggar in today's video asks Facebook to supply free toys for her kids, and she actually gets upset when people try to help her.</p>
16 min
r/Askreddit What Made You Walk Out of a Job Int...
<p>r/Askreddit Have you ever had a terrible job interview? Your experience probably doesn't come close to these AWFUL interview stories. We've got a story from one guy who was literally locked inside the building and couldn't escape. The interviewers called him to scold him for not showing up on time, and he had to beg them to let him out. Another person showed up for an interview at a school, and the teacher at the school were wearing blackface 😲</p>
17 min
r/Prorevenge I Tricked My Boss into Giving Me $...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP works for a toxic boss at a hair salon. She knows that her boss is screwing over her workers to make more money, so she decides to play a dirty trick on her manipulative boss. She tells a clever lie to the local gossip, so of course the rumor makes its way to the boss's ear. The rumor tricks the boss into giving OP a huge raise, resulting in an extra $40,000! The boss was too stupid to realize that she was being played into giving OP extra money for nothing!</p>
17 min
r/TIFU I Accidentally Married My Step-Brother
<p>r/TIFU In today's story, OP is a young woman who happily married the man of her dreams. During their wedding, OP introduced her single dad to her new husband's single mom. The parents immediately hit it off and started dating. Eventually, they got married too! This means that OP accidentally got married to her own step-brother. Oops!</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Kicking All the Women Out o...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole For some reason, all of the women in OP's family are incredibly toxic. They prank, harass, and tease other women who join the family. So when OP decides to marry the love of his life, his family members decide to "prank" OP's fiancé by them all showing up to the wedding wearing white. OP kicks them out -- every single one of them. They get upset at OP and his fiancé because they can't handle a "simple prank." Is OP the butthole in this situation?</p>
16 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "Sue Me!" "Sure." "NO WAIT!"
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance If this subreddit has taught me anything, it's that you should be extremely careful when you say, "So sue me." A real estate company learns that lesson the hard way when they refuse to remove OP from a no-renters list, which makes it extremely difficult for OP to find housing. They tell OP "so sue me," so that's exactly what OP does! The judge blasts the real estate company's lawyers for their incompetence and order them to comply with OP's request immediately.</p>
12 min
r/AmITheA**hole For Abandoning My Kids to Go Pa...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole I genuinely can't believe the woman in today's story. She has 3 kids: a 17-year-old girl, another daughter is recovering from surgery, and her youngest is a special needs child. OP wants to go off TO ANOTHER STATE to party with her sisters, leaving her 17-year-old in charge of her younger siblings. The 17-year-old is upset because this means that she will miss out on a school dance. OP basically says, "Sorry sweetie, but mommy's party time is more important than your party time." Is OP the butthole?</p>
19 min
r/Maliciouscompliance How I Completely Destroye...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP resists joining his neighborhood HOA. The HOA eventually tricks OP into joining under false pretenses, and then starts billing OP for a huge amount of money. However, the HOA screwed up OP's contract, which left him with all of the power. He went to his lawyer and discovered that he absolutely had the HOA by the balls. They had to do whatever he said, and there was nothing they could do to stop him. He embarrassed the HOA so badly the the HOA president moved out of the country LOL!</p>
17 min
r/Choosingbeggars "Why Won't You Give Me $90,00...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars In today's episode, a choosing beggar wants a door company to hand over $90,000 in free product for "exposure." Yes, you read that correctly: $90,000 in free product. She thinks that installing the doors on her horse barn will help the company make money by exposing the product to other people. She also tried to argue that the doors should only be worth $10,000, so she should get an $80,000 discount. Lady, WTF???</p>
13 min
r/Entitledparents "I Have Kids, So Pay for My $...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, OP is happily childfree, which of course means that he's able to save more money. His friends, however, decided to have kids so they're frequently strapped for cash. OP has been saving money for months to go on a long vacation. When his entitled-parent friends find out about that, they demand that OP gives them $3,000 so they can have a vacation of their own. Fat chance!</p>
14 min
r/Prorevenge My Boss Fired Me & Gave My Job to ...
<p>r/Prorevenge In today's episode, OP worked at a very high level in a large company. He accidentally discovered that his boss was embezzling money from the company, so OP's boss fired OP. Then, the boss turned around and gave the job to his mistress! OP patiently created a revenge plan that involved luring his boss out of the country (on the boss's dime) during a very important corporate meeting. Then, he tipped off the company that the boss was about to quit. In one weekend, OP destroyed his old boss's job, dreams, and marriage!</p>
18 min
r/TIFU By Accidentally Kidnapping a Child!
<p>r/TIFU In today's episode, OP was babysitting his nephew for the day. When he went to go pick up his nephew, his nephew says that his friend can come hang out for the day as well. OP asks the friend if his mom knows about this, and the kid says "yes." So, OP takes his nephew and the friend to his home without realizing that the friend was lying about having permission. He later gets a frantic call from his sister asking if he had the friend. She was about to call the cops and file a missing person's report!</p>
16 min
r/AmITheA**hole A 16-year-old Stalker Broke Int...
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP's son is a 16 year-old-boy who was in a relationship with a girl from school. He lost a family member, so he broke up with his girlfriend so he could have time to heal. The girl did NOT take it well and started harassing and stalking her ex-boyfriend. Eventually, she took it way too far when she broke into OP's house, redecorated a room, and served her ex-boyfriend a cake. OP decided to press charges for breaking and entering, but now people are calling him a butthole. What do you think?</p>
19 min
r/Maliciouscompliance The Owner said "Take that...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP is a part of a biker crew that visited a bar. One of the bikers was wearing a full-body leather riding suit. The owner demanded that everybody take off their biker gear, so he maliciously complied and took off his one-piece riding suit. He wasn't wearing anything underneath, so he was standing in the middle of the bar in his birthday suit!</p>
13 min
r/AmITheA**hole My Boyfriend Knocked Up My Sister!
<p>r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP spent most of her childhood caring for her younger sister, who had cancer as a child. Her sister grew up to be spoiled, and decided to have an affair with OP's boyfriend for months without OP knowing. She even got pregnant by OP's boyfriend! When OP found, she was absolutely devastated. Now OP's family is pressuring OP to just accept the new relationship and move on. Is OP the butthole in this situation?</p>
18 min
r/Maliciouscompliance "I'M THE BOSS SO I'M ALWA...
<p>r/Maliciouscompliance In today's episode, OP goes head-to-head with an egotistical manager at a Red Lobster. OP knows that the manager is wrong, but this is Malicious Compliance so OP is more than happy to obey the manager's stupid instructions. OP complies, causing the restaurant to get hugely backed up during rush hour. Everyone in the restaurant blames the manager, who of course tries to pin the blame on OP.</p>
14 min
r/Choosingbeggars "WHY WON'T ANYBODY BUY ME A C...
<p>r/Choosingbeggars Does anybody out there have about $20,000 just sitting around? This choosing beggar wants somebody to buy them a brand new car. Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a Ferrari or anything crazy like that. All they want is a new SUV that costs around $20-30,000. That's not too bad, right? You can just venmo the money to them. Thanks!</p>
14 min
r/Entitledparents "GET PREGNANT OR I'M DISOWNIN...
<p>r/Entitledparents In today's episode, a happy couple decide to adopt a sweet little girl. When they announce that they don't intend to have biological children, their parents flip out and start harassing them to get pregnant. They even go so far as to say that they will disown their son if he doesn't give them a grandchild. If you like this content, subscribe for more daily Reddit videos!</p>