The Confused Breakfast

A nostalgic journey back to the movie rental store era and the amazing movies from our childhood that we all know and love. With the benefit of 20+ years of hindsight, we revisit and dissect these classic movies to see if they still move us the way they did as kids. Full movie review episode released every Wednesday. Bonus Brunch episode every Monday.

TV & Film
Film Reviews
Top 5 Movie Soundtracks
If you love this podcast, you know how important music is to us when we discuss movies. So we decided to talk about our Top 5 Movie Soundtracks! Join us for this fun episode.
58 min
Major League (1989)
JUUUAASST A BIT OUTSIDE! Major League is about make these misfits a household name. A bunch of has beens, are nots, and should haves are gonna try and win the whole f**king thing. So say a prayer to jobu, put on your glasses, and lube up a curve ball. The
99 min
Wayne's World (1992)
Asphinctersayswhat? Time for our dreams of doing a show in a basement becoming a full time gig to become a reality! Wayne’s World taught us that following your dreams doesn’t have to mean selling out! NOT!! Keep your friends close and the party even close
102 min
Happy Gilmore (1996)
Is that goal regulation size or what?? Happy Gilmore is disrupting the game of golf on this weeks episode! We find out what happens when an angry person plays one of the most angering sports in the world. Broken bottles, broken rakes, broken, Volkswagens,
98 min
I'VE NEVER SEEN... Explorers (1985)
It’s the stuff dreams are made of. Well kinda.. this weeks I’ve Never Seen episode, 1 of the guys is happy to show the other two, Explorers! A movie that transcended the Galaxy to give us… we’ll you’ll just have to see. Do aliens exist? What is our purpos
89 min
Weekend At Bernie's (1989)
We hear it’s always a killer time up at Bernie’s! Let’s go for the weekend! Sometimes you just can’t let ANYTHING get in the way of your stroke of good luck. So let’s keep lying to everyone as well as ourselves about how we think this could possibly end.
89 min
MINI-BYTE: Best Toys of the 80's/90's
If you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you know that seeing a photo of a toy from your childhood, can bring floods of nostalgia! On this mini-byte episode, we talk about the best and most popular toys of those 2 decades. Give it a listen for guaranteed nosta
64 min
BONUS: Top Gun Maverick (2022) Review
SPOILERS! After recording our movie review on the original Top Gun, we were graciously provided a private screening of the new Top Gun Maverick movie with some of our awesome friends. We have some thoughts on the movie and will be reviewing on this epis
46 min
Predator (1987)
Get to the choppa!!!!!!! Time to casually blast a boom box in a helicopter for a covert mission that we don’t actually know anything about. What are we doing? Who’s out there? Who is this lady and why are we letting her tag along? Why are we just randomly
104 min
Top Gun (1986)
I feel the need, the need for speed. It’s time to buzz the tower, before we call the ball. Top Gun has inspired us to take on new call signs and take off our shirts for volleyball. Don’t let the hair fool you, we’re dangerous, sweaty, and inverted.
105 min
BASEketball (1998)
Someday I’m gonna be a big sports star. Dude, We all thought we were going to be the next Reggie Jackson. Until we realized we’re actually just average joes, dude. What happens when a driveway game sweeps the nation and let regular people compete at the p
90 min
Spaceballs (1987)
This podcast has officially gone from suck to blow. Mel Brooks’ 1987 space adventure parody takes a not so subtle jab at some of the biggest titles in the genre. Too bad about the merchandising… So close down the 3 ring circus, secure all the animals in t
89 min
Red Dawn (1984)
WOLVERINES!!!!!! Gear up jump in the truck and let’s head to the mountains! Red Dawn has broken and thank god some ragtag teens are here to stop it! Does the very first pg-13 movie hold up? Will what was once considered one of the most violent movies at t
99 min
Top 5 Movies From 1985
Some years just seem to have an endless supply of classic movies. 1985 was one of those years. Wait till you hear about all of the movies that were released in this magical year. We chat about them and give you our personal Top 5 lists.
61 min
The Big Lebowski (1998)
Sometimes theres man. Not a hero, but a man. Ah F**k it dude. Let’s go bowling. The chronicled tale of the Dude is both pointless and imperative. A movie wrapped in its own feelings more than it’s own story. So let’s pack a ringer with our whites, mix up
114 min
Tommy Boy (1995)
Holy Schnikes, they finally gave Chris Farley a lead role in a movie and he delivered a performance of a lifetime. Tommy Boy might be one of the most quoted movies in history and showed us signs of Farley’s deeper brilliance. Unfortunately he passed aw
95 min
Tremors (1990)
Can you fly you sucker?? Some how comedy, sci-fi, and horror came together to give us what might be one the most iconic performances of Kevin Bacon, Fred Ward, and the rest of the surrounding cast. These crawly things make for one wild ride in the bustlin
77 min
I'VE NEVER SEEN... Cocktail (1988)
In talking about what movies to review next, we started noticing that there were a few instances where one of the hosts felt passionate about a particular movie from childhood, and the other 2 hosts had never seen it. So we came up with a new idea for an
68 min
BONUS: The Batman (2022) Review
SPOILERS! Confused breakfast is the very FIRST podcast to review this amazing new movie!!!! Just kidding, we might actually be the last podcast to talk it but who cares. Since we are fresh off of our review of 1989's Batman, we figured that we should
39 min
The Boondock Saints (1999)
Say a prayer and cock your silenced pistols. The Boondock Saints are marchin’ in! The 1999 Troy Duffy cult classic will take us through all the shoot outs and ritual killing of bad guys. We got our pea coats and shades. So pull up a stool and grab a beer
102 min
The Mummy (1999)
Terrifying story of death and resurrection? Or maybe the most romantic love story of all time? The Mummy will make you wonder who’s side your on. So grab your bag of guns, and saddle up the fastest camels in existence cause we’re going to find ourselves a
106 min
Batman (1989)
Hi, my name is Batman and I’ve never danced with the devil in the pale moon light. What started as a comical idea turned to a Burtonized, dark and strange tale on one of the most recognized super heroes in the world. With a mix and match casting, iconic s
108 min
MINI-BYTE: Nintendo 64
On this week's pop-culture nostalgiabomb episode, we talk about Nintendo 64. Being the quintessential gaming system of the late 90s, we guarantee that you share the love that we have for this system. Join us as we discuss the history of the N64 and remi
56 min
The Shining (1980)
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Time to pack up the family and forcefully make them sit through a Colorado winter nightmare in a haunted hotel so you can try to not fail at writing. The Shining will show us the darker side of getting snowed in
109 min
50 First Dates (2004)
Don’t forget your flippy floppies! It’s a warm one out there! Oh wait, wrong movie, kinda. 50 first dates takes a fun twist on a familiar plot with a character reliving the same day over and over and over again. But everyone else is there to help her alon
84 min