Ponderings from the Perch

Conversations with Priscilla McKinney, founder and President of Little Bird Marketing, an award-winning agency specializing in content marketing, lead generation, branding and design. As a CEO and serial entrepreneur, Priscilla's topics range from marketing best practices, the "stunning discomfort" of entrepreneurship, market research, her love of the autoharp, and other marketing oddities.

Priscilla and Courtney Williams Discuss Continu...
Momma Bird Priscilla McKinney talks with Head of Operations at QualSights, Courtney Williams about maintaining stewardship during growth and how to keep your eyes on getting better.
23 min
Priscilla and Mark Menig - Subjectivity of Data...
You got time to process these 32 million rows of code? No? Neither does any other human. That's why PureSpectrum utilizes machine learning for super-cool objective processing! Mark Menig and Priscilla McKinney take it out, and chop it up in this episode about data quality, subjectivity, and utilizing technology.
28 min
Dear Priscilla: WTF is an SSI Score?
The first thing that you need to know is that the marketing world runs on acronyms. This time, on "Dear Priscilla," fearless host Priscilla McKinney sheds light on LinkedIn's SSI Score. In a just society, Little Bird would have some sort of Myth Busters style reality TV show dedicated to demystifying cryptic acronyms and also periodically blowing stuff up. Put a pin in that thought, we'll come back to it later.
25 min
Priscilla and Josh Haynam Ask the Million Dolla...
Priscilla and Josh Haynam, cofounder of Interact, discuss the importance of quizzes for lead generation and building meaningful relationships with clients.
34 min
Dear Priscilla: Should I Be Paying for LinkedIn?
In the din and melee of the marketing convention, a shadowy figure leans close, head bowed as though in shame, and whispers: "Hey...should I be paying for LinkedIn?" The Dear Priscilla series answers the marketing questions that people are afraid to ask out loud, ranging from the embarrassingly-basic to the arcane.
29 min
Priscilla and Katrina Noelle - Pandemic Narrati...
Priscilla and Katrina Noelle, Principal of KNow Research, Co-Founder of Scoot Insights, and former Ponderings from the Perch guest, discuss the impact of the pandemic and what insights can be gained through it.
21 min
Priscilla and Rana el Kaliouby Live at IIeX Beh...
Priscilla talks about the humanization of technology with Affectiva CEO and author of Girl Decoded, Rana el Kaliouby
29 min
Priscilla and Michael Brenner Do a Double Take
Priscilla and Michael Brenner talk about the magic of content marketing, the importance of helping, and how individualized customer experience is pivotal.
32 min
Priscilla and Stephanie Robotham Live at IIeX F...
If you missed IIeX Forward, or if you just want to relive a portion of it, check out this recording of Priscilla's live podcast interview with Stephanie Robotham, CMO of Gainsight.
20 min
Priscilla and Sigi Hale, Ph.D. Get all Neurosci...
Priscilla and Sigi Hale talk about neuroscience and market research, and how understanding of human behavior is applicable is relevant to the private sector as well as in academia.
38 min
MR Leadership Week: Lenny Murphy of GreenBook, ...
Priscilla and Lenny Murphy talk about offering help, relying on data, opportunities for experimentation, and virtual conferences.
17 min
MR Leadership Week: AJ Keirans of Disqo
Priscilla and AJ talk about approaching sales in a way that is genuine and collaborative, embracing authenticity, LinkedIn, and glamour shots!
37 min
MR Leadership Week: Robert Gray of Paradigm Sample
Priscilla and Robert talk about collaboration, flexibility, partnership, and the human side of the insights industry.
21 min
MR Leadership Week: Rob Volpe of Ignite 360
Priscilla and Rob Volpe discuss how empathy, vulnerability, and authenticity are critical components of leadership
26 min
MR Leadership Week: Sarah Kotva of Fieldwork, Inc.
Priscilla and Sarah Kotva discuss the leadership that allowed Fieldwork, Inc. to continue serving its customers and retain its interconnectivity during crisis.
13 min
Priscilla and Jocelyn Simon Share a Moment of T...
Priscilla and Jocelyn talk about Nailbiter's platform, which partners with businesses to reveal video-documented insights about the moment of truth in consumer experience.
29 min
Priscilla and Ashley Put the “Fun” in Marketing...
Learn how these 5 Marketing Fundamentals can help you retain a Fonz-like coolness, regardless of what hypothetical global catastrophe this way comes.
39 min
Priscilla and Becky Harrison On The Importance ...
Priscilla talks with Becky Harrison, President of both the Ft. Lee, NJ and New York Fieldwork offices. Becky gives us a glimpse into the realities of managing during a crisis.
36 min
MR Leadership Week: Merrill Dubrow of M/A/R/C R...
Priscilla and Merrill Dubrow discuss the "opportunity to lead" during a crisis, which is centered around authenticity and openness.
27 min
MR Leadership Week: Anne Brown of Gazelle Global
Priscilla and Anne Brown talk about the global impact of Covid-19 on Market Research, how the future looks as researchers face a new landscape, and the tremendous opportunity presented through consumer's desire for communication.
17 min
MR Leadership Week: Sandy Casey of InnovateMR
Priscilla and Sandy Casey discuss the importance of health, transparency and visibility and how those things impact her mindset as SVP of Global Supply at InnovateMR
18 min
MR Leadership Week: Ryan Barry of Zappi
It's MR Leadership Week! Priscilla McKinney and Ryan Barry discuss leadership, and the importance of listening and understanding. Applicable during a global pandemic, and applicable during normal life!
29 min
MR Leadership Week: Mario Carrasco of ThinkNow
It's MR Leadership Week! Priscilla McKinney and Mario Carrasco discuss leadership during Covid-19, the differences and similarities of crisis impact across cultures, and how the future looks for cultural understanding.
20 min
Priscilla and Peter Levitan - How To Be Un-Igno...
Straight-up crisis advice from two entrepreneurs who have experienced their fair share of crisis - Priscilla McKinney and Peter Levitan discuss adaptation and survival in a not-so-Darwin-y way.
40 min
Priscilla and Natalie Renna Celebrate Success
Priscilla talks with Fieldwork Minneapolis President Natalie Renna about success, Fieldwork's unique positioning in the market research space, and the evolution of online research.
15 min