NFT 365 Podcast with Fanzo

The mantra of this podcast is simple: WE is greater than Me...

NFTs 365 is a daily podcast hosted by Brian Fanzo, aka @iSocialFanz. Brian is a Digital Futurist and Web 3.0 Visionary with a passion for exploring the world of NFTs and the creator economy.

In this podcast, we will be sharing evergreen educational episodes, breaking news, emerging trends, and exclusive interviews with top creators and experts in the field. Whether you are new to NFTs or an experienced geek, this podcast is for you.

Our goal is to help you understand and navigate the complex world of NFTs, web 3.0, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and the metaverse. We believe that the WE is greater than the ME, and we want to empower you to join us in re-imagining the digital future together.

Business News
Visual Arts
301. Rob Richardson: Simplifying the Onboarding...
When it comes to onboarding newbies into the NFT space we need to keep it simple while also not being passive or just providing a simple POAP. What role do marketplaces play in this onboarding?
37 min
300. WE > me: Time to celebrate ourselves and b...
We need to give ourselves grace and stop with the negative self talk and move towards celebrating the fact that we are here and we are focused on doing great things together!
23 min
299. How the Failure of NFT Alpha Groups, Expo...
Those we must EMBRACE, EMPOWER and put our MONEY behind are the CURATORS of content, education, projects, and artists that are trusted based on their track record, transparency, and commitment to building this web 3.0 culture the right way.
22 min
298. Elliott Foote MM3: Extending Iconic IP to ...
MM3 the first collection endorsed by Marilyn's Estate is leveraging the EIP 3665 standard to create modular NFTs that allow you to build your own custom avatar and use it in the metaverse
32 min
297. Looking to Get a Job in Web 3.0 or Launch ...
26 min
296. Rachel Friedman, Carson Jones: Creating Im...
52 min
295. How NFTs Solve The One Thing We Suck at as...
Self care and self love don't make you selfish as it actually allows you to be the best you that you can be... but for those us looking to be part of a greater WE the question we must ask ourselves is where in our lives are we prioritizing making friends and building connections.
15 min
294. Manouschka: Why We Must Take Ownership of ...
Manouschka Guerrier is no stranger to anyone who has been in the Web3 space for long. She found NFTs early during the pandemic, when her career as a chef took a downturn.
67 min
293. How NFT Media Got Things Twisted: Snoop Do...
All press isn't good press when it comes to web 3.0, crypto and NFTs but that doesn't mean that all media coverage or exposure can't be looked at from the macro level and thats what we have to do with MTV VMAs with Snoop Dogg and Eminem and Zuck on Joe Rogan!
37 min
292. Mikey Piro: Talking Club CPG, 2cents Audio...
How much would you be wiling to pay to have access to a group of people that inspire, motivate and support you in every aspect of your life? There are NFT communities doing just that and Mikey share his journey on this episode including 2cents Audio App and COO of ClubCPG
69 min
291. A Bear Hug in a Bear Market
You’re Doing Better Than You Think!
27 min
290. What MUST the Future of NFT Marketing Embr...
30 min
289. How to decide which Blue Chip NFT Project ...
Just because an NFT Project was the darling of 2021 doesn't mean the future will equal a return to glory and cutting through the noise requires more detailed and methodical research than what most realize.
33 min
288. How Stand-Out When First Joining a New NFT...
Bought a new NFT, great now what? How do you maximize the value of that NFT, how do you standout in the community while networking and staying in the new on upcoming utility and announcements?
38 min
287. How the Sept 15th ETH Merge will Impact th...
What is the ETH merge? Why should the NFT community care? Let's break it down!
26 min
286. NFT Community, No Better Time Than Right N...
Take a break, go touch some grass and please protect your mental health by giving yourself grace and remembering its ok to not be ok!
17 min
285. What Makes Building an NFT Community in We...
Community building in Web 3.0 will truly change the world but that doesn't mean it is easy and doesn't create more problems when it comes to scaling trust, onboarding new members and building inclusive spaces while understanding importance of exclusivitiy!
29 min
284. Back from the dead: Signs to HODL a projec...
Knowing which projects to hold thru the bear market vs selling now for liquidity is really just a guessing game but I do believe there are some signs to look for to make that guess a little more educated!
22 min
283: Future of NFT Derivatives, Expansion NFT p...
Nothing breeds copycats like success… And in the early adoption space if the goal is mass adoption or onboarding whatever can be used to shrink the learning curve relies on relatability!
41 min
282. Zach Bruch: Onboarding Brands with NFTs vi...
How creating a centralized portal for brands to launch NFTs while also providing a seamless way for those NFTs to be exchanged across blockchains is what Recur is moving all in on
52 min
281. Blockchain chaos & NFT Marketplace Mania: ...
So much data available for us with buying an NFT every day for a year for our Mint 365 collection and one of them is minting across 28+ blockchain marketplaces
33 min
280. Gigi Skarlett, Crypto Tech Woman: What it ...
This episode is for those that want to understand and learn what does it take for a latina women software engineer to launch her own NFT project and lift up the NFT community!
50 min
279. FIve Mindset Hacks for NFT Investors to Ma...
Buying and selling NFTs seems easy and yes the basics aren't that complex but there are some hacks
16 min
278. What does building an Authentic Personal B...
Lets go beyond using buzzwords like authenticity and being yourself and talk about how we can do that in web 3.0 and why it's important!
40 min
277. The NFT Promotion Strategy to Market Your ...
Lots of people argue about the differences between marketing and branding or PR or even sales but truth is we need to focus on strategy and defining success first the rest will fall into place!
27 min