
Welcome to iilluminaughtii, the podcast that is all about debunking bad business. Whether it's a pyramid scheme or a charity stealing money, everything (and anything) business-related is on the table. Blair Zoń is ready to dig into the underbelly of the business world to find out where your money and time really goes. Subscribe now to make sure you don't miss any of episodes delivered fresh every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

The Pet Industry Needs to be Leashed | Corporat...
The pet industry doesn’t care about your beloved best friend. Certain individuals might, sure, but generally speaking, profits over people applies here, too.
27 min
Where Politicians Pee on Redwoods: Bohemian Gro...
The Bohemian Grove is a secret society, a real-world Illuminati, so to speak. But if they’re so horrible and controlling, why does no one know about them? And what exactly do they do?
26 min
The Eighth Blunder of the World: Dubai's Island...
Dubai is known for its incredible feats of architecture. However, in the early 2000s, it was responsible for one of the largest architectural failures in terms of cost, environmental impact, and failure to come to fruition.
25 min
Kenneth Copeland is a Real-Life Supervillain | ...
Kenneth Copeland is one of the most scandalous, controversial televangelists. Not only does he completely fly off the handle when criticized for his faith-healing and wealth-hoarding behaviors, but he truly comes across as a real-life supervillain.
28 min
The Dark Side of Fun: Amusement Parks | Corpora...
Amusement parks have long been the epitome of fun for millions of people worldwide. But the industry has a problematic and potentially deadly dark side.
25 min
Gaia: The Netflix of Conspiracy Theories | Dark...
Today, we’re talking about Gaia; that ridiculous conspiracy site that talks about everything from lizard people to aliens to spirits. While the paranormal can be fun, Gaia takes it to dangerous levels
27 min
Be Careful What You Wish For | Corporate Casket
Wish is effectively the ‘reality’ side in the online versus reality meme. Their cheap quality and cheap prices often result in low-quality products but, when you only pay a few dollars, who can complain, right?
23 min
Greg Locke’s Church of Money | Multi Level Mondays
Greg Locke used to be your run-of-the-mill pastor. But, over the years his “sermons” and outbursts have gotten progressively more bizarre and his literal witch hunt has quite a few people concerned about his outlandish behavior.
28 min
Detangling Olaplex's Controversies | Corporate ...
If you wanted perfect hair, Olaplex seemed like the way to go. But recently, their superior reign over the hair care industry has come into question. Is it really as good as it seemed?
24 min
CEDU: Synanon for Kids | Dark Dives
Synanon was a horrific cult that used confrontational and abusive tactics to supposedly heal people from addiction. Now imagine if it was for teens, and you’ve got CEDU.
28 min
Why Everyone’s Scared of the Dentist | Corporat...
Being a dentist is like being a doctor for your teeth—sort of. There may be less science to dentistry than you realize.
26 min
How Grocery Store Monopolies Hurt Everyone | Co...
When you go grocery shopping, you are presented with a plethora of options— or so you think. In reality, grocery store monopolies have presented us with an “illusion of choice” and those illusions come with a whole heap of drawbacks.
28 min
The Underbelly of Door-to-Door Sales | Multi Le...
We’ve spoken about door-to-door sales before and the dangers of letting a stranger into your home—or going into a stranger’s home as a young seller. But it gets so much worse.
24 min
Subway: Eat Fresh, Market Lies | Corporate Casket
Subway is one of the largest chains out there—but not by profit. You might think that makes them successful, to have so many stores open. Instead, the opposite is true.
22 min
PETA is Anti-Human | Corporate Casket
It seems every other day PETA is doing something to horribly offend someone. It happens so often that people are beginning to wonder, is PETA really this problematic in the way they run their ad campaigns, or are they a front for something else?
25 min
The MLM that Sells Tree Frequencies!? | Multi L...
Olive Tree People is not just your typical mlm. They are an mlm that connects you with tree vibrations. For psychology.
28 min
The Devastation at Hard Rock Hotel | Corporate ...
When the Hard Rock in New Orleans came crashing down the city was left searching for answers. Four years later, they’re looking for justice.
23 min
Chris Brown is Way Worse Than You Think | Corpo...
There is nothing more upsetting than talent wasted and Chris Brown certainly fits that bill.
29 min
Is Loving Hut a Cult? | Dark Dives
Loving Hut is one of the most popular, if not the most popular, vegan restaurant chains out there. The food is good, the atmosphere is meant to bring peace, so what’s the issue? The owner is allegedly a cult leader.
23 min
Panera: Not as “Natural” As You Think | Corpora...
Panera Bread is supposed to be a healthier option in a sea of fast food. But then, why is their food frozen? Are the sky-high prices really a fair price to pay for their obvious greenwashing?
27 min
The 700 Club: God’s TV Network from Hell | Corp...
The 700 Club is the flagship program of the CBN, or Christian Broadcasting Network. While it’s what you’d expect from just about any religious network, the 700 Club has had a lasting and devastating impact on the world around it.
32 min
The Food Pyramid Lie: How Lobbying Ruined Our F...
While I love a good triangle, the food pyramid is not one of those. In fact, this dietary model has done a great disservice to the US over the years, and may contribute to health issues more than you know.
27 min
The Pipeline from Crunchy Moms to Alt-Right Con...
There has always seemed to be something a little funny about those crunchy moms we have seen all over social media. But it turns out that the bizarre qualities of a “crunchy mom” go a little bit further than we might think.
27 min
2000s Reality Programs Were Wild | Corporate Ca...
In the early 2000s, there was a reality TV show for everything. Dating, cars, modeling, singing—it didn’t matter. But some of these shows might be more ridiculous than you remember.
29 min
When Beauty Goes Too Far: The Danger of Plastic...
Who hasn’t wanted their tummy a bit flatter, their lips a bit bigger, and an entirely different butt? Cosmetic surgeries certainly aren’t uncommon, but the way that they’re advertised to us can be concerning.
25 min