Good Morning Liberty

Nate & Chuck have been friends for nearly 20 years. After traveling the world separately as musicians, they've now joined forces to bring you daily news explained through the libertarian philosophies taught by Rand, Friedman, Sowell, Mises, & Hayek.

The second Democratic Debate Part 1 | Don't wor...
<p>Last night's Democratic Presidential Debate was more of the same. You hold no responsibility for the consequences of your life decisions. </p> <p>Bernie wants to raise taxes for "Medicare for All," but Elizabeth Warren refuses to say the words "raise taxes..." Unless she was talking about the evil billionaires and corporations. Why was she singling out billionaires? Because of course, she's a multi-millionaire. </p> <p>We'll talk about Bernie, Warren, and Delaney's spar over Medicare for All vs Mo-Bamacare. </p> <p>Subscribe to the podcast at this <a href= "">link.</a></p> <p>Grab your "Bernie Lies" T-Shirt at the new <a href= "">merch store!</a></p> <p>Visit for great articles </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
62 min
Tennessee mom charged with murder after prematu...
<p>Today we discuss our take on this story out of Chattanooga, TN</p> <p> </p> <p>View the full story at this <a href= ""> link.</a></p> <p>A woman has been charged after going into labor prematurely while high on ecstasy. The twins died shortly after birth with drugs in their system.</p> <p>This story highlights the subjective principles in the abortion debate. Tennessee has a law superseding the US Supreme Court when defining "fetus viability." TN defining at 23 weeks, and the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade defining viability at 26 weeks. </p> <p>In addition to the legal standards, we have the moral principle in killing an unborn child. The situation gets muddied up when you realize that <span style= "text-decoration: underline;"><em>if</em></span> this woman had gone to Planned Parenthood that morning to have an abortion, and <em>then</em> went out to party, she presumably would not be charged with murder - Even though the same end-result would be the case (the death of two unborn children). </p> <p><a href= "">Subscribe</a> to the podcast, and tell a friend!</p> <p>Read more at <a href= ""></a></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
54 min
Rand Paul and Mike Lee were right to delay the ...
<p>Yesterday Rand Paul and Mike Lee forced a bill delay on the <a href= "">9/11 First Responders bill</a>. This bill allowed an unlimited amount of funding for 9/11 first responders and their families for the next 72 years. </p> <p>The media, left wing, and right wing, have portrayed this as a blocking of the bill. They have portrayed this as stopping money from going out to the responders themselves.</p> <p>The Problem?</p> <p>That isn't true at all. What Rand Paul did, as he did with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, was force a vote on and amendment adding something called a "Pay For" into the bill. </p> <p>What most people don't know is that originally, there was something called a "Pay-Go" provision in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. That meant that the next step following the tax cuts was to cut spending in the budget to meet a potential reduction in income. </p> <p>Speaking of a reduction in income, the tax revenue as a percentage of the Federal tax receipts <a href= ""> has increased</a> since the passage of the tax cut. That's right, they cut taxes and are taking in more money. </p> <p>Rand Paul himself said in an interview with Neil Cavuto, that the 9/11 bill will still come to a vote next week, and it will pass. All he asked was to add an amendment to the bill saying that the money needed to come from another part of the Governments +$4,200,000,000,000 budget. </p> <p>He named ceasing funding for a study that is studying the sex habits of Japanese Quail while high on cocaine. He suggested we cease funding for a study that looks at whether or not you are likely to eat something off of a buffet when you've seen the person in front of you sneeze on the food. </p> <p>I would suggest we look at taking the billions in foreign aid we give to countries like Pakistan, Syria, Jordan, etc., and reallocate that to the 9/11 First Responders Fund. </p> <p>Is the media uproar over Paul and Lee's principled stand just a convenient continuation of rhetoric stating that Republican's are evil? </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
49 min
Wealth redistribution (not racism), is the reas...
<p>Today I gave my views on the current immigration crisis. Regardless of what has been played in the news, I do not believe that Republicans are against illegal immigration because they inherently hate brown people. </p> <p>My firm belief is that it is the Income Tax that is the major hold up for a viable solution on immigration. The very fact that someone can come here, and receive services that are paid for with someone else money, is the reason that most people have big problems with illegal immigrants. </p> <p> </p> <p>Subscribe to the podcast!</p> <p>visit <a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
27 min
AudiBlog: Want to solve the student debt crisis...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> The student loan debt crisis might be the biggest problem facing our nation in the years to come. The total debt sits around $1.6 trillion right now. Several politicians, including Senator Bernie Sanders, have proposed plans to "cancel" student debt, and make all college tuition free.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> There are a couple things we need to get out of the way. First off, the government has been involved in the subsidization of student loans since 1958, with the passage of the <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color _3sz0l" href= "" target="_top" rel="noopener">National Defense Education Act</a>. At that time, the governments involvement was limited to college degrees including science, technology, math, or engineering. It should come as no surprise that it only took 7 years for the feds to decide they needed more than just control over the STEM fields.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> In 1965, they passed the <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color _3sz0l" href= "" target="_top" rel="noopener">Higher Education Act.</a> The stated goal of the HEA was to promote "greater social mobility". The HEA has been the doorway to the federal government's full involvement in college education. At that time, they were able to start subsidizing or guaranteeing <strong><em>all</em></strong> student loans.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> The cost of college began to rise with the involvement of government subsidies, as we've seen in most other industries (look at a graph of medical costs following the passage of Medicare). As you would read in <em>Basic Economics</em> by Thomas Sowell, the artificial demand created by government stimulus resulted in a shortage of supply, leading to higher prices. Your high school economics lessons will teach you that creating a virtually unlimited demand will cause higher prices 100% of the time.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> Although the cost of degrees were already on the rise, the greatest acceleration happened in 2010, when the government completely took over the student loan process with the <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color _3sz0l" href= "" target="_top" rel="noopener">Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act</a>. That title definitely hits the top 10 most "Ironic Congressional Act" titles in my book. It's right up the with the "Affordable Care Act," and "No Child Left Behind." Up to this point, private institutions were still involved in the lending process, but all loans given by private lenders were guaranteed by the US Government. The housing market crisis comes to mind with that last statement.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _2Dym_ blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _2R0Lu _2Dym_"> In the graphs below, you'll see the massive spike in student loan debt, corresponding with the 2010 year mark- the first year private institutions had been removed from the student loan ma --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
9 min
A study shows Firefighters are the most satisfi...
<p>Hey folks! </p> <p>Charlie is gone again today, but I wanted to share my thoughts on a <a href= ""> study released by Bloomberg</a> today, showing that Firefighters are the most satisfied people in the US when it comes to their job. </p> <p>There are ways for you to find "happiness" or meaning with your career, without taking the choice to become a firefighter. I'll run through a few of those, and hopefully you can find out that whatever it is you are doing, it is very important to society. </p> <p>I eventually spent the last 10 minutes talking about the idea of "Scandinavian style Socialism" being suitable for the USA, so don't miss that part. </p> <p><a href= "">Subscribe</a> to the show so you don't miss any new episodes!</p> <p>Visit <a href= ""></a> or</p> <p><a href= ""></a> for more articles!</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
32 min
Amazon Prime Day shows the beauty of Capitalism...
<p>It's that time of year again. It's Amazon Prime Day. As a Free-Market Capitalist, you have to rejoice in the fact that this day exists. </p> <p>You can literally buy everything you need on Amazon, and have it delivered to your house in two days. Sometimes, you can have it delivered in as little as two hours. </p> <p>We have to sit back and ask the question, "Why does this exist?" Well, put simply, it exists because someone wanted to make money. Maybe that sounds selfish or greedy, but that's only if you have a negative view of money, itself. </p> <p>Money, as always, is a representation of value that you have provided to others. In a free-market system, that is. If you pay $1 for a cup of coffee, it is only because you value that cup of coffee more than you valued the dollar. On the flip side, the vendor only sold you the coffee because they valued the dollar more than they valued the coffee. As simple as it is, that small example works for all things in a free-market economy. </p> <p>If you hold the above view of money, then you are less likely to look down upon the desire to make money by starting your own business. As long as you are operating in a free economy, you would only be able to make money by providing products or services that the population value. If it wasn't deemed valuable, you would never make the money. </p> <p>So now we arrive back at the fact that someone started Amazon to make money. Good! </p> <p>As a study on the effects of Walmart found, the average American family saves over $2,500 per year simply because Walmart exists, whether they shop at Walmart or not. How? All of the competing retailers and grocery stores must find ways to lower their costs/prices so they remain competitive with Walmart for your business. </p> <p>We see the same thing with Amazon. In our podcast episode, we detail out the amazing fact that today and tomorrow, not only do you have the option to shop at a large discount at Amazon, but Target and Walmart are both running massive online sales to compete with Amazon for your business. This means that Amazon is saving you money, even if you don't have a Prime membership, or shop at for any of your goods. </p> <p>That's the amazing part about Capitalism and the Free-Market. No government issued an order today stating that Amazon must lower their prices, and no regulative body issued an order stating that Walmart and Target must lower their prices to match Amazon. That's the power of a free and competitive market. </p> <p>So who wins in this scenario? Well certainly Jeff Bezos and thousands of other Amazon investors, but also the hundreds of millions of people that use Amazon, Walmart, and Target. The economy as a whole wins because the opportunity to allocate dollars to more efficient uses has now presented itself. </p> <p>The rest of the beauty? You don't have to shop at Amazon today, or tomorrow. You can spend more elsewhere, make your own products, or buy from a local vendor. Amazon is not forcing you to use their services. They want you to use their services, and they are offering you a better quality of life for doing so. </p> <p>That's Free-Market Capitalism- and it's freaking beautiful. </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
47 min
Citizenship Questions | Regulating Crypto | Reg...
<p>So many things to talk about today..</p> <p>Subscribe to the podcast!</p> <p> </p> <p>Should the US Census require an answer on citizenship? Republicans think so. We'll discuss our libertarian conundrum on this one.</p> <p>Also, how about regulating cryptocurrencies? Has the government shown that it should be trusted to regulate financial industries? What about the $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities currently weighing on our currency?</p> <p>Social media companies are treating conservatives unfairly, that's obvious. But do you want the US government in control of those companies or their content? What about when there's a democrat in charge? Seems dangerous..</p> <p>The CBO released it's study on the minimum wage, and it wasn't good. Unless you're a liberal, in that case, it was great. Is it okay to trade a 5% gain in "Real family income" for 1.3 million people losing their jobs? Probably not. </p> <p>Subscribe to the podcast, and as always, visit </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
77 min
If taxation is theft, "Corporate Welfare" isn't...
<p><strong>Please subscribe to the podcast!</strong></p> <p>What a discussion! We planned on talking about the CBO's study on the minimum wage, but we deviated into a conversation about the reality of corporate welfare. </p> <p>Let me ask you this. If taxation is theft, why would you propose a problems "solution" is to make sure someone is paying more taxes? </p> <p>If a thief is making their way through your neighborhood, taking $1,000 from each house, and your next door neighbor makes a deal for only $500 to be stolen, who is in the wrong? Would you suggest that this is "unfair?" Of course it is- but which party is responsible? Would you suggest that the solution is to make sure your neighbor pays the remaining $500?</p> <p> </p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
61 min
AudiBlog: After studying the numbers, it's clea...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The title is obviously outrageous, but if you read through to the end you might get the point.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> After the US Women's Soccer team won the 2019 FIFA World Cup, a chant of "equal pay" could be heard in the crowd. In addition to the emotionomics chant heard by the crowd, numerous news outlets including Vanity Fair, CNN, VOX, Splinter, and Business Insider led with misleading headlines about viewership in the Women's World Cup vs. the 2018 Men's World Cup. Let's break down the numbers to understand why this is another manufactured, and completely baseless complaint.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The basic idea is that the US Women's team is being paid less for the same (or more) viewership as the US Men's soccer team. The official statement was that women's team is making only <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">40%</a> of what the men's team is paid.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <strong>Let's talk about viewers</strong></p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> "The Women's World Cup ratings top Men's 2018 Championship Game by 22%"</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Here's the big difference. By big, I mean it is a massive, un-ignorable difference. The 22% win by the Women's team is talking about the viewership in the United States. This year, the Women's Cup garnered <a class="_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">almost 15 million</a> TV viewers inside the US. That is, in fact, higher than the US viewers for the 2018 Men's cup. The problem?</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Read more at <a href= ""> this link</a></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
8 min
AudiBlog: It might be out of pure hatred for Am...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> I'm a little late on this controversy, but if you didn't hear over the Independence Day break, <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Nike</a> pulled their release of a limited edition sneaker featuring the "Betsy Ross" American flag. You've seen this flag before. Any time I see this one I think of Mel Gibson waving the flag after taking the battlefield at the end of "The Patriot." That scene sticks out in my mind because it's also how I see myself every time I release one of these articles.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The <a class="_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Betsy Ross flag</a> was the original flag of the U.S.A. It featured the usual 13 stripes, but had a circle of 13 stars in the corner, both of which represented the original 13 colonies of America. This nearly forgotten antique flag was brought into the spotlight after Collin Kaepernick persuaded Nike to drop their "racist" design before bringing them to market in time for July 4th celebrations across the country. The basic idea being that the flag represented a time in U.S. history when slavery was the norm.</p> <div class="q2uC4"> <div class="_1Lhwj _34hgV image-container" data-hook="imageViewer"> <div class=""> </div> </div> </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> There's one major problem with banning the use of Betsy's flag in today's society based on the fact that the U.S. was heavily involved in the slave trade at that time- <strong>So was every other major country.</strong></p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> I haven't heard many calls to ban the use of Great Britain's flag, Mexico's flag, France's flag, let alone the dozens of other flags still used by nations around the world. When you see Britain's flag, do you think of the hundreds (if not thousands) of years that country used slave labor?</p> <p>Read the rest at <a href= ""> this link</a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
6 min
After studying the numbers, it's clear the US W...
<div class="_3uWjK" data-hook="post-description"> <div class="post-content__body"> <div class="_1mrg3"> <div class="kcuBq _36clV blog-post-page-font _2cNgp uatYj _2DgyF"> <div class="kaqlz _2pMCp blog-post-page-font css-wurfnm"> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The basic idea is that the US Women's team is being paid less for the same (or more) viewership as the US Men's soccer team. The official statement was that women's team is making only <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">40%</a> of what the men's team is paid.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <strong>Let's talk about viewers</strong></p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> "The Women's World Cup ratings top Men's 2018 Championship Game by 22%"</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Here's the big difference. By big, I mean it is a massive, un-ignorable difference. The 22% win by the Women's team is talking about the viewership in the United States. This year, the Women's Cup garnered <a class="_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">almost 15 million</a> TV viewers inside the US. That is, in fact, higher than the US viewers for the 2018 Men's cup. The problem? The Men's US soccer team was not in the 2018 World Cup Championship. Actually, they didn't even qualify for the 2018 World Cup tournament itself. The 2018 Men's World Cup Championship was between France and Croatia. These websites are actually comparing US viewership for the Women's game that featured a US team playing, and a game that did not involve the US Men's team- to make the case that the US Women's team is comparable to the US Men's team in TV audience.</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Read more at <a href= ""> this link</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="x_VfD"> </div> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
63 min
Let's discuss Justin Amash, Collin Kaepernick, ...
<p>I pledge allegiance to the Republican Party.. Oh wait, that's not it.. </p> <p>Today we talk about Justin Amash and his recent announcement. Mainly we'll discuss some of the insane comments we've seen made by Republicans, and yes, even President Trump. </p> <p>If your number one goal is to protect the constitution and to further individual liberty, how is it a good thing that Amash is no longer a part of your party? He happens to hold a 100% rating from FreedomWorks, and a 94% on the Freedom Index when it comes to voting in accordance with the US Constitution. This puts him well above most Republicans, but maybe that's not what a Republican is anymore. It seems that they are more concerned with allegiance to the party and the President than allegiance to the Constitution. </p> <p>We'll also take on the controversy surrounding NIKE and their recent decision to ban the "Betsy Ross" flag from their shoe designs. Citing "racism" and "slavery" as the reasons for this decision. </p> <p>What about all the other countries that held slaves in that time period? Are we going to ban the British "Union Jack" as well?</p> <p>As always, please subscribe to the podcast, and tell friend. </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
63 min
Audiblog: The Nazis blamed the bankers, store o...
<p>This is a quick five minute history on the collapse of the Weimar Republic- which was another name for "Germany" before WWII. When inflation hit 80 billion percent in just 3 years, the German government needed a scapegoat. As usual throughout history, they found it easy to blame those that were doing better than others for the cause of the rest of the nations woes. Those that were doing better than others were better know as "Jewish."</p> <p> </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
5 min
Audiblog: How hatred for 'the rich' killed mill...
<p>This is a short history of the "Kulaks." A "Kulak" was the name for a wealthy peasant in 1920's Russia. They were the farmers. Even having an acre or two more, or one more cow, would get you the label of Kulak. When times were rough, Lenin and Stalin pointed the masses to the Kulaks as the reason for all their suffrage.</p> <p>What happened next was the inevitable ending of class warfare. It is the implied logical conclusion that comes from pointing at one class and saying that they are to blame for your problems.</p> <p>Almost a million Kulaks were murdered. Here's how insane this ideology is- The Kulaks were the ones that knew how to grow food. In the famine that followed the destruction of the Kulaks, upwards of six million people starved to death. </p> <p>This ideology breeds such blind hatred for those who have more, that they never thought to ask "where will we get our food?" before killing an entire class of people. </p> <p> </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
3 min
The Declaration of Independence. We break it do...
<div align="center"><span style= "font-size: x-large;">I</span><span style= "font-size: large;">N</span> <span style= "font-size: x-large;">CONGRESS, J</span><span style= "font-size: large;">ULY 4, 1776</span></div> <div align="center"><span style="font-size: large;">The unanimous Declaration</span> <span style="font-size: small;">of the thirteen united</span> <span style="font-size: large;">States of America</span></div> <p><br /> When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.</p> <p>We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.</p> <p>He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.</p> <p>He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.</p> <p>He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.</p> <p>He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their Public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.</p> <p>He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.</p> <p>He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected, whereby the Legislative Powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.</p> <p>He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.</p> <p>He has obstructed t --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
40 min
Cliff Maloney of 'Young Americans for Liberty' ...
<p>Young Americans for Liberty is a non-profit organization whose goal is to Make Liberty Win. They've created a grassroots movement by organizing thousands of students with their 500 college campus chapters. Operation "Win at the Door" has sent students around the country to door knock for liberty minded candidates. Their goal is to get 250 liberty legislators elected by 2022. </p> <p> </p> <p>Get more information at:</p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p>Donate to their amazing cause <a href= "">here</a></p> <p> </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
35 min
Audiblog: Buying votes is illegal- Unless you'r...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Read the article at </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <a href= ""></a></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <a href=""></a></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> I've spent the last few days combing through the Democrats' plans for free college, free healthcare, "freedom dividends," among many other plans that promise to give you money if they were to win. Today, something clicked.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> It's illegal to buy votes in the United States. There are numerous federal and state level laws that line out the details on various fines associated with offering people money in exchange for their vote.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <strong>First we'll look at the federal law on vote buying.</strong></p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <em>Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and</em></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <em>Whoever solicits, accepts, or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote—</em></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <em>Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.</em></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> <em>(June 25, 1948, ch. 645,</em> <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target= "_top" rel="noopener"><em><u>62 Stat. 721</u></em></a><em>;</em> <a class="_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target= "_top" rel="noopener"><em><u>Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H)</u></em></a><em>, Sept. 13, 1994,</em> <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target= "_top" rel="noopener"><em><u>108 Stat. 2147</u></em></a><em>;</em> <a class="_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target= "_top" rel="noopener"><em><u>Pub. L. 104–294, title VI, § 601(a)(12)</u></em></a><em>, Oct. 11, 1996,</em> <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target= "_top" rel="noopener"><em><u>110 Stat. 3498</u></em></a><em>.)</em></p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> I can see the obvious "language" difference in this law, and what liberals (and yes, even some conse --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
5 min
The immigration crisis has gone on long enough.
<p>In today's episode we talked about immigration. The recent photos of the drowned father and daughter from El Salvador have raised the situation to the top of everyone's list. El Salvador's president said yesterday that his country is to blame, not America. We'll weigh in on everything from the welfare system, to the drug war. </p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Remember to Subscribe!</strong></p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
64 min
Our take on the Young American's for Liberty co...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> We spent the weekend at the Young American's for Liberty conference in Memphis, TN. If you haven't heard of them before, check out their website at</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> In the recent Democratic debate we were able to hear presidential candidate Andrew Yang's plan for a "Freedom Dividend," or otherwise known as "Universal Basic Income(UBI)." This is not a new idea. In fact, even one of my favorite economists, Milton Friedman, was in support of a UBI as a replacement for the current welfare system.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Yang's proposal would give a direct payment of $1,000 per month to every American above the age of 18. Rich, poor, white, black- it doesn't matter. Everyone above the age of 18 will receive this "Freedom Dividend."</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The US Government currently spends <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$668 billion</a> per year on welfare programs. Remember, "welfare" is just one portion of the social safety net. That number also does not take into account what state's spend on welfare; another portion of the equation that is likely to change under a UBI system.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The most recent count on the amount of adults in the US above the age of 18, has the number at 247 million. A $1,000 payment to each of them would cost 247 billion per month. That's 2.9 trillion per year to fund the "Freedom Dividend," without the administrative overhead costs.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Andrew Yang's UBI is proposed to be covered by a Value-Added Tax (VAT) of 10%. A VAT would be paid by business owners in the production phases of their products. Currently, the US does not have a VAT system in place. To re-phrase the VAT- A tax will be put on business at production, to be given to the people for consumption of their products.</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> READ MORE @</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
55 min
Audiblog: Andrew Yang's "Freedom Dividend" is n...
<p>Read the full article:</p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p> </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> In the recent Democratic debate we were able to hear presidential candidate Andrew Yang's plan for a "Freedom Dividend," or otherwise known as "Universal Basic Income(UBI)." This is not a new idea. In fact, even one of my favorite economists, Milton Friedman, was in support of a UBI as a replacement for the current welfare system.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Yang's proposal would give a direct payment of $1,000 per month to every American above the age of 18. Rich, poor, white, black- it doesn't matter. Everyone above the age of 18 will receive this "Freedom Dividend."</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The US Government currently spends <a class= "_2qJYG blog-link-hashtag-color y_1_u" href= "" target="_blank" rel="noopener">$668 billion</a> per year on welfare programs. Remember, "welfare" is just one portion of the social safety net. That number also does not take into account what state's spend on welfare; another portion of the equation that is likely to change under a UBI system.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> The most recent count on the amount of adults in the US above the age of 18, has the number at 247 million. A $1,000 payment to each of them would cost 247 billion per month. That's 2.9 trillion per year to fund the "Freedom Dividend," without the administrative overhead costs.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Andrew Yang's UBI is proposed to be covered by a Value-Added Tax (VAT) of 10%. A VAT would be paid by business owners in the production phases of their products. Currently, the US does not have a VAT system in place. To re-phrase the VAT- A tax will be put on business at production, to be given to the people for consumption of their products.</p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
69 min
Who won last night's debate? Hint: It definitel...
<p>I'm sure you watched last nights debate, and if you're like us- you feel sorry for that time you'll never get back. Each of the democratic candidates did their best to convince you that the 1% are to blame for all your woes, and the only solution is to give more power and money to the US Government. We'll rip this thing to shreds to the best of our abilities. </p> <p> </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
62 min
The first 2020 Democratic Debate: We combed thr...
<p>Tonight is the first of 1,847 likely upcoming democratic primary debates. We go through Bernie Sanders' answers from the Fox News town hall last month. He's likely to repeat the same things over and over again tomorrow night, so let's take them apart real before-hand. </p> <p> </p> <p><a href= ""></a></p> <p><a href=""></a></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
48 min
Let's tear apart Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's 60 ...
<p>In today's episode we go line by line through AOC's latest interview on 60 Minutes. She's got a lot of radical ideas- so I think it's important we discuss her ideology. </p> <p> </p> <p></p> <p></p> <p> </p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
66 min
Audiblog: Bernie Sanders' plan for student loan...
<p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Bernie Sanders is at it again, again.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Today's latest plan is to "cancel" $1.6 trillion of student loan debt. How does he plan to pay for this debt cancellation? With a tax on Wall Street speculation.</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> Using the millennial's hatred for wall street is an amazing tactic for Bernie. If there's one thing he's good at, it's salesmanship. This is a clear move to buy votes in the primary election. Sanders' has already been running close in the polls to Joe Biden, and he's been looking for something to push him over the top. Why not just literally buy the votes of thousands of people who are still paying off their student loan debt?</p> <div class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </div> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> I've gone pretty far into how bad this plan would be for our economy in another article. You can go into the numbers details in that article here. Just as a quick reference, a .5% tax on stock trades could reduce your potential retirement by 39%. "Aggressive/risky" trading is what funds use to balance their portfolios against their safe investments. A tax on aggressive trading will lower the amount of risky trades companies are willing to take, lowering the average gain on your account every year.</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB">  </p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"> read the full article at</p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"></p> <p class= "XzvDs _208Ie _3_7DB blog-post-text-font blog-post-text-color _2p1aK _158eo _3_7DB"></p> --- Support this podcast: <a href="" rel="payment"></a>
8 min