For The Love With Jen Hatmaker Podcast

New York Times bestselling author Jen Hatmaker and her longtime friend, Amy Hardin, have arrived in the middle years — and they couldn’t be happier about it. 

Each has navigated the ins and outs of life — from careers, to parenting, marriage (and, for Jen, divorce), spiritual evolution, and the joys of being hardcore Gen Xers.

With each weekly episode, Jen and Amy serve as our “everywoman” guides to all the seasons — past, present, and future — as they walk excitedly and tenaciously into the second half of life.

While Jen and Amy have plenty of wisdom to share — and some pretty hilarious stories, too — they don’t claim to know it all. That's why they invite some of the most interesting and accomplished guests to the podcast, bringing insight, expertise, and understanding to the most relevant topics of our time. From Jen and Amy’s compelling conversations with guests to their witty banter (and the occasional eye-rolls at the absurdities of life), they’re here reassure you that you’re not alone in this game of life. 

It’s “For the Love” of all that is good, justified, exasperating, exhilarating, real, fun — and so much more.

Society & Culture
[BONUS] Reaching Across The Aisle: Beto O'Rourk...
It’s been bananas in the political sphere the past few years, but you knew that. You may not think you have a voice in any of the chaos, but frankly you do—because We The People get to decide who represents us and our values. Your thoughts, your...
83 min
Ask Jen! All Your Book and Writing Questions An...
What was the hardest book for Jen to write? How’s the new book coming along? How on earth do we dip a toe into the publishing waters? And when is she going to write us a cookbook?! No doubt each of us in the For the Love community has had a question...
78 min
Piecing Shattered Dreams into a Beautiful Story...
When we’re kids, we each think about the lives we want when we’re older. What if you worked hard for years to make that dream—a loving husband, doting children, a farmhouse with a literal white-picket fence—a reality? And then, all of a...
69 min
Tell Me More, Kelly Corrigan: A Live Show with ...
This is a special week in For the Love world, because it’s our very first live podcast! A few weeks ago, Jen and hosted 150 women in Jen’s backyard in Buda, Texas, and today we get to share this conversation with you, our beloved For the Love...
89 min
Writing from Opposite Sides: Jodi Picoult Asks ...
We’re forging ahead in our For the Love of Books series, and today we host one of the most distinctive and decorated novelists of our time, a woman who challenges us to chew on why we believe what we believe: . For more than twenty years, Jodi has...
70 min
Books as Mirrors and Windows: Kwame Alexander’s...
Our book series is in full swing, and we’re loving the conversations about reading and how words help us voice what really matters to us! This week’s guest is author, poet, and educator . And if you’ve never been into poetry, Kwame is here to...
55 min
Use Your Words to Raise Your Voice with Kathy K...
There's never been a time when words matter more. They have the force to spark ideas, to build, to topple the status quo. Words enter the world when you use your voice. But what is your voice? For some of us, we're not even sure what our voice sounds...
69 min
Bringing Your Story to Life: Imperfect Courage ...
Welcome to a brand spanking new series that we are just tickled to launch—For the Love of Books! It’s not like we don’t talk about books all the time anyway, but now we’re dedicating an entire series to officially having amazing conversations...
57 min
Purposeful Parenting: Two Determined Mamas Talk...
Our Parenting series wraps up with an episode that our tribe has requested overwhelmingly. As parents, we are all doing the best we can to raise great kids. But what about the challenges we didn’t expect? What about the kids who have been left...
77 min
Working Moms Stretched Too Thin: Jessica Turner...
Over 70% of moms in America work, and let’s face it: they’re pulled in a thousand directions. More than ever, the pressure is sky high to do All The Things well: birthday parties, presentations, laundry, answering emails. There hardly seems time...
73 min
Jen’s Parents Tell It All: Real-Time Parenting ...
It’s the second half of the epic interview with Jana and Larry King—AKA Jen’s very own parents! In this part of the chat, Jana and Larry dish parenting gold as they talk about solutions for sibling rivalry, how to make tough parenting calls, how...
57 min
Jen’s Parents Tell It All: Real-Time Parenting ...
This episode is an important chapter in For the Love Podcast history, because we have the most exceptional parenting experts on the show: Jen’s own parents! Jana and Larry King have been married for forty-seven years and had four children, and...
63 min
Parenting Through All Stages: When to Hold On &...
Parenting is a lifelong job, even after our children have flown the coop and are tending their own broods. Throughout the various stages, from the early “no sleep” baby years to the endless carpool years, we barely have the bandwidth to think...
73 min
TV (and Real Life) Mom Candace Cameron’s Path t...
From your mouth to Jen’s headphones, we’re starting a brand-new series you requested: For the Love of Parenting! This series will not only speak to those of us who are in the thick of parenting kids at every stage, but for those of us who are...
52 min
Making Summer Camp Magic Last a Lifetime: Stacy...
Nearly forty years ago, they met at camp. Then they got married. Now they’re running the same camp! This week, we’re closing out For the Love of Summer with our crowdsourced episode, featuring Stacy and Darell Smith. For more than thirty years,...
59 min
De-Stressing Summer Fashion with ModCloth’s Liz...
School’s out, the pool/beach/lake is calling, and vacation is just around the corner. For many of us, summer fashion means flip flops, sundresses and living in our bathing suits. For others, summer clothing choices, where often “less is more,”...
48 min
You, A Book & A Beach: Must-Have Summer Reads f...
Summertime is book time. Whether you’re by the pool, on a road trip, clutching your pearls in the AC, or on a cruise (#jealous), now’s the time to escape. And there’s no one better for book talk than Anne Bogel, author and founder of Modern Mrs....
58 min
Living a Hands Free Summer with Rachel Macy Sta...
Rachel Macy Stafford was missing life. Her planner bulged, her phone buzzed, her calendar constantly full. In a painful moment of realization, Rachel discovered she was choosing distraction over connection with her young family—and she decided...
55 min
Travelling the World with Kids Can be Fun: Tsh ...
If there were ever a family travel expert, it’s . In 2014, Tsh and her husband Kyle sold their house, put all their stuff in storage, and went on an almost year-long trip around the world with their three kids—ages four, six, and nine. Tsh wrote...
63 min
Advocating for Humanity: Blue Babies Pink's Bre...
It’s the final episode in the “For the Love of Exploring Our Faith” series, and you guys begged to hear from this week’s guest. Not that we blame you—we love him, too! Brett Trapp is a marketing consultant and storyteller who lives in...
64 min
Learning to Walk in the Dark with Barbara Brown...
What is saving our life right now? Having the matriarch of our favorite question as part of our “Exploring Our Faith” series this week!  Barbara Brown Taylor is a New York Times best-selling author, teacher, and Episcopal priest. Her last...
55 min
Loving, Leaving & Finding the Church with Rache...
This week we’re coming in strong in our For the Love of Exploring our Faith series with New York Times bestselling author, speaker and self-proclaimed “Bible Nerd,” Rachel Held Evans. Rachel’s writings have resonated with many of us who have...
67 min
“Me? Love Them?” Loving Everybody Always with B...
We’re 5 episodes into our “For the Love of Exploring Our Faith” Series and the Christian guru of love himself, Bob Goff, joins Jen on the show this week. Bob’s journey has been one of taking risks, defying norms, and living by faith. A...
57 min
Knowing Where We’ve Been To Get Where We’re Goi...
We continue to explore our faith in Eps 4 of this series with writer and speaker AUSTIN CHANNING BROWN. Austin is a practitioner who helps schools, nonprofits, and religious organizations confront racism and practice genuine inclusion. Her writing has...
64 min
Politics, Faith & Open Hearts with Joshua DuBois
Our powerful series “For the Love of Exploring Our Faith” continues with author, community leader and story-teller Josh DuBois. Josh has had the unique role of being “The President’s Pastor In Chief” during Barack Obama’s early years of...
69 min