For The Love With Jen Hatmaker Podcast

New York Times bestselling author Jen Hatmaker and her longtime friend, Amy Hardin, have arrived in the middle years — and they couldn’t be happier about it. 

Each has navigated the ins and outs of life — from careers, to parenting, marriage (and, for Jen, divorce), spiritual evolution, and the joys of being hardcore Gen Xers.

With each weekly episode, Jen and Amy serve as our “everywoman” guides to all the seasons — past, present, and future — as they walk excitedly and tenaciously into the second half of life.

While Jen and Amy have plenty of wisdom to share — and some pretty hilarious stories, too — they don’t claim to know it all. That's why they invite some of the most interesting and accomplished guests to the podcast, bringing insight, expertise, and understanding to the most relevant topics of our time. From Jen and Amy’s compelling conversations with guests to their witty banter (and the occasional eye-rolls at the absurdities of life), they’re here reassure you that you’re not alone in this game of life. 

It’s “For the Love” of all that is good, justified, exasperating, exhilarating, real, fun — and so much more.

Society & Culture
A Call to Openness & Affirmation: A Panel Discu...
2020’s Faith series has brought us incredible leaders across decades, generations, denominations, and ideologies. We've listened to what makes them excited to be in the faith right now and what's been challenging. We've talked about ways to build a...
85 min
Love is the Game Changer of Our Faith: Bishop M...
Our guest in this continuation of our For the Love of Faith Icons series has conducted his faith leadership through a lens of love, sacrifice and goodness. Bishop Michael Curry is here to share his ideologies behind faith and what it means to live a...
65 min
Beth Moore Guides Us Through the Rocky Soil
Our For the Love of Faith Icons series wouldn’t be complete without one of Jen’s longtime inspirations and mentors: Beth Moore. After four decades of leadership as an author, speaker, and teacher, Beth has seen a lot and come through a lot, but...
72 min
Thou Shalt Not Be a Jerk: Eugene Cho’s Guide to...
Our For the Love of Faith Icons series is going strong, and this week we’re diving into an issue we’ve probably all struggled with: how to act like a Christian when we’re riled up about our political views. Without even knowing it, each of us...
65 min
How to Create a Politics of Love: Lisa Sharon H...
Are y’all ready to go to church? Because in this episode of our For the Love of Faith Icons series, author and activist Lisa Sharon Harper graces us once again with her singular wisdom and fire—and we are here. for. it. Lisa shares what’s been...
70 min
Laughing Through Walls of Fear: Patsy Clairmont
It’s full steam ahead in For the Love of Faith Icons, and listen—grab your pens and your Kleenexes, because Jen’s dear friend Patsy Clairmont is equal parts wisdom and pure sunshine (and we want her to adopt us). A beloved speaker and author,...
67 min
A Faith That Leaves Room for Questions: Andy St...
Our “For the Love of Faith Icons” series continues with another leader who hails from a famous evangelical family and has blazed a trail to a new understanding of Christianity and where the Bible fits in: pastor, writer and speaker Andy Stanley....
70 min
Max Lucado: The Beauty of Disagreeing Agreeably 
It’s a brand-new year, a brand-new decade—and a brand-new series!  “For the Love of Faith Icons” finds Jen talking to some of the most well-loved leaders in the faith, the kinds of folks who have had a chance to see themselves and the...
67 min
A Thrill of Hope: Nadia Bolz-Weber Uncovers the...
Christmas holds so many truths all at once, as it has for thousands of years. And today, Jen’s friend, pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber, leads us to look with several new lenses at the story we’ve heard since we were toddling around in snowman footie...
54 min
From Disney Exec to Dream Facilitator: Dave Hol...
As we continue the conversation about finishing strong for the year, we tap into a resource who clearly maps out a way we all can live happier and with more intention. Our friend Dave Hollis (husband to our other friend, Rachel!) had his dream job as...
60 min
Running Toward the Goal with Abby Wambach 
We’re kicking it with a legend today on our series For the Love of Finishing Strong: ! Abby shares her road to soccer stardom and the lessons she picked up from great leaders along the way—like her coach Pia Sundhage, who showed Abby how powerful...
64 min
Letting Go of the Past To Embrace Your Future: ...
It’s the first episode of our Finishing Strong series!  With the pressure of New Year’s resolutions and “new year, new you” mandates creeping just ‘round the corner, we’d like to focus on finishing this year (and this decade) with a...
45 min
[BONUS] The Hatmakers' Favorite Things: 3rd Ann...
Podcast Land’s giving-est couple Jen & Brandon are back with a slew of great gift ideas for the holidays on our 3rd Annual Hatmaker’s Favorite Things Holiday Gift Guide! Brennifer’s (we’re gonna get that “Super Couple” name to stick)...
69 min
Mister Rogers at The Movies: Writers/Producers ...
Hello, neighbor! Today we start a short holiday series that reminds us there’s still so much good in the world, and so much to be thankful for. Speaking of, is there anyone more iconic, more revolutionary, more kind than Fred Rogers? Today we get a...
45 min
Armchair Expert-ise with Podcast Creator and Ho...
As we wrap up our For the Love of Podcasts series (insert sad face), Jen’s sitting down with the one and only Monica Padman, co-creator and co-host with —aka THE most-downloaded new podcast of 2018. Monica is a creative powerhouse, and today she...
74 min
This American Life’s Bim Adewunmi on the Magic ...
Our next episode of For the Love of Podcasts takes us to the gates of one of the most beloved audio shows of all time, . And here to take us by the hand and lead us through the gates is producer Bim Adewunmi! Bim has had a rich media career, working...
60 min
Hardcore History’s Dan Carlin Breaks Down Histo...
  Today we’re cracking open the history textbooks and learning from OG podcaster—we’re talking, ! Dan’s had a long career in broadcasting and his podcast, Hardcore History, combines gripping moments in history with Twilight Zone-style...
68 min
Retelling Our Past & Future: Podcasters Propaga...
This 4th episode in our For the Love of Podcasts series speaks to the powerful way podcasts can affect change. In fact, we’ve seen podcasts start important conversations and transport us to moments in history we’d have never encountered otherwise....
85 min
“How To! with Charles Duhigg Podcast” Gets Answ...
We’re learning truckloads and having a ridiculous amount of fun in our For the Love of Podcasts series—lifehacks abound in these episodes, and especially in the show of our next guest: . Charles is a Pulitzer-winning investigative reporter and NYT...
48 min
Manage Your Money Like a Boss: The Rachel Cruze...
One of THE best things about podcasts is how we can instantly connect with wise teachers who change our lives for the better. And that’s 100% true for today’s guest, personal finance expert ! For some of us, throwing around words like “budget”...
64 min
Behind the Scenes with Podcast Queens: The Secr...
Calling all podcast nerds: today we’re launching a brand-new series celebrating the shows and hosts we love—that’s right, it’s time to kick off For the Love of Podcasts! And today we’re thrilled to bring you two fresh voices who started a...
68 min
Unlocking Our Kids’ Potential: Teachers of the ...
We’re wrapping up the Back to School series as we celebrate the heart of our nation’s classrooms: our teachers. There are so many inspiring teachers that we couldn’t narrow down our conversation to just one guest. We had to talk to two very...
63 min
Tales From Elementary School - 5th Grader Ryan ...
We’re still in full swing with our back to school series, and we’ve saved the best of our academic years for last - Elementary School. If you’ve ever been tempted to lose faith in this upcoming crop of youngsters, we’re here to bear witness...
35 min
Remy Hatmaker & BFF Ella on Middle School: Jugg...
We’re winding back the clock and revisiting one of the most pivotal times in our lives: middle school. And guiding us through the junior high hallways of 2019 are Jen’s daughter Remy and her very best friend Ella! These girls have weathered middle...
61 min
Ben & Caleb Hatmaker Show Us Around High School...
Hit up your locker and meet us in homeroom because today we’re going back to high school with Jen’s very own two high schoolers, Caleb and Ben Hatmaker. High school is a formative experience for all, and Ben and Caleb’s journey will likely...
83 min