For The Love With Jen Hatmaker Podcast

New York Times bestselling author Jen Hatmaker and her longtime friend, Amy Hardin, have arrived in the middle years — and they couldn’t be happier about it. 

Each has navigated the ins and outs of life — from careers, to parenting, marriage (and, for Jen, divorce), spiritual evolution, and the joys of being hardcore Gen Xers.

With each weekly episode, Jen and Amy serve as our “everywoman” guides to all the seasons — past, present, and future — as they walk excitedly and tenaciously into the second half of life.

While Jen and Amy have plenty of wisdom to share — and some pretty hilarious stories, too — they don’t claim to know it all. That's why they invite some of the most interesting and accomplished guests to the podcast, bringing insight, expertise, and understanding to the most relevant topics of our time. From Jen and Amy’s compelling conversations with guests to their witty banter (and the occasional eye-rolls at the absurdities of life), they’re here reassure you that you’re not alone in this game of life. 

It’s “For the Love” of all that is good, justified, exasperating, exhilarating, real, fun — and so much more.

Society & Culture
Enneagram Twos - Phileena Heuertz on The Helpers
Our next installment of For the Love of The Enneagram brings us to wonderful Enneagram Twos (aka The Helpers!). And leading our discussion is Phileena Heuertz, a spiritual director and Enneagram expert who, as a Two herself, knows how it feels to love...
46 min
Enneagram Ones - The Reformers with Fr. Richard...
Last week, we launched our brand-new Enneagram series, and today we begin our deep-dive into each of the nine numbers. We’re starting right at the top with Enneagram Ones—and who’s better to talk about Ones than with For the Love favorite, Fr....
49 min
What is The Enneagram? Suzanne Stabile Gives Us...
Good people of the internet and faithful For the Love listeners—you’ve asked, we’ve listened, and we are *thrilled* to invite you to our brand-new series on one of our favorite topics: The Enneagram personality assessment! Whether you’re a...
63 min
Elizabeth Gilbert Moves from Fear to Fierce
Who would we be if we weren’t afraid? What would our lives look like if we pushed aside our greatest fears and let curiosity lead the way? Today we’re wrapping the Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire series with one of the world’s greatest teachers...
60 min
[BONUS] A “Fierce” Jen Hatmaker Book Club Sneak...
Have you ever wanted to be part of an actual book club? One that actually reads the book instead of just providing classy cover for wine drinking? (well, okay, there’s still a *little* wine drinking) Then seriously, you need to join the Jen Hatmaker...
80 min
Camila McConaughey: Empowerment to Do What We’v...
Fierce women are all around us—we are them, we raise them, we’ve been mentored by them. But lifestyle expert and entrepreneur Camila McConaughey takes that to a new level by cultivating a loving, open, supportive community called Women of Today....
42 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 11: Paula Faris o...
Right now, we’re capable of so much more than surviving. We can thrive right now if we dig deep and we put our hand to this work. Award-winning ABC News correspondent Paula Faris, who also hosts the Journeys of Faith podcast, has just undergone an...
32 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 10: Sheri Salata ...
Think about the day quarantine is over (dare we dream?). What will our lives look like? Who will we be? Is it possible that maybe, ever so gently, we can start taking a small inventory of what’s been serving us, and what we want to let go of?...
35 min
Jordan Lee Dooley Chases the Dream and Owns It
Our next “Fierce” guest is coming in hot! The dynamite leader of the Own It Academy, Jordan Lee Dooley, takes the mic to push us to ponder what our true dreams really are and how we can start to own them—even if we have to take steps outside of...
55 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 9: Blame Scars, F...
We’re all struggling with resentment right now—separation from family and friends, lost jobs and furloughs, cancelled graduations and vacations, and even struggling to come up with grace for the people living right inside our very houses. But our...
30 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 8: When This is O...
Quarantine Queens is back with another episode as we continue to muddle through this weird time of isolation and the ongoing search for the elusive “new normal,” including; when is it okay to take a break from the seriousness of it all to have fun...
40 min
Fierce, Free, & Full of Questions: Melissa Radk...
The For the Love world is totally upside-down today, y’all. Jen is a guest on her own podcast, and gets interviewed about her new book, Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire, by the ever-so-magical Melissa Radke! Jen reveals the first outlier women who...
65 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 7: Kate Bowler – ...
What do you do when you believe God is good, that He has a plans to give us hope and a future, and yet the reality of what we’re living is . . . well, it’s hard. And sad. So how do we reconcile having hard feelings and holding onto faith? Times...
33 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 6: Jessica & Matt...
Parents, we’re trying our best here. Who’d have ever thought we’d find ourselves in the middle of a pandemic, trying to help our offspring navigate a world we don’t really know how to wade through ourselves? Two of our fellow parents, blogger...
33 min
Queer Eye's Bobby Berk and the Fire Inside Us All
Our next guest in our Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire series is—get ready—Queer Eye’s delightful design guru Bobby Berk. Bobby walks us through the backstory we’ve all gotten glimpses of on TV: how he left home at 15, after realizing he was gay...
56 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 5: Anne Bogel Hel...
More than ever, now’s the time we can dust off the books we’ve been meaning to read for forever and conquer our literary dreams. But what if your dreams of tackling War & Peace are too much right now and you just need a quick escape? What...
36 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 4: Your Pantry Du...
Now that so many of us are figuring out what it looks like to be home all the time, we also find ourselves cooking, cooking, cooking. Whether you’ve got a family of seven like Jen, or are cooking for one, the temptation to stress eat (Doritos...
39 min
Glennon Doyle on What’s True and Beautiful, and...
We’re THRILLED to launch our new “Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire” series, and our first guest lives all three of those traits in such an inspiring way. Glennon Doyle is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Love Warrior and Carry On,...
53 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 3: Dr. John Towns...
On the best days, people are, well, a lot. They have feelings, they have opinions, they have needs—and as “responsible adults,” we have so many people relying on us at one time that sometimes it can feel like we cannot crumble, because who on...
30 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens Eps 2: Dr. Hillary Mc...
You’re stuck at home with nowhere to go, with people you loved before you learned you were married to the guy who says, “Let’s take this convo offline,” or discovered your human limit for watching Frozen 2 on repeat is approximately 72 hours....
36 min
Jo Saxton Unpacks Women’s Stories to Make the W...
We’re wrapping our Live Podcast series on a high note with leadership trainer, international speaker, and author Jo Saxton. Jo graced us with her guidance in an early podcast series (one of our favorites) called “ For the Love of Women Who Built...
83 min
[BONUS] Quarantine Queens (and Kings!) Eps 1: P...
The For the Love Podcast is bringing you a series of special episodes as we all face the Coronavirus Pandemic and all the ways it’s impacting our lives. We’ll bring you inspiration, education, practical tips, humor & hope as we all face...
31 min
Failing, Learning, Beginning Again: For the Lov...
We’re on the road again with the For the Love Live Podcast Tour! And this stop reunites us with old friend and New York Times bestselling author Shauna Niequist. Shauna fills us in on her family’s big move from the Midwest to New York, and all the...
89 min
Laughter, Our Escape Hatch from the Dumpster Fi...
In the next stop of the For the Love Live Tour, our TV soulmates return! Knox McCoy and Jamie Golden of the ever delightful show, The Popcast, come back to tell us about more things that entertain but do not matter (and a few things that actually...
74 min
“Doing Nothing Is No Longer an Option.” – For T...
Join us on a virtual road trip for our very first For the Love Live Podcast Tour as Jen criss-crosses the country to talk to some of our very best leaders, teachers, and entertainers about literally everything under the sun. We couldn’t think of...
85 min