For The Love With Jen Hatmaker Podcast

New York Times bestselling author Jen Hatmaker and her longtime friend, Amy Hardin, have arrived in the middle years — and they couldn’t be happier about it. 

Each has navigated the ins and outs of life — from careers, to parenting, marriage (and, for Jen, divorce), spiritual evolution, and the joys of being hardcore Gen Xers.

With each weekly episode, Jen and Amy serve as our “everywoman” guides to all the seasons — past, present, and future — as they walk excitedly and tenaciously into the second half of life.

While Jen and Amy have plenty of wisdom to share — and some pretty hilarious stories, too — they don’t claim to know it all. That's why they invite some of the most interesting and accomplished guests to the podcast, bringing insight, expertise, and understanding to the most relevant topics of our time. From Jen and Amy’s compelling conversations with guests to their witty banter (and the occasional eye-rolls at the absurdities of life), they’re here reassure you that you’re not alone in this game of life. 

It’s “For the Love” of all that is good, justified, exasperating, exhilarating, real, fun — and so much more.

Society & Culture
How’s College Life in 2019? Gavin & Sydney Hatm...
  Pull out your notebooks and sharpen your pencils, because today we’re starting a brand-new series called For the Love of Back to School! Ahh, school. Some things never change (football games! clubs! writing your entire term paper the night...
73 min
Deconstructing Fake News with MediaWise’s Heave...
Remember when newspapers and 3 TV channels were the only ways you consumed the news? That world will never be a reality for our kids—and it’s up to us to teach them to think critically about where they’re getting information and who may be...
44 min
“The Truth Is Worth It.” – NY Times’ Elizabeth ...
When we sat down to plan For the Love of Finding the Truth, one of the first names that came to mind was Elizabeth Dias of The New York Times. And for good reason—Elizabeth is one of our best thinkers right now, giving us context for what’s going...
70 min
379’s R. Eric Thomas: Truth Is Funnier Tha...
“It’s funny ‘cause it’s true!” said Tina Fey on 30 Rock. As in all things, Tina is 100% correct. In our 2nd episode of For the Love of Finding the Truth, humor writer and Jen explore humor as a truth-telling device and how we can...
49 min
Left & Right CAN Be Friends: Searching for Trut...
  In the immortal words of Jack Nicholson, can you handle the truth? We think you can, and we’re excited to start a new series that dives into the murky world of truth-telling in our culture today: For the Love of Finding the Truth! Skewing the...
72 min
She Should Run: Erin Loos Cutraro’s Vision for ...
has a vision some may describe as bold, but actually, it should be our reality: half of the people running for office should be women (and spoiler alert: women who run win at the same rates as men!). But often, starting when we’re little girls,...
61 min
Chef Dominique Crenn: Leading with Love In and ...
If you’ve seen her on the Netflix series Chef’s Table, you know is filled with equal parts talent, love, and creative whimsy. Dominique is the chef-proprietor of she opened nearly a decade ago. And last year Dominique became the first female...
47 min
Real-Life ‘Call the Midwife’ in Haiti: Tara Liv...
Our series on Powerhouse Women continues with two strong women who are helping women in Haiti get through the most powerful and vulnerable moments they will ever experience: giving birth. Midwives Tara Livesay and KJ Johnson are best friends who work...
66 min
The Power to Survive, Heal and Succeed: Faceboo...
faced a lot of obstacles on her path to becoming a powerhouse woman and now heads up global faith-based partnerships at Facebook. Growing up with a single mom amid trauma and abuse, Nona struggled to see her value or her place in the world. Nona found...
62 min
Even Winners Fail: Sarah Robb O’Hagan
By anyone's definition, is a winning force. She's a brilliant executive, passionate athlete, and bold entrepreneur who’s worked with some of the biggest corporations around: Apple, Virgin Atlantic, Nike, to name a few. And when Sarah was the CEO of...
44 min
theSkimm’s Carly Zakin & Danielle Weisberg: Emp...
We all know knowledge is power. But the power doesn’t just come from what you know—it comes from acting on that knowledge. And for , their mission is to give that power to millennial women and beyond, to arm them with the tools and confidence to...
53 min
Melinda Gates: The Power of Lifting Up Women
We’re starting strong in our new series For the Love of Powerhouse Women, because we’re joined by one of our personal heroes: . Kind and wise, Melinda leads the , to improve the lives of millions of women and children around the world, and she...
54 min
[BONUS] Love, Learning and Leadership with Sted...
In this bonus episode as we begin a new series, which features Powerhouse Women, we’re thrilled to visit with someone close to one of the most powerful women on the planet! whose clients range from Microsoft to the US Department of Labor. And after...
41 min
[BONUS] Celebrating 100 Episodes! For the Love'...
Break out the champagne and the streamers because today we’re celebrating our 100th episode! To mark this illustrious milestone, Jen is joined by the women behind the podcast: God-sent angel/assistant Amanda Duckett (who had to be heavily bribed to...
89 min
It’s Okay to Be a Late Bloomer: Forbes Magazine...
In our fifth and final installment of For the Love of Health & Wellness, we’re exploring the wide world of career health, a huge part of many of our lives that affects us mind, body, and soul. How we spend our days is how we spend our lives, and...
63 min
You Are Worthy of Great Sex (and so much more):...
  *Since this episode contains mature themes, we recommend listening where kids can’t hear.* We forge ahead in For the Love of Health & Wellness with an important facet of our health we don’t address as openly as we may care to admit:...
64 min
Practicing Kindness for a Healthier Life: Sebas...
Let’s get in the driver’s seat of how we’re living, who we’re investing in, and how we’re spending our time as we head into the third episode of For the Love of Health & Wellness. Today we’re looking at the direct connection between...
67 min
Healthy Connections for a Healthy Life: Dr. Dan...
With the second episode of our For the Love of Health & Wellness series, we’re taking a deep dive into physical health—but this is not a “go get your annual physical” guilt trip. We’re talking with a doctor who’s taking a refreshing...
53 min
Pursuing Health at Every Size with Nutritionist...
We’re thrilled to begin a new series we hope will spur conversations about our body image, health, nutrition and well-being. During For the Love of Health & Wellness, we’re stepping out of the body-shaming space and giving the mic to experts...
61 min
Rachel Held Evans Tribute Episode: 2018 Intervi...
We lost a beloved friend, teacher, and true faith groundbreaker this week. Her teachings, writings, and insight into the Christian faith have quietly revolutionized the lives for many whose religious upbringing imposed limits and yielded scars....
63 min
[BONUS] Chrissy Metz from This Is Us and her Br...
We always like to mix it up a little bit here in world, and we hope you’ll be the happy beneficiaries of this bonus episode! We got the chance to catch up with one of our faves--the beautiful and talented . Chrissy shares a little about how she...
25 min
Rap Artist Lecrae Navigates Injustice & Trauma ...
Coming in to wrap up our For the Love of Faith Groundbreakers series is yet another guest who challenges us to look at our faith differently, a prolific writer, rapper, activist and voice of conscience (and one that’s bound to get us cool points...
47 min
Pete Enns Adds Color to Our Black & White View ...
The Bible means many things to many people, and its passages have been interpreted seven ways to Sunday; in turn those interpretations have spawned countless church denominations that all vary in their beliefs. For some, the Bible is the ultimate...
66 min
Sarah Bessey:  Life on the Other Side of Being ...
is the friend we all need, the one who will welcome you with open arms, tuck you under a blanket she knitted herself, and hand you a cup of tea while you talk about the mysteries of life. As a matter of fact, she’s exactly that kind of friend to...
73 min
Live Yourself into a New Way of Thinking: Richa...
is one of our best teachers, hands down. Whether it’s through his work at the (which he founded) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or the many enlightening books he’s written, Fr. Richard is dedicated to helping people realize their best selves, both...
65 min