Endless Coffee Cup: Digital Marketing...

To make it in digital marketing, we need grounded knowledge and systems that create order out of chaos. Marketers need confidence in their strategies, knowledge, and skills. Not only to do amazing and exceptional work, but to reduce stress (at work and at home) and achieve career success.

I’m Matt Bailey, join me along with experts and contrarians who give you the tools to think about marketing clearly, logically, and analytically. Instead of being overwhelmed, we reduce the complexity of digital marketing to its essential simplicity, giving you a grounded, educational approach - building a solid and comprehensive knowledge that drives confidence. This is the Endless Coffee Cup.

Society & Culture
How Do You Create Social Media Content for the ...
Mohtab Arabiat managed the social media team at the largest world-wide event in 2021. Hear the challenges and victories of managing a 6-month global event!
46 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #6 - Asking Q...
According to Neil Postman, "question-asking is the single greatest tool humans have" yet it seems to be one of the most underutilized and under-valued skills in the workplace today.
14 min
Marketing to Affluent Hispanics
Shifting demographics show that markers (and the companies they represent) need to be aware of the increasing affluence within the communities and cultures around them.
62 min
The History of Search Engines
Catching up with Barry Schwartz, founder of Search Engine Roundtable and editor of Search Engine Land.
47 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #5 - Business...
You can’t escape the fundamentals of business and marketing just because you play in the digital playground.
15 min
Government Communications & Marketing
Public information and government communications are marketing as they inform, educate, and persuade the public.
52 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #4 - User Exp...
Marketing is great, giving people a great experience with and from your marketing is even better.
20 min
Let's Get Nice!
Create happy teams and better employees by being nice.
56 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #3 - Analytics
What makes analytics the most feared, yet the most in-demand training request for marketers? Matt breaks down the 3 critical areas of analytics that are necessary for marketers to be effective.
21 min
Marketing Space: The Final Frontier
Over 70 countries have entered the space race. Marketing will become critical as more companies compete for business, investors, and contracts. Izzy is on a mission to spread that word and educate the public on the remarkable potential and current activities happening in the skies above us.
57 min
Google Search Ads: Losing Keywords and Control
Google keeps changing the game for search ads. With increased automation and decreased transparency, has Google earned the trust to have more control over our campaings?
71 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #2 - Writing
The most powerful skill is persuasion. Creating content that moves people to action is a superpower.
15 min
Defining Social Media Marketing, Part 3! Social...
Greg Jarboe and Matt Bailey complete their discusssion of the Social Media Marketing landscape - as it is today! Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
89 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills: Skill #1 - Media Li...
An ability to quickly judge and synthesize information that is presented in the media without being swayed by sensationalism. This skill equips a person to objectively critique information presented in media by evaluating the author, publication, content, style, and presentation.
18 min
Defining Social Media Marketing, Part 2! Conten...
What is Social Media Marketing? What are the core competencies for marketers in this discipline?
62 min
7 Digital Marketing Skills That'll Never Go Out...
What's trending next year? You won't have to worry if you have the skills to handle it.
17 min
Defining Social Media Marketing, Part 1. Channe...
What is Social Media? What are the core competencies for marketers in this discipline?
63 min
Single Shot: Everything is FAKE!
Images, videos, headlines, follower counts, filters - How do we know what is real anymore?
14 min
Podcasting as Counter-Narrative: The Podcasters...
Podcasting is naturally anti-establishment, as it enables under-represented peoples to be heard. Though this medium, listeners can easily access a variety of viewpoints, sources, and opinions without restriction.
59 min
Single Shot: Why a Podcast?
The Nature of Content and Engagement
12 min
Let's Agree to Disagree
How to Build Bridges Instead of Walls
66 min
The Key to Business Success: Networking
One of the most imprtant factors of success in business and careeers is networking. Create a network of people that you like, know, and trust and you'll see a lifetime of benefits!
71 min
Avoid Burnout and Increase Productivity
Slow Down - Enjoy Life. Get your work life in line with the rest of your life and find a happy place.
58 min
Memes: The Perfect Brain Hack
Memes are sub-conscious thought bombs. They are modern propaganda wrapped in pop-culture, tribal-insider humor.
56 min
Thinking of Starting a Business? Don't Wait!
Stop dreaming and take action with these practical steps to starting your own business.
61 min