Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

11 Places That'll Give You Goosebumps Instantly
Different people go on vacations for different reasons: some look for peace and quiet, and some want to deal with their fears face-to-face and challenge themselves. If you’re tired of the same ol’ same ol’ when it comes to tourist attractions and you happen to have a taste for all things spooky, then it looks like this video is just for you!
10 min
8 Tourists Attractions People Have Ruined Forever
Mother Nature has gifted humans with magnificent waterfalls, powerful rivers, crystal blue bays, and spectacular rock formations. Unfortunately, time isn't kind to many of these striking natural wonders. But that's not the worst part. In some cases, none other than people themselves cause destruction to these precious places.
12 min
7 Things You Shouldn't Ever Do in a Dream
Lucid dreaming is a fascinating experience, it's when you become aware of the facts that you're dreaming. However, some strange things can happen in a lucid dream. For example, mirrors are those objects you should definitely avoid in a lucid dream. What'll happen if you look in the mirror? Here're 7 things only the bravest might do in a dream.
9 min
What If You Could See Different Things from Eac...
I’ve been a big fan of chameleons since childhood. Not because they're so colorful, but because of their eyes. It’s so cool how they can look in different directions at the same time. And I’ve always wondered what if a human had such eyes too. Luckily, I found out soon enough. One famous professor invited me to participate in an experiment. He'd studied the structure of chameleon eyes for many years and found out how to recreate them in a person. Long story short, I agreed to the experiment, and the professor conducted a difficult operation on me. And it was a success! Sort of…
7 min
11 Most Terrifying Lakes on Earth
Lakes usually instill a feeling of calm and serenity with their clear water and light breezes. When you imagine a lake, the first thing that probably comes to mind is a calm pool of water where you can swim, sail, or just sit and enjoy the beauty. But are all lakes safe? Well, we don’t think you’ll wanna go anywhere near the lakes we’re gonna tell you about, let alone take a dip in their dangerous waters! Have you ever heard, for example, about the Boiling Lake? Located in Dominica’s Morne Trois Pitons National Park, this lake can reach temperatures of 197°F along the edges. One more really dangerous lake is located in Africa. Weather conditions over it change so rapidly and without any warning that even experienced sailors have no idea when to expect danger... Other videos you might like: 10 Popular Cities That Can Be Extremely Dangerous for Tourists • Видео 10 Most Dangerous and Scariest Waters In the World • Видео 14 Roads You Would Never Want to Drive On • 14 Roads You Would Never Want to Driv... Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
6 Reasons Why Airplane Food Tastes Different
So, airplane food. The best part of flying, right? Who doesn't like to hear the phrase "Chicken or fish?" But it seems that the question really is "to eat or not to eat?"... Did you know, for example, that your airplane food isn’t exactly super fresh? Typically, your meal gets prepared 10 hours before you take that first bite. Or that all the dishes you eat from during the flight - even plastic ones! - are reusable? Interesting enough, that fact is that airline companies plan all their meals up to a year in advance! They count every single cherry tomato that you'll later find in your salad. Can you imagine that? You've probably heard that famous story when American Airlines managed to save $40,000 after they removed an itsy-bitsy olive from each salad on their flights! Yep, it's all about the right planning.
8 min
If You Can Understand This Design, You Have a H...
You are surrounded by someone's designs every day, from the chair you sit on to the book you read. If you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve heard once or twice about Van Gogh’s story. One designer that was showcased at the gift shop of a “Van Gogh immersive experience”, got inspired by the artist’s story. They designed a set of mugs so that one of you can be the ear and the other the bandage. Let's look at some more original designs. Check out these items on Amazon: Yardwe Tree Desktop Bookshelf - Van Gogh Mug - Harry Potter Hogwarts House Crest Lamp with Remote Control Wand - #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
75 Facts to Slip into Conversation to Seem Smarter
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Life at -63F (-53С) When Bananas Become Hammers
What are the coldest places in the world? If the first thing that comes into your mind is “somewhere in Russia”, you're right! At least, most of them are right there. Just imagine leaving your house when it’s 63°F! A guy from a village in northeastern Siberia recently decided to post a video on YouTube about what life in the coldest part of the coldest country in the world actually is...
9 min
50 Proofs the Ocean Is Scarier Than Outer Space
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
122 min
13 Secrets Cruise Ships Are Hiding From You
How to Save Money Traveling? How does a cruise ship function? The more travel experience you gain, the better you’ll understand that there are some things crew members don't tell you about. And you only get to know about off-the-menu treats or good deals on onboard purchases if you're really lucky. This video will open your eyes to 13 secrets cruise ship crews don't want you to know.
11 min
30 Body Facts That Were a Mystery for You
Our bodies are one of the most complicated machines there is. Like any sophisticated machine, they constantly send information about defects: in this case, the workings of our internal organs and systems. However, we often ignore what our bodies tell us, and this is a big mistake. For example, sometimes your ears can ring! You can also hear some hissing, whistling, buzzing, and even roaring. But all this noise doesn't have an external source. That's why it's known as “phantom sounds.” But why are your ears ringing? Or ever seen little dots traveling in squiggly lines, especially when you're looking at a bright blue sky? These dots are only visible for a second or so and might look like itty-bitty worms. What are they? We found some more truly impressive facts about the human body to tell you. Do you know, for example, what "the Pinocchio Effect" is? Or why you can't swallow and breathe at the same time? Or why your lips look red? These unbelievable facts about our bodies will definitely surprise you!
10 min
14 Strict Rules Princesses Are Forced to Follow
The life of real princesses is not as easy as it may seem. Here is a list of rules that princesses (as an example, we've taken Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge) must follow.
10 min
100+ Facts I Haven't Heard Anyone Talking About
There are things we all got so used to that we barely pay attention to them. From garbage cans to your notebook - many of them are hiding their unexpected secrets. Find out more about them to uncover their full potential. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
42 min
Surprising Facts About Our Planet
There's an invisible shield called the "magnetosphere" that surrounds our planet, blocking out those cosmic rays like a boss. It's like Earth's own force field, protecting us from space nasties. And did you know that our planet's core is like a molten superhero, generating a magnetic field that's key to keeping our compasses pointing north? Speaking of cool, Earth's got this crazy thing called "blue marble syndrome" – it's when astronauts get so mind-blown by our planet's beauty from space they fall head over heels in love with it. Earth is a recycling champ, too – it's been reusing the same water since the dinosaurs were strutting around. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
23 min
Moon Has Two Different Faces + Other Space Facts!
Dive into the cosmic wonderland with us as we unveil the captivating tale of the Moon's dual personalities! Join this celestial journey filled with lunar mysteries and surprising space tidbits that will leave you starry-eyed and craving more knowledge about our enchanting universe. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
25 min
Are Left and Right Twix Made in Different Facto...
If you're a Twix fan, you probably have your favorite bar: you're either team right, or team left bar. But are they really any different? The story is that the Twix inventors, brothers Earl and Seamus, once reached a breaking point – quite literally! They disagreed on chocolate-pouring techniques and caramel consistency. So, each brother went on to found his own company. Some excited fans have even gone as far as to fact-check if there are any real differences between the left and right Twix bars. It turned out that the left Twix was just a little bit crunchier. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Travel Through the Universe Without Leaving You...
How to Travel Through the Universe for Free. The video is brought to you in 360 VR and 4K quality. Use the mouse cursor to grab the screen and move it around. Traveling is something we all love but not everyone can afford it. This video will let you see some of the most amazing places both on Earth and in out endless beautiful Universe for free. You can travel through galaxies and stars and explore space without leaving your own home. It’s also an excellent way to meditate and relieve stress. Music: Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
16 min
Try to Get Out of Labyrinth In 5 Mins | VR 360
Hey guys! We've prepared one more 360-degree video for you! Meet our 4 brave (or not so much) heroes who are about to walk through the most amazing maze ever. These little cuties are Enthusiastic Edward, Ambitious Amy, Melancholic Michael and Skeptical Susan. Do you think they will make it? We'll see! Let's support this four and cheer for them! #360degreevideo #fungame #virtualmaze Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
5 min
30 Little-Known Facts About Your Second Most Co...
Facts about human eyes can be surprising. The human eye is your second most complex organ after the brain. It has over 2 million working parts! One million nerve fibers connect it to the brain! As all the pieces work together, they process around 36,000 bits of information per hour. By the way, the human eye is responsible for 80% of everything you learn. How many colors can your eyes distinguish? Why do you have way more in common with sharks than you think? What were the first creatures to have eyes like? Why we often get red eyes in photos? Can you sunburn your eyes? So, here are 30 amazing things you should know about human eyes.
8 min
45 Amazing Moon Facts You Know Nothing About
An Italian proverb says, “If the Sun shines on me, I care not for the Moon.” It's a flippant remark, as the Earth’s satellite is some simple thing not worthy of consideration. And we're going to share the most interesting facts about the Moon with you; it might change your mind about the moon's simplicity. Did you know, for example, that there are huge temperature fluctuations on the Moon? Or that its gravity is only 1/6th that of the Earth’s. If your weight here is 100 pounds, you’ll only weigh 17 pounds standing on the Moon’s surface. You would also be able to walk a distance 6 times longer and carry a weight 6 times heavier there.
11 min
9 Tips to Keep Hair Clean and Voluminous Longer
Stylists revealed 9 tips to help you keep your hair clean and voluminous longer. Follow these easy rules to make your hair beautiful and healthy as ever. Pick the right water temperature and amount of shampoo to wash your hair. Squeeze out a quarter-sized amount of shampoo onto your palms and rub them together. Start by lathering the roots at the top of your head and move down towards your nape. Remember that the longer you have the conditioner on your hair, the better it's absorbed. Another quick and easy trick for healthier hair is to plan out your hairstyles. As crazy as it may sound, nobody should wash their hair every single day. It turns out, it's pretty useless to apply dry shampoo after exercising. To keep your skin and hair healthy, you have to change your pillowcases at least once a week. If you have oily skin and greasy hair, you’d better do it twice a week. Most heavy hair care products, like masks, balms, and conditioners, are made to be used on the ends of the hair. Scalp masks moisturize the skin on your head, and hydrated skin doesn’t produce excess oil. Hollywood stylist Thomas Taw suggests performing a simple test to find out how damaged your hair really is. Simply pull out a single strand of hair and put it in a glass of clean water. If it floats on the surface, your hair is healthy.
9 min
You Have More Than 5 Senses + Other Unbelievabl...
In the world of advanced technologies nothing can compare with such a unique mechanism as a human body. It's a fine and complicated system and we hardly know everything about it. For example, most people are sure that humans only have 5 senses. But that's not entirely true. Another surprising fact is that your stomach produces a new lining every 6 days to avoid digesting itself. Wow! More unbelievable body facts are coming your way!
9 min
What Your Future Has in Store? Take This Test T...
Ready to unlock a sneak peek into your future? It's time to take the ultimate test that's all about YOU. Wondering what adventures, twists, and turns life might throw your way? This test might just spill the cosmic beans. Whether you're dreaming of success, love, or unexpected surprises, this test could hold the key to what's waiting around the corner. So, grab a seat, get comfy, and let's dive into a world of possibilities. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
24 min
20 Details That Make Your Home a Target for Bur...
Vacation season is here and you've probably wondered 'how do I protect my home from intruders'... Even if you didn't, it's better to take precautions to secure your home. According to statistics, in the U.S. alone one burglary happens every 22.6 seconds. It doesn't mean you're 'on the list' but you can take preventive measures and outsmart any burglar. The first step to take: change the plaque with your house number for a bigger one. Why? Let's find out... #brightside #burglarproof 0:00 What if you think someone broke in 0:28 How a house number can attract burglars 1:17 Get a fence! 1:35 Light up your property 2:15 Try a ring camera 2:33 Burglar-proof your lawn 3:15 Change the locks in new homes 3:32 Give the illusion you're home 4:13 Don't forget about outdoor valuables 4:50 Get some security film 5:17 Get to know your neighbors 6:05 Beware of mailbox fishing 6:22 Get decoy valuables just in case 7:06 Don't use wall calendars Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit: Our App
7 min