Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

15+ Reasons India Is Like Another Planet
Hey, do you have any plans for your next vacation? How about seeing India? Hold on now! Just because it might feel like it’s a world away (both figuratively and literally!), that doesn’t mean it isn’t a tourist-friendly country. And more importantly, a trip to India won’t cost you nearly as much as you’d think! Other videos you might like: 10 Countries That Have Extremely Different Concepts of Male Beauty • Видео Never Do These Things in Foreign Countries • Видео What Every Country In the World Is Best At? • Видео TIMESTAMPS: Did you know Taj Maha is a mausoleum? 0:27 The man who “sold” the Parliament House of India 1:11 Why India is one of the world’s youngest populations 1:42 Languages of India (it's impressive!) 2:27 Cell service and mobile Internet in India 2:57 Dinner for a dollar 3:30 The Land of Spices 4:08 Are Indians vegetarians or meat-eaters? 4:36 The most popular sport in India 5:17 Ganges river dolphin 5:48 The Kumbh Mela gathering that is visible from space 6:20 The color festival Holi 7:02 Indian money 7:36 Bad news to coin collectors 8:08 Freddy Mercury was of Indian descent 8:42 Indian beauties 9:02 You familiar with Chutes and Ladders? 9:33 Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY: - Taj Mahal has been one of the Seven Wonders of the World for quite some time. The construction was commissioned in 1632, and it’s believed that it took up to 21 years to complete the entire project. - There was an infamous Indian conman who repeatedly “sold” different landmarks in the country, including the Taj Mahal and the Parliament House of India! - With around 51 births every minute (that’s over 73,000 a day!), this country has one of the fastest-growing populations in the world. - There are about 780 languages spoken in India, but some sources put it in the thousands. Whatever the case, only 22 have been recognized as official languages. - You’ll be happy to know that cell service and mobile Internet is very cheap in India. - If you go to a restaurant and order a whole meal with chicken or even fish, your bill could be as little as $1! - In case you haven’t heard of the Land of Spices, India produces around 70% of the world’s supply. - A State of the Nation Survey in 2006 showed that up to 31% of the Indian population is vegetarian, and another 9% do eat eggs but no forms of meat. - Cricket is the most popular sport in the country, much like soccer in Europe or football in the US. - The Ganges Dolphin is unique to this river. Unfortunately, their numbers are drastically decreasing due to increasing pollution. - Kumbh Mela is the two-month mass pilgrimage of those of Hindu faith to bathe in the Ganges. - Kumbh Mela is one of many festivals celebrated in the Indian culture, but the brightest has to be the color festival Holi. - Indian bills also have Braille markings so that blind people can read their values. - Another fun fact on the topic of Indian money: it’s illegal for foreigners to take rupees in or out of the country. - Did you know that the iconic band’s frontman Freddy Mercury was of Indian descent? His name at birth was Farrokh Bulsara, and both of his parents were from Bombay! - India has the highest number of winners for the Miss World competition with a total of six! Only Venezuela has produced the same amount of title-holders since the beauty pageant’s start in 1951. - You familiar with Chutes and Ladders? Well, this popular classic dates back to ancient Indian times and was known as ‘Moksha Patam’. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Photos: East News ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
7 Air Travel Tips to Know Before Your Flight
Many people who travel by airplanes don’t know about all of their peculiarities. These 7 amazing and simple tips will make you feel better and more comfortable during your flight. Do you have a lot of friends who travel often? Share this video with them – they’ll definitely find it useful! Subscribe to Bright Side : For copyright matters please contact us at: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
3 min
How to Lose Belly Fat in 1 Night With This Diet
How to Lose Belly Fat Fats? The real monster is the fat in the abdominal cavity, also known as belly fat. Not only does it bring you health problems, but also it is one of the most difficult types of fat to get rid of. However, you can get rid of it in just a single night. Each of us has some belly fat, even people who have flat tummies. That is normal, but too much of it can affect your health stronger than other types of fat. Being overweight does not always mean being unhealthy. There are many great examples of overweight people who have excellent health. On the contrary, there is the same amount of examples of people who are skinny but face some metabolic issues.
5 min
7 Rare Eye Colors People Can Have
Which eye color is the rarest? What color are your eyes? How special are they? In reality, there’s debate over which eye color is the rarest simply because the term "rare” is pretty hard to define. One eye color might be very rare in a certain part of the world and extremely common in another. But today we're gonna tell you about some of the most hard-to-find eye colors in people!
10 min
What Happened to Asteroid After It Wiped Out Di...
We all know that an asteroid wiped out the dinosaurs long time ago. But what happed to It afterwards? Why can't we see parts of that asteroid in any museum?
9 min
School Lunches You've Probably Never Heard About
Here’s what school lunches around the world look like. Meals for kids in different countries are truly amazing and surprising!
8 min
Exploring Wonders of Space and Beyond
Embark on a thrilling voyage of imagination as we explore the fascinating possibilities and unforeseen consequences when Earth decides to journey further from our solar source. Brace yourself for an eye-opening adventure into the unknown realms of our celestial destiny! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
18 min
101 Little-Known Facts That Will Make You a Tri...
#brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
122 min
What If We Put the Earth's Water on Mars
So, we decide to play interplanetary gardener and dump Earth's water on Mars. At first, it might seem like a surefire way to transform the Red Planet into a lush, watery paradise. But hold your horses! Mars has a pesky little problem called low atmospheric pressure and freezing temperatures, which means that water would either evaporate or freeze solid in no time flat. Plus, let's not forget about Mars' lack of a global magnetic field, leaving its atmosphere vulnerable to being stripped away by solar winds. So while the idea might sound cool, the reality is more like pouring water down a cosmic drain—fun to think about, but not exactly practical! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
Facts That Will Make You Say "Huh?" More Than Once
#brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
127 min
15 Strange Things That Seem Normal Only In Sout...
South Korea is a dream travel destination for many, an absolutely fantastic culture, a country of contrasts, where modern technologies and ancient Eastern traditions harmoniously combine into something totally unique in and of itself. Every journey to this amazing country reveals countless new secrets and mysteries. These crazy yet amazing facts South Korea might astonish you. Photo credits: (2:57, 3:49, 4:41, 7:44) Music: Ishikari Lore by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightgram 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
10 min
Here's the Best Time of Day to Take a Shower
Is it better to shower in the morning or at night? Some of us shower first thing in the morning as a nice wake-me-up, while others can’t get to sleep without a relaxing evening shower. So, which team are you on, and is one more correct than the other? Well, doctors have an answer, and you’re about to find out all the details!
6 min
What School Lunches Around the World Look Like
Here’s what school lunches around the world look like. Meals for kids in different countries are truly amazing and surprising!
8 min
25 Psychological Tricks to Read People Like an ...
Psychological tips are always good to know and they work at a subconscious level. Reading people like an open book, always having it your way, or just making your life a bit easier – you don't need superpowers for any of this. These psychological tips always work! Did you know that even how close a person stands to you matters? As well as their posture and the direction of their feet. Here’re 20+ sneaky psychological tricks that’ll help you understand other people better. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
10 Unusual Space Facts You Won't Believe
The Moon, our celestial neighbor, has no atmosphere, although it used to have it in the past. It's like a cool loner in space, chillin' without the gases that make Earth's skies so colorful. So, no atmosphere means no weather reports or cute clouds, but hey, at least the Moon gets some good views of Earth. Oh, and speaking of space oddities, did you know that Saturn's rings aren't just bling – they're like a dazzling disco party in the sky. They're made of icy rocks and glittery dust, creating a show-stopping sight that'll leave you starstruck. But wait, there's more: prepare to be amazed by cool and unusual space facts. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
17 min
Human Body Facts That Prove We're All Walking O...
Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
130 min
The Fascinating Mysteries of the Moon
Are you ready for an out-of-this-world adventure as we blast off to explore the fascinating mysteries of our cosmic companion – the Moon? From moonquakes that would make any earthquake jealous to moonwalking astronauts who left their footprints on lunar soil, this video is jam-packed with mind-boggling lunar facts. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a lunar journey like no other – because the Moon is calling, and we're ready to answer the cosmic call. Join us as we unravel the captivating wonders of Earth's moon – you won't want to miss a lunar minute of this cosmic escapade. #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
22 min
5 Water Safety Tips to Learn Before You Dive In
If you end up in the big water without planning, panicking won't help anyone. If you're in rough waters, try to float on your back to conserve energy. If you're caught in a rip current, swim parallel to the shore until you're out of it. And if you're ever in doubt, remember the rule of three: You can survive for about three minutes without air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three weeks without food. So, stay focused, stay smart, and you'll make it through! Credit: NOAA Animation is created by Bright Side. #brightside ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
See How Far You Make It in Spooky 180 VR
If you were craving for some thrilling adventure - here it is! Turn off the lights, put this video on and see how far you can make it in VR. This is a 180 VR experience where you'll have to escape the abandoned school before the monster catches you! Sounds chilling already? It's gonna be even spookier than you might think! Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official Tik Tok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
4 min
Then vs. Now: Pictures That Show How Times Have...
You won't believe these mind-blowing pictures we stumbled upon! It's a wild ride through time, comparing then versus now—and let me tell you, the differences are downright fascinating. From vintage snapshots of old-school gadgets to modern marvels that'll make you do a double-take, it's like stepping into a time machine. Prepare to be amazed as we journey through the decades, exploring how times have changed. Trust me, you won't want to miss this epic blast from the past! #brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
8 min
10 First Aid Mistakes Explained by a Professional
Do you know how to administer first aid? Almost all of us remember some basic things about the rules of providing first aid. But is our knowledge correct, or is what we know too fragmented to be useful? Knowing basic first aid methods is very important, but it’s crucial to perform them correctly so as not to compromise the life you’re trying to save.
7 min
The Way We Board Planes Makes No Sense, Here's Why
Why do boarding and de-boarding take so long? Why does a plane need multiple engines if it can fly with just one? And is the “black” box really black? An airplane is a complex machine, ingeniously designed to the very last detail. Yet, some things about them still make no sense. Did you know, for example, that you can open the plane bathroom from the outside? Or that pilots fall asleep, and it’s okay? Or that oxygen masks don’t last long? Yup, the safety instructions always tell you how to use them in case of a sudden loss in cabin pressure. But they don't tell you the oxygen in that mask will only last 15 minutes! Let's figure out!
9 min
What If Real Life Had Gaming Codes
Even the most honest gamers have used cheat codes once. But have you ever wondered what would happen if you had the power to use video game cheat codes in real life? Which would you use? Well, here's my story. My life’s boring: I’m a common dispensable office clerk living in a small rental apartment on the outskirts, have never been married, and my only two friends live similarly dull lives. It was 7 p.m. I stayed overtime and was just leaving my office building when something drew my attention. It was like… a shadow and light footsteps right behind me. And then… nothing. I woke up in my own bed and thought it was just a bad dream or something. When I looked at the clock, it showed 1 a.m. — I must’ve dozed off and couldn’t remember it. Before going back to sleep, I got up and went to the bathroom, but tripped in the darkness. I flailed my arms for balance, and suddenly, the world around me stopped, and so did I. Mid-fall. I stood as in some kind of stasis, ready to crash down on the floor any moment but not doing it for some reason. And then I noticed the small blinking signal a bit below my immediate line of sight...
10 min
We Finally Know Why Galaxies Stop Forming Stars
Scientists have been scratching their heads for ages, trying to figure out why some galaxies just stop churning out stars. Well, turns out, it's all about gas—the lifeblood of star formation. Over time, galaxies can lose their gas reserves, either by using it up or having it stripped away by cosmic collisions or supermassive black holes. Once the gas is gone, it's like hitting the brakes on star production. But recent studies suggest that it's not just about running out of gas; it's also about how efficiently a galaxy can hold onto what it's got. So, when it comes to the cosmic game of "to star or not to star," it's all about the gas! #brightside Credit: The Eagle Nebula: Darko7411, CC BY-SA 4.0, NASA, ESA, M. Livio and the Hubble 20th Anniversary Team (STScI) NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music by Epidemic Sound Check our Bright Side podcast on Spotify and leave a positive review! Subscribe to Bright Side: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: / brightside Instagram: / brightside.official TikTok: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
9 min
65 Wild Airplane Facts That Will Change Your Ne...
#brightside Animation is created by Bright Side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Music from TheSoul Sound: Listen to Bright Side on: Spotify - Apple Podcast - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook - / brightside Instagram - / brightside.official Tik Tok - Snapchat - / 1866144599336960 Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:
67 min