Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

There are thousands of tips and psychological techniques to help you feel happy. But what if our own body had a say in the matter? Here are some findings from neuroscientists — the people who know exactly when and why your brain can give you the feeling of total satisfaction!
5 min
5 Easy Ways to Shape Your Body Naturally
A large part of the desire for "perfect" breasts is appearance, but in reality, your concern should be for something much more important: your health. Take note, and you’ll keep your breasts beautiful and full for a long time to come. And remember that the sun is the most dangerous enemy for your breast!
4 min
Place a Lemon Near Your Bed, See What Happens Next
Everyone knows lemons are beneficial to us because of the high vitamin C level. We add this fruit to tea, and use we it when cooking and curing colds. However, there are more incredible properties of lemons. If you place a piece of lemon next to your bed, it will bring benefits to your health. Believe it or not, the smell of lemon can invigorate you, help you concentrate and stimulate your mental abilities. Also, the lemon essential oil is a proven remedy for depression! Grab a lemon and smell it – your mood will lift up immediately!
4 min
5 Minutes Ago No One Knew French's Mustard Secret
8 min
13 Things You Didn't Know About Curved Potato C...
9 min
If You See a Lock In Your Car Door Handle, Call...
8 min
What You Should Bring to Space The Ultimate P...
If you ever plan on going to space, you gonna need this one: we've got the ultimate packing list for your cosmic adventure. First things first – pack your spacesuit, because you can't stroll through the cosmos in your PJs. Next, don't forget the essentials – space snacks: you'll need some cosmic munchies for those long interstellar journeys. Bring a universal translator – it's like having a babel fish in your ear, but way cooler. Last but not least, don't forget your sense of wonder and curiosity – because the universe is waiting for you to explore its mysteries!
7 min
They Found a Ship But All People Vanished Into Air
The story of Mary Celeste is one of the greatest sea mysteries of all time. How can everyone on board a ship simply vanish into air?
10 min
They Found a Man at Sea But How He Survived Is ...
Stories about world records are often stories about fierce competition and glory. But the holder of this stunning record once famously said that he really hopes no one will ever have to beat it. And it’s not because he wants it only for himself, but because we’re talking about Poon Lim, the man that survived over 4 months on a raft, stranded in the ocean. To be exact, he’d been there for 133 hard days straight. He survived everything a shipwreck survivor might have the misfortune of going through! Thirst, starvation, raging storms, desperation and the ever-menacing presence of bloodthirsty sea predators – you name it, Poon Lim had to deal with it! But how could all this happen to him?
7 min
They Found a Frozen Girl But What Happened Next...
Have you ever heard a story and thought, “No way is that actually possible!” Well, some people have lived through the most impossible and extreme situations that it’s kinda hard to wrap your head around it! Take, for instance, the story of Jean Hilliard. This 19-year-old woman was found frozen solid, and (get this) she managed to survive!
8 min
The Whole Village Disappeared Without Traces ...
It's a snowy night in Anjikuni, and suddenly, poof! The entire village disappears into thin air, like a real-life magic trick gone wrong. No signs of struggle, no footprints in the snow – it's like the people of Anjikuni just vanished into the night, leaving behind an eerie silence. Who did it? What happened there? Nobody knows for sure, and that's what makes this mystery a real head-scratcher. So, get ready to dive into the unknown and explore the chilling enigma of Anjikuni – the case of the disappearing village that still haunts us to this day.
9 min
11 Things Happy Partners Do Before They Go to S...
How to strengthen the connection between your partner and you? What is vital for a happy relationship of a couple? Here’s a list of 11 simple but very effective recommendations from well-known psychologists. They speak about how to behave toward your partner before calling it a night.
8 min
Moon Has Enough Oxygen to Support Billions Peop...
Hey there! I’ve got incredible news for you. There’s water on the Moon! How much water is there on our natural satellite? Can we use Moon water for drinking? And does it mean we could live on it? Here’re some cool Moon facts coming your way.
9 min
KETO Diet Menu Plan to Lose Weight In Just 7 Days
Keto Diet Menu to Lose Weight Fast. The ketogenic diet has pretty much everything you need to get the body of your dreams in no time. Among the proven health benefits of this diet are weight loss, mental focus, increased energy, controlled blood sugar, stabilized blood pressure, and so many more. While this diet seems like a dream come true, not everyone can follow it. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure and take medication for your condition, the ketogenic diet isn’t for you.
12 min
27 Sea Creatures With Hidden Talents
The underwater world is full of surprises. There're monstrous creatures and some sea inhabitants with plenty of hidden talents. In this video I'm gonna take you on an exciting journey to the sea world where you'll meet skeleton shrimps, snakefish, black swallowers and even flying fish. You'll find out why sea turtles are constantly crying and which of the sea creatures is a natural hitchhiker.
10 min
The Only Known Person Who Survived a Meteorite
9 min
The Man Put His Head In a Particle Accelerator,...
A particle accelerator is something that scientists use to study the behavior of particles and conduct physics experiments. These machines use an electromagnetic field to make tiny particles move at practically the speed of light: a whopping 186,000 miles per second! So, yeah, a guy stuck his head in one of those… and actually survived! The incident happened in Russia on July 13, 1978. Anatoli Bugorski was a researcher at the Institute for High Energy Physics and worked with the U-70 Synchrotron, the biggest Soviet atom smasher of the time. On that unfortunate day, the scientist was trying to figure out why a piece of the equipment wasn’t working as it should. As he was leaning over the machine, the safety mechanism failed at the worst possible moment. It turned out that the scientist’s head was right in the path of a powerful proton beam moving at the speed of light. You ready to hear all about it? Then watch the video!
9 min
What If Titanic Sank in 110 Degrees Warm Water
The RMS Titanic sunk in the North Atlantic Ocean in 1912 but we still remember this tragic event. Staying in the water that's 70ºF for a long time definitely won't do your health any good. And a water temperature of 50ºF is a nightmare. It feels much colder than the air of the same temperature. What if the Titanic had sunk in warm water? Would all passengers have survived?
9 min
Spine-Tingler Travels Exploring Earth's Creepie...
Join us as we journey into chilling realms, unveiling haunting hideaways that'll send shivers down your spine. Get ready for spine-tingling thrills and ghastly globetrotting like never before! Subscribe now for a dose of spine-chilling adventure!
16 min
Which Was Bigger: Titanic or the Iceberg That S...
The sinking of the Titanic is one of the most famous tragedies in history. How big was the iceberg that took down the unsinkable Titanic? And which was bigger: the huge ship or the iceberg that sank it? Let’s investigate the clues that reveal the truth about the Titanic’s iceberg.
9 min
She Had 69 Kids in 76 Years But No One Could Be...
267 712 просмотров 3 июн. 2019 г. #pregnancy #motherhood How many siblings do you have? Could you imagine sharing a house with 68 brothers and sisters? The Guinness World Records does mention a lady who lived in the 18th century that gave birth to 69 kids! The family lived in the 1700s. Valentina is believed to have lived until the age of 76. And during her life, she’d given birth a whopping 69 times! That’s more than any other woman ever. The Guinness World Records calls Valentina “the most prolific mother ever” as her record is still unbeaten. According to reports, she’d gone through 27 labors: 16 of them resulted in twins, 7 in triplets, and 4 in quadruplets. Yes, that’s 4 babies at the same time… 4 times!
8 min
Passengers Survived the Miracle on the Hudson T...
Ten years ago, the world of aviation was flabbergasted by an event that was later named the "Miracle on the Hudson." That day, two airline pilots had to use the only runway they could safely reach for an emergency landing - the narrow expanse of the Hudson River in New York City. Besides the two pilots, there were 150 passengers and three cabin crew members on board the plane. It's shocking how fast something so life-altering and scary can happen. One moment the pilots fill their jet with fuel, and the plane takes off, and two minutes later, it loses all the engine power and is about to drop out of the sky. How could such a critical situation not take any human lives? Let's figure it out.
10 min
Why Sharks Attack Undersea Internet Cables
8 min
Creatures You Wouldn't Want to Encounter in Rea...
8 min
They Found a Treasure That Was Thought to Be Lo...
8 min