Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

Why the Bermuda Triangle Doesn’t Appear on Any ...
As you probably already know, the Bermuda Triangle is situated near the Bahama Islands. But strangely the mysterious Triangle doesn’t appear on any world map. Why? Do we fail to acknowledge this area exists or it's so dangerous that it's better to keep it secret? No one exactly knows how many ships and planes have disappeared in that area. But most of the time, the disappearances had no explanation and no wreckage has ever been left behind.
9 min
The Sun Is Getting Stormier By About 6%
We've been hearing lately that the Sun is getting more and more active. How active will our Sun get in 2025? Do we have protection from the solar flares and CMEs on the Sun? In this video we're exploring our Sun and trying to figure out just how “angry” the Sun is likely to get. Are you curious? Listen in!
9 min
10 Simple Habits to Lose Weight Naturally
How many times a year do you start a new diet? Weight loss doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. All you have to do is build simple habits to see the weight come off. Here are ten scientifically proven tips on how to achieve your dream body in almost no time.
7 min
18 Reasons Your Belly Button Is a Very Intrigui...
What belly button shape reveals about your personality? Did you know that some people have no belly buttons at all and others use them for meditation? Watch this video till the end to find out some crazy facts about your navel! Don’t miss the cool bonus - a belly button personality test!
8 min
12 Android Apps You Need to Delete Immediately
9 min
The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed
11 min
The Microscopic World A Visual Guide to the Sma...
12 min
That's Why You Still Need Pay Phones in Cities
8 min
That's Why Subway Doesn't Have Public Bathrooms
9 min
That's How Your Package Gets to Your Door Overn...
8 min
20+ Tricky Space Questions Answered
9 min
What Happens to the Earth When It Gets Further ...
Look up! Space is a mysterious place full of unique phenomena, mesmerizing planets and things science still can't explain. The sky might appear pretty peaceful as you look at it from Earth... But did you know that the Milky Way is headed for a massive collision with the Andromeda galaxy? And have you ever wondered why in summer the Earth is actually further from the Sun than in winter? More jaw-dropping space facts are coming your way!
9 min
10 Simple Magic Tricks Using Your Hands Only
10 min
12 Natural Phenomena Only 1% of People Have Seen
9 min
That's Why Bread Has Colored Plastic Tags
8 min
That's Why Public Bathroom Stalls Have Such Lar...
Have you ever wondered why a computer mouse is called like that? Or if there's a specific reason why there's a huge gap between the door and the floor in a public bathroom? Or maybe you've always wanted to find out when people started wearing ties? In this video we've got these and more coolest 'whys' about the world answered. We've gathered the most interesting random facts for you.
8 min
7 Reasons Why You Need to Do Planks Every Day
How to do plank correctly? Planks are one of the most effective exercises you can do at home. They don’t take much time and effort, and you don’t have to wait long for tangible results. Several incredible changes will happen to your body if you do this exercise regularly. For instance, it can help give you a mood boost. Watch the video to find out all the benefits of regular planks.
4 min
12 Great Inventions We Should Thank India For
We all know that India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world with a super rich culture and history. But did you know that some of the stuff you use every single day was invented in the land of spices, sarees and Taj Mahal? From the buttons on your shirt to the shampoo in your shower, there are so many things we can’t go without we can thank India for.
10 min
10 Gross Habits You'd Better Quit ASAP
We all have some everyday habits that are actually really dangerous to our health. For your own safety, and the safety of your family, you’d better stop doing these 10 things that seem good by mistake and follow some simple rules instead. When you were a kid, your parents probably taught you to immediately brush your teeth after meals, not to sit in front of the computer screen for too long, and to never stand near the microwave when it’s cooking something. Well, it turns out, you probably should’ve given up some of these habits a long time ago. Tooth enamel is the most solid part of the human body, but it becomes softer under acidic conditions, like after eating fruit or some dairy products. If you brush your teeth right after a meal, you can damage them by removing the enamel. Obviously, your eyes do get tired after staring at a computer screen for a long time. But being tired isn’t the reason why your vision might worsen. Microwave ovens aren’t as dangerous as many people think. In fact, this appliance is made in such a way that the electromagnetic radiation it produces can’t get out of its confines. The human body is amazingly self-sufficient, doing for itself tons of stuff so that you don’t have to, and that includes cleaning ears. Cleaning out your nose can lead to some serious problems because you can open it up to outside bacteria. Not all kinds of food really need to be washed before cooking. For instance, red meat and poultry should never be put under water. For a long time, people thought that sitting with their legs crossed was a sure-fire way to develop varicose veins. But recent studies show that it doesn't lead to this condition at all.
8 min
That's How Cruise Ships Can Stay Upright in Any...
8 min
Lost and Found Unsinkable Ghost Ship_s 2-Year D...
18 min
If You See Square Waves, Get Out of the Water!
9 min
If You See One of Those Clouds Over Your City, ...
9 min
How to Protect Yourself From A Geomagnetic Stor...
24 min
7 Little Things That Give Us Away Completely
We don’t realize that even little things can give away our true essence. A lot of the things you do instinctively, as well as our preferences, say a lot about your true personality. Your everyday habits can reveal surprising things about yourself! Don't take it way too seriously, just have fun and watch the video!
9 min