Bright Side

Whether you’re into useful tips for self-improvement, psychology, recent discoveries, mysterious stories, or just your day-to-day routine, there’s something for everyone! You can expect all that and more coming at you in five new episodes every day. If you’ve got a thirst for knowledge that never quits, then join our community! We have a good time, so take your shoes off, kick back, and make yourself at home here on the Bright Side of life!

10+ Rare Traits That Make People a Special Exce...
Each person is unique. But some of us have features that are extremely rare. For example, there’s an extra set of DNA that gives some people eyes that are different colors - a condition called heterochromia. Other people have the so-called 'Widow's Peak'. Do you wanna find out what it is? Here're 20+ body features that only rare people have.
10 min
Why USBs Have 2 Holes + 15 Tech Secrets I Recen...
8 min
10+ Hypnotizing Space Facts Takes You Across th...
What's the most fascinating space fact you've heard of? I'm ready to surprise you with a new portion of the most jaw-dropping facts about space. You'll find out why gravity is not the same everywhere. And how the Sun's heat might be actually right beneath our feet! And I'll answer the question how the Moon can be rusting if there's no air there. Get ready for an exciting journey across our Solar System.
10 min
25 Quick Beauty Hacks for Busy Girls
Life during the 21st century is no bed of roses — these days, everyone is always in a hurry. Here’s a fantastic list of some useful tips that will let you spend less on beauty supplies and be as stunning as ever. It’s time to improve your beauty routine and achieve the flawless look you’ve always dreamed of! Don’t miss out on our bonus: two clever tricks you need to know to look gorgeous in summer!
13 min
20 Medical Lies That You Still Believe
Many of the long-lived medical beliefs are actually wrong. There are 20 health tips that are worth following and which are better left in the past. Do you still believe that humans have five senses and using a microwave can give you cancer? In that case, you will be surprised to see those and other health myths exploded. After watching this video, you will have a great excuse to eat at night.
14 min
15 Foods That Reduce Your Heart Attack Risk Acc...
Do you want to clean your blood vessels? How to decrease the risk of heart attacks in the future? Are you ready to improve your overall well-being? Here are 15 food products that can take care of your heart and prevent heart diseases. Our heart is one of the most important organs, but, surprisingly, we take care of it the least, loading it every day with stress and unhealthy diets. And that's too bad because fatty food increases cholesterol levels, which leads to vascular plaques that prevent the heart from working correctly. In this video, you will get familiar with 15 products that perform all these activities! Some of them might surprise you with their health benefits! Watch till the end - as a bonus, you will find a recipe for a special drink for healthy blood vessels. And remember to press the like button in appreciation of our work!
12 min
Emergency Tip When Your Energy Level Is at 1% +...
18 min
Earth Keeps Pulsating + Other Unexpected Space ...
23 min
Don't Touch This While Traveling + Other Essent...
23 min
Do You Stand a Chance to Survive a Megalodon At...
22 min
Can Blue Whale Swallow a Car and 10+ Animal Myt...
18 min
30+ Cool Body Facts Not All Teachers Even Know
Some of the aspects of our bodies might be pretty annoying. Like hairs, for example. Almost all of our body is covered with hairs, even if we don’t notice them. They grow even in the belly button! Their purpose is to catch lint. Every aspect of your body has a purpose and meaning. It's a complex mechanism where every detail matters and performs its function. I'm ready to share these 30+ unusual body facts that'll prove each body is unique and fascinating!
9 min
20+ Body Facts I Can't Forget After Hearing Them
8 min
15+ Body Facts Sound Were a Mystery Until Now
We rarely think about how interesting and unique our bodies are. Did you know, for example, did you know that the tongue is one of the strongest muscles in your body. This organ contains more than 10,000 taste buds, and each bud is filled with microscopic hairs. The longer humankind lives, the more secrets people discover about one of the most mysterious organisms: the human body. So let's find out the coolest aspects of the human body.
8 min
5 Happy Relationship Truths You Need to Know
So much has been written about relationships that it’s difficult to determine what’s true and what’s not. Here are five relationship stereotypes that you can discard immediately. For instance, it turns out, you don't have to spend all your time together. Why? Watch till the end to figure out the truth.
4 min
7 Quick Secrets to Make You Look 10 Years Younger
You cannot completely get rid of cellulite, but you make it almost invisible. To help your skin become flawless and beautiful, we prepared 7 beauty tips that will show you that taking care of your skin is a lot easier than you thought!
4 min
You've Been Always Eating Pineapple Wrong, Stop...
Hey there! Do you like pineapples? Do you usually cut it up into slices, chunks, or rings? But what if I told you that you don't need to do that at all? Surprised? Well, looks like pineapples are not what they seem! You only need a knife to cut off the top of the pineapple – the part with those spiky leaves. Then all that’s left is to pick off separate fruitlets and enjoy!
6 min
Behind Palace Doors Shocking Royal Secrets Reve...
19 min
90+ Cool Facts That Will Make You the Life of t...
42 min
9 Facts About Cars Everyone Has Googled Once
8 min
Wings of Wonder Discovering the Unbelievable Se...
23 min
Wild Wonders Discovering the Surprising and Qui...
21 min
The Only Guide to Happiness You'll Ever Need
38 min
22+ Space Facts Not Everyone Can Handle
9 min
11 Mysterious Natural Phenomena You'll Only See...
9 min