ElkBros Blue Collar Elk Hunting

Welcome to the ElkBros Blue Collar Elk Hunting Podcast brought to you by ElkBros.com with your host Gilbert Ornelas and elk hunting coaches, Joe Giglia & Leroy Chavez, RC Knox and the ElkBros Venezuelan Mafia. You want to hunt elk….we live to hunt elk, and like you we work hard for our pay to do the things we love. So our goal is to share with you all of our tips, techniques, as well as tried and true strategies we have learned grinding it out on a budget for over 40 seasons. So come on into camp and set a spell. Welcome to Elk Bros Blue Collar Elk Hunting!

How To
EP 162: Elk Hunt of a Lifetime with Hunt Warz's...
What if you won an archery elk hunt on a hunting competition TV show and you basically had no archery elk hunting experience or any elk calling experience? How do you think that would turn out? Additionally, you would be hunting public land in a state you've never been before? What would be your odds of punching a tag? Well y'all, it's time for you to meet TEAM IDAHO and HUNT WARZ!
69 min
EP 161: Cast Calling For Elk (Part 1) & ElkBros...
How do you know when or where to call elk? How do you know what call or sounds to use? Are some calls better than others at certain times of the year? How do you know what to do once you get a response? Well y'all, it's time to introduce you to what we refer to as "Cast Calling".
103 min
EP 160: Paul Medel - Don’t Get Stuck in a Rut H...
On today's show, the crew welcomes Paul Medel to elk camp as we talk about the current script for most elk hunters, solo or partnered and why it contributes to continued low success rates and what to do to get out of the elk hunting "rut". And if you know Paul, you know the episode will be plum full of calling tips and the Medel passion!
138 min
EP 159: Elk Calling & Season Strategies with Tr...
Ready for an Elk Calling Seminar? With draw results happening or just around the corner, you can already feel the season heat coming on! And what better way to fan the fire of excitement than a show on elk calling! And boy do we have a show for you!
128 min
EP 158: Elk and Turkey Hunting Similarities, Di...
How much is elk hunting like turkey hunting? Y'all, there are absolutely skills and strategies that a turkey hunter can take into the woods that will help them elk hunting. But there are also things that turkey hunters do… that could actually hurt them in the elk woods. And if you go a step further, there are things about elk hunting that are NOTHING like turkey hunting. And if you know and understand each of those similarities, differences and the uh-oh shell shockers, you will be able to take some skills to the game and prepare yourself for the unknowns in the process!
119 min
EP 157: Elk Hunting - Is the Elk Game Always th...
On today's show, special guests Leigh Hauck and Mark Meredyk of Tooth of the Arrow Broadheads are live with the crew all the way from Alberta Canada. And this show is full of information! We talk broadheads! We talk Early Season Tactics! We talk Camo! We compare our Northern brothers strategies, tactics, calling styles, elk behaviors, terrain and the modes of the animals at certain times of the year. We also talk about what it takes to hunt in Canada and the incredible offerings. Is the elk hunting game the same where-ever you hunt? You be the judge!
126 min
EP 156: Elk Hunt 2022 - Best Hunt Days Scenarios
When are the best 7 days to hunt elk this year? What if I can only hunt weekends? Are there better days than others? Would the best days be different for a newbie verses a veteran elk hunter? What about late season? What about the moon phase? Can these strategies apply to each State and their seasons?
114 min
EP 155: Elk, Hogs, Lessons, Adventures & Listen...
How long does it take for spooked elk to come back to an area? What can you do once a bull walks past you?How do cattle change the elk hunting situation? Are there any tips for learning Big Country? There is even a hog question for the crew live from our 2022 ElkBros Hog Hunt Camp!
109 min
EP 154: Elk Hunting Scenarios - Viewer Q&A
Can you call elk off private land?. What is "glunking" and when do you use it? Growling bulls... what is that all about? What are some calls to use for early season bulls? At what point do you call it quits on an area and move on? What do I do if I am close to a bulls cows with him on the other side?
107 min
EP 153: Finding Elk Through E-Scouting with Mar...
E-Scouting is an invaluable tool if you want to be an efficient and effective elk hunter. But what good is a tool if you don't know how to use it or know what in the heck you're looking for? Where do you even begin? Well y'all, today's show is SO FULL of elk e-scouting information, expert nuggets, techniques, tools and How-To's, that you absolutely need to listen!
154 min
EP 152: Elk Hunting Gear - All About Heavy Arro...
We talk about the Pros, Cons, Setups and Misinformation of "Heavy Arrows" as well as ways for those Blue Collar folks to be able to have a great arrow setup without breaking the bank.
146 min
EP 151: Mountain Lion, Bobcat Hunting In Arizon...
Science based wildlife management is under attack in Arizona. It will effect all of us.
61 min
EP 150: Deciding Where to Hunt Elk.
Garrett Weaver Podcast, joins the ElkBros crew to help our listeners with the decision dilemma that elk hunters go through when it comes to where to hunt.
120 min
EP 149: Hunting Stories From 2021 Elk Camps - "...
On today's 4th Edition of this Series, the crew welcomes Grinder Bryan Collins from Pound, Wisconsin as he shares a story about brothers, elk hunting dreams, a borrowed bow and a special honor.
126 min
EP 148: Hunting Stories From 2021 Elk Camps - "...
On today's 3rd Edition of this Series, the crew welcomes Grinder Craig Klein from Farming, Minnesota as he shares a 3 year journey of archery hunting elk from Montana to Colorado. His story is plum full of insights, lessons and some intense moments. Plenty of nuggets in this one!
148 min
EP 147: Hunting Stories From 2021 Elk Camps - "...
Elk hunting, as in life, is all about choices. The choices we make in preparation prior to a hunt, on where we hunt and all decisions and choices made during the hunt. Each of those choices, a culmination of events that influence, alter or set us on a path that will result in a punched tag, or another year of scratching our head.
132 min
EP 146: Hunting Stories From 2021 Elk Camps - "...
Grinder John Lane from Florida (via Virginia) for an incredible story about going for it. John talks about his crew and the adventure of a lifetime that they permitted... and then committed themselves. You'll hear all the decisions and the ups, downs and outcomes of their 2021 Western DIY, OTC, Colorado elk hunt.
134 min
EP 145: Elk Hunting & Aggressiveness - Levels ...
The ElkBros levels and progression of aggressive elk hunting. What it is and what it isn't.
107 min
EP 144: Rifle Elk Hunting in Late October & Nov...
We talk about knowing an elks current mode, focus and needs. Strategies for finding elk. The effects of the rut, weather, moon and pressure. As well as other ElkBros tips and thoughts.
119 min
EP 143: Archery Elk Hunting Game Changers & Rea...
A GAME CHANGER... That's the one thing that changes your elk hunting life forever! It's not always a skill, technique or strategy. But more of a realization or an "Ah-Ha" moment.
146 min
EP 142: Elk Hunting Calls, Guides, Hunt Units, ...
The questions have been rolling into the ElkBros Mailbox from our listeners and viewers. So we have dedicated this entire episode to answer a whole bunch of topics from our listeners!
117 min
EP 141: Archery Elk Hunting Colorado OTC - What...
For the first time ever, the ElkBros headed to Colorado to hunt archery Elk OTC. Want to know what they learned? Well then, here you go!
132 min
EP 140: Elk Hunt Scouting, Scenarios & Strategi...
David Brooks from the "Don't be Mediocre" podcast and Joe talks elk and elk hunting: Scouting for elk, comparing e-scouting vs boots on the ground. I also talk about what Joe looks for when scouting and finding focus areas and how he's not focused on finding bulls while scouting.
76 min
EP 139: ElkBros Elk Camp 2021! - Part 2, Two Bu...
Part 2 live from the ElkBros Elk Camp. It’s the final part of our “live from the ElkBros 2021 ElkCamp!” Find out for yourselves all the adventures, the laughs and the low points that we dealt with.
70 min
EP 138: ElkBros Elk Camp 2021! - Colorado OTC R...
Part 1 live from the ElkBros Elk Camp. For the first time ever, the ElkBros take the show on the road to take on the challenge of hunting OTC in Colorado. Will it be a bust or will their New Mexico tactics and strategies serve them in Colorado?
79 min