ElkBros Blue Collar Elk Hunting

Welcome to the ElkBros Blue Collar Elk Hunting Podcast brought to you by ElkBros.com with your host Gilbert Ornelas and elk hunting coaches, Joe Giglia & Leroy Chavez, RC Knox and the ElkBros Venezuelan Mafia. You want to hunt elk….we live to hunt elk, and like you we work hard for our pay to do the things we love. So our goal is to share with you all of our tips, techniques, as well as tried and true strategies we have learned grinding it out on a budget for over 40 seasons. So come on into camp and set a spell. Welcome to Elk Bros Blue Collar Elk Hunting!

How To
EP 186: Basics to Becoming an Elk Hunter (Part 3)
It's Part Three of our basics to becoming an elk hunter! The series will cover gear, weapons, where to hunt, camping, calling, tactics, scouting, when to hunt, closing and success basics. And trust us... one thing we are good at is "Simplification"! Enjoy the show!
115 min
EP 185: Basics to Becoming an Elk Hunter (Part 2)
Join us for Part Two of the basics to becoming an elk hunter. The series will cover gear, weapons, where to hunt, camping, calling, tactics, scouting, closing and success basics. And trust us... one thing we are good at is "Simplification"! Enjoy the show!
116 min
EP 184: Basics to Becoming an Elk Hunter (Part 1)
They say the shortest distance between two points is a straight line. Simple and effective. And when it comes to becoming an elk hunter, it's often the "Keeping it Simple" part that can make you the most effective and not bury you in debt.
104 min
EP 183: Elk Hunting "What-Ifs?" (Part 2)
When it comes to being ready to act in a situation, a person falls to the level of their training or preparation. And when it comes to elk hunting, there are so many different situations, variables or "What-ifs" to prepare for. So y'all... It's PART 2!
102 min
EP 182: Colorado Wolf Management with John Stal...
In this Special Edition, Colorado and Wolf Management that effects us all. Joe talks with John Stallone from Howl for Wildlife. An organization who’s goal is to promote the conservation & management of fisheries & wildlife through science based evidence and practices. As well as to unite outdoors men and women with one voice in a consolidated effort to protect threats against viable and proven management.
56 min
EP 181: Elk Hunting "What-Ifs?" (Part 1)
When it comes to being ready to act in a situation, a person falls to the level of their training or preparation. And when it comes to elk hunting, there are so many different situations, variables or "What-ifs" to prepare for. So y'all... let's get after it!
108 min
EP 180: Meet Carl Gammage - The One & Only
They say that as long as stories are shared about folks around the Campfire, Those folks, their lives and their stories live on through us. Well y’all, welcome again to our campfire and get ready for our stories about a man that was bigger than life.
111 min
EP 179: Elk Hunting Lessons, Nuggets, Mistakes ...
No matter who you are, there are lessons to be learned and gifts to be treasured elk hunting. And the 2022 season was no different for the ElkBros crew as they each share the good, the great and the hard. Their insights, mistakes, nuggets and greatest gains from the season.
107 min
EP 178: Crossing Over To Elk Hunting w/ Marc Ca...
As hunters, we all have knowledge and skills related to different game. However, we sometimes make false assumptions that this knowledge translates directly to other game such as elk. So what does and what doesn’t?
99 min
EP 177: Late Season Elk Hunting Tactics & Live ...
It's our LIVE YouTube Q&A Show with questions from both our live audience as well as our instagram followers and the crew covers late season elk hunting tactics. It's always a great time and plum full of fun and elk hunting nuggets. Enjoy the show!
105 min
EP 176: Life Altering Elk Hunting with Brison B...
Just what exactly is a Cold Calling Scenario? Can movement and noises make a scenario more realistic? How to decide when meat is a loss? Push forward or back out when racing shooting light? Does elk hunting have a life altering impact?
84 min
EP 175: Leaving Elk to Find Elk? - Listener's ...
Do early September strategies work in August? Is there a time that you should "leave elk to find elk"? Is calling as effective during the later rifle hunts as it is during the archery hunt? What do they do and how far do elk go after being bumped? How do you deal with losing a wounded bull and working through the missed opportunity?
80 min
EP 174: THE MOMENT - "40 Seconds" - Elk Story S...
Elk hunting coach, Joe Giglia, shares one of his past hunt stories or experiences during a hunt, to share realizations, lessons learned or a nugget or two in hopes of helping you to become more successful in the elk woods. Welcome to the 3rd Episode of the Blue Collar Elk Hunting's Special Story Series... "The Moment".
60 min
EP 173: ElkBros Adventures Elk Camp - Successes...
What happens when you take 4 hunters with several years of elk hunting, both guided and DIY, with very little to no success and put them through months of training and coach them on an actual elk hunt? Well, you can find out first hand as we talk to those very hunters about their experiences. The good, the bad, the scary... and find out from their perspectives the reality and those learning moments that will be with them and change their elk hunting journey forever.
137 min
EP 172: ElkBros Live From Elk Camp 2022 - One M...
It's day nine for the elk bros with one more day left and what a hunt! Pull up a chair and join the crew around the fire at the ElkBros 2022 Elk Camp. The fellas talk about the first nine days of ups, downs, dangers and encounters live from New Mexico. As always with the ElkBros, there will be the stories, plenty of laughs and lots of coaching nuggets.
126 min
EP 171: Elk Season only days out... what do I D...
Elk hunting as most hunting is a game of inches, meaning success is found in the details. Joe and I talk about the details you need to pay attention to in order to fortify your chances of tagging out on your elk this season. Joe Giglia and John Stallone go over some things you should be doing to maximize your elk hunting this fall.
78 min
EP 170: Cast Calling for Elk - All About Presen...
On today's Blue Collar Elk Hunting Podcast, it's part 3 of our Cast Calling Series and we cover the techniques, emotions, visuals, calling directions, organic timing and volume levels needed to present your calls so that they motivate an elk to respond.
136 min
EP 169: Part 2 - Eliminating Holes In Your Elk ...
On this episode, we talk about the holes we see in our own hunter’s preparation. Glaring common problems, issues and failure points that lock up hunters or place them behind the eight ball from the git-go…. Knowing when to draw or overcoming the fear of drawing… Over dependence on a rangefinder… Practicing like you play…. Set-up keys & failures and the biggest issues we see with calling strategies.
131 min
EP 168: Eliminating Holes In Your Elk Hunting -...
Is there a possibility that there is a hole in your elk hunting game that could effect your chances at success this September? How would you even know if you did have a hole in your game? What if you had insight into some of the areas that most hunters, just like yourself, are struggling with thirty days out from hitting the elk woods?
124 min
EP 167: Elk Calls & Calling with Marc Carlton -...
The crew welcomes Marc Carlton to elk camp as we talk about the ins and outs of elk diaphragms as well as tap Marc's 40 years of elk hunting knowledge when it comes to calls and calling elk. Marc has probably forgotten more about elk hunting than most will learn in 3 lifetimes. This is a great discussion y'all with info, facts and as always, a few laughs. Hope you enjoy the episode!
113 min
EP 166: Cast Calling for Elk - Know your Bait
What elk sounds or calls should a person use and how do they know when to use them? In order to know what kind of calls to use, you need to know what sounds will motivate an elk to act in a certain way.
134 min
EP 165: Improved Elk Hunting Performance & Inju...
There is a direct correlation between hunting success and how we feel physically. For many, the number one failure point prior to hitting the mountains this season will be their bodies. Pre-hunt injuries or problems with a shoulder, knee, back or elbow can absolutely limit your effectiveness in the elk woods this fall. And limited effectiveness will mean limited success.
125 min
EP 164: HOWL for Wildlife's Conservation Corner...
What you are about to hear is the monthly edition of The Howl for Wildlife’s Conservation Corner with John Stallone, as he and his guests discuss current issues, bills and initiatives that directly impact scientific wildlife management, conservation and our hunting and fishing outdoor lifestyle.
44 min
EP 163: Corey Jacobson & Donnie Drake - What Ma...
On today's InSight's Edition of the Blue Collar Elk Hunting Podcast, Joe is joined by the dynamic duo themselves, Corey Jacobsen and Donnie Drake of Elk 101. Joe, Donnie and Corey give us an up close and personal view of their relationships as hunting partners. This is a very candid look at understanding what goes into a solid partnership that echos well beyond the elk woods and into other facets of life.
58 min
EP 162: Elk Hunt of a Lifetime with Hunt Warz's...
What if you won an archery elk hunt on a hunting competition TV show and you basically had no archery elk hunting experience or any elk calling experience? How do you think that would turn out? Additionally, you would be hunting public land in a state you've never been before? What would be your odds of punching a tag? Well y'all, it's time for you to meet TEAM IDAHO and HUNT WARZ!
69 min