Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Pod...

Covering all things DIY whitetail hunting, the Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Podcast is the place to get your deer hunting stories, deer hunting tips and more. We'll launch a new podcast each week exploring topics across the landscape of deer and deer hunting. So take your time and enjoy each episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and take us with you across all your devices. Whether in the car or at work, we could all use a little more deer hunting in our lives!

EP. 131: DIY Report—Bench Thermals & Mountain B...
What's happening folks. Today I'm again joined by my buddy the Bowhunting Fiend (Greg Litzinger) for another installment of our DIY Report Look Back series—thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of...
78 min
EP. 130: Call Me Maven
Today on the podcast John, call me Maven, Mulligan and I are joined by Mike Lilygren of Maven Optics. We're getting the DL on their brand and how to select glass - tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the...
86 min
EP. 129: DIY Report—OMG We're All Gonna Die
What's happening folks. Today I'm again joined by my buddy the Bowhunting Fiend (Greg Litzinger) for the second installment of our "look back" DIY Report mini-series. As always I hope you enjoy and thanks for listening. To listen to the podcast...
58 min
EP. 128: You're A Lot Bigger In Person
Happy belated Fourth of July! As you're listening to this podcast I'll be in the midst of my family I'll keep this short. Today I'm joined by my buddy D-Rock of the East Coast Bowhunter Podcast. We talk about...well...everything in this...
97 min
EP. 127: Sunday Hunting, Friend or Foe
What's happening folks. Today I'm again joined by my fried Beau Martonik (East Meets West Podcast) along with the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Game Commission Bryan Burhans. We cover a wide variety of topics - tune in! To listen to the...
76 min
EP. 126: Muster In The Mountains w/Land Tawney
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by my fried Beau Martonik (East Meets West Podcast) and Land Tawney , CEO of Back Country Hunters and Anglers. This is a short episode, but one well worth the listen—thanks for listening! To listen to the...
41 min
EP 125: DIY Report—Buck Beds, Tailwind, & Doe B...
What's happening folks. Today we're kicking off a series of DIY Report sessions to celebrate our 3 year anniversary! The Bowhunting Fiend (Greg Litzinger) will be joining me for this series as we look back on previous episodes and dissect the topics...
57 min
EP 124: Summer Deer Work, Gear Prep, & Listener...
What's happening folks. Today John and I are catching up on our Deer work, gear prep, and answering your listener questions - thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
98 min
EP. 123: Backcountry Nutrition & Next Mile Meals
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Jessie Greger of Next Mile Meals - she recently hiked from Mexico to Canada on a Keto diet. One of my most challenging aspects of planning an adventure hunt or backcountry hunt is how and what I'm going to...
81 min
EP. 122: Mountain Hunting & Wild At Heart
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by my friends Jameson Curtis and Kelly McGraw of Wild At Heart. They're some Pennsylvania fellas who have a knack for finding mountain bucks and have a passion for adventure hunts in the west. They also happen...
100 min
EP. 121: I Immediately knew It Was An RPG
What's happening folks. Today is a unique show. In honor of Memorial Day I'm joined by combat veteran Corey Williamson. We talk hunting...but more importantly we talk about how important hunting became to Corey and the struggles our vets face...
81 min
Ep. 120: Navy Walrus Barrel Roll
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by my buddy Tom Titlow. We're talking whitetails, turkeys and saddle hunting —tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast...
102 min
Ep. 119: Layering Systems & New Sitka Gear
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Chris Derrick, whitetail product line manager at Sitka Gear. It's pretty incredible the amount of science that goes into tactical gear. Chris and I talk about the science and development of Sitka's new...
66 min
Ep. 118: Don't Go Churching It Up
What's happening folks. Today john and I are catching up on his recent turkey trips, talk about our hunting culture and where it's headed—tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
75 min
Ep. 117: Easy Question & A Complex Answer
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by my good friend Wilson. We cover a lot of ground in this one. Most specifically we tackle the challenging question of why we easy question & a complex answer! To listen to the podcast click...
90 min
Ep. 116: Arrows, Broad-Heads & Day Six Gear
What’s up gang! Today I’m joined again by Brian Broaderick of Day Six Gear. This episode is part 2 of our discussion. In this episode we're more specifically covering the hunting industry, business, and Day Six Gear products! To listen to the...
52 min
Ep. 115: The Art of Garholing
What’s up gang! Today I’m joined by Brian Broaderick of Day Six Gear. This episode is part 1 of 2. During this session we cover a wide range of hunting topics...including the art of garholing! To listen to the podcast click the orange play...
66 min
Ep. 114: Hard Facts Of CWD
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by Dr. Clifford Shipley. Dr. Shipley has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to whitetails and CWD. He's been following and studying this disease for more than 20 years recently returned from a CWD conference. He...
54 min
Ep. 113: Aggressive Public Land Bowhunting Tactics
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by my good buddy Josh Profitt. Josh has successfully hunted large tracts of public land in Kentucky by employing a solid trail camera strategy and aggressive hunting tactics. He's hunts with traditional archery...
80 min
Ep. 112: Mermaids & Listener Q&A Part 2 W/Cody ...
What's up gang! Today John and I are switching up the format again and answering your listener questions with our buddy Cody D'Acquisto—so tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
80 min
Ep. 111: Iowa Public Land Shed Hunting & Scouting
What's up gang. Today's podcast John and I got to record in-person as I got to spent a few days in Iowa with him and his family, shed hunting and scouting public land in Iowa. This was in preparation for my Iowa hunt this fall and I definitely liked a...
90 min
Ep. 110: DIY Report—Rut & Late Season Public La...
What's up gang! I'm joined again by my friends from Exodus Trail Cameras for part three of our Public Land Trail Camera Strategies. Today we're talking camera strategies for rut and late seasons—thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast...
30 min
Ep. 109: DIY Hacks w/ the DIY Sportsman
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by Garrett Prahl of DIY Sportsman podcast and YouTube channel. If you've ever watched any of his videos you know he has a knack for creating DIY solutions for mobile hunters and does rather extensive testing of...
83 min
Podcast #108: DIY Report—Early Season & Pre Rut...
What's up gang! I'm joined again by my friends from Exodus Trail Cameras for part two of our Public Land Trail Camera Strategies. Today we're talking camera strategies for early season and pre rut—thanks for listening! To listen to the...
28 min
Podcast #107: Listener Q&A w/ Cody D'Acquisto &...
What's up gang! Today John and I are switching up the format a little bit and doing a round table discussion with a few buddies: Cody D'Aquisto and Chad Sylvester. We thought it would be a cool idea to answer the questions you all sent in with a group...
78 min