Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Pod...

Covering all things DIY whitetail hunting, the Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Podcast is the place to get your deer hunting stories, deer hunting tips and more. We'll launch a new podcast each week exploring topics across the landscape of deer and deer hunting. So take your time and enjoy each episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and take us with you across all your devices. Whether in the car or at work, we could all use a little more deer hunting in our lives!

EP. 231: Learning From Observation - U.P. Bowhu...
Today on the podcast I'm joined by Todd Freeman (IG - U.P. Bowhunter). Todd grew up in the U.P. of Michigan and now lives in New Jersey and has made a habit of the years of killing great deer on public land in multiple states. Todd is another east...
50 min
EP. 230: Eastern Pennsylvania Mountain Bucks
Today on the podcast I'm joined by Tom Runscavange. Tom grew up hunting the big woods of eastern Pennsylvania and was willing to come on the show and talk about the nuances of hunting this area. He's familiar with the general area I've been scouting...
87 min
EP. 229: Big Woods & Mature Bucks - Greg Litzinger
Back by popular demand is part number 2 of the sesh with the Bowhunting Fiend, Greg Litzinger. I this episode we dive into a piece of big woods Greg is revisiting as he's prioritizing proximity to home while embracing the chase for mature bucks and...
59 min
EP. 228: Buck Bedding & Tree Setups - Greg Litz...
You know him, you love on the podcast I have my good buddy with me, the Bowhunting Fiend, Greg Litzinger.  Greg and I spent the day scouting and wrapped it up with a podcast. We walk through our main takeaways and insights from the...
65 min
EP. 227: Hunting Off Big Sign - Mountain Bucks ...
Today's podcast we're diving into part number 2 with Nathan Killen. During this session we dive deeper into how Nathan evaluates sign, determines his points of ambush and more. Hope you dig it - thanks for listening!  To listen to the podcast...
47 min
EP. 226: Exploring New Ground
Today's podcast I'm joined by my buddy Aaron Hepler on a scouting trip. We headed to north eastern Pennsylvania to scout a few tracks of big woods that we both find intriguing. This was my second trip to the area, this time with a better plan. Many...
71 min
EP. 225: Virginia Appalachian Mountain Bucks - ...
Today's podcast I'm talking with Nathan Killen. His last name says most of what you need to know about his approach to hunting mature mountain bucks. He's made a habit of killing mature deer in the vast appalachian mountains of Virginia. If you like...
64 min
EP. 224: Buck Beds, e-Scouting, & Gear Updates
Today's podcast I'm hanging with my road dawg Chad Sylvester from Exodus Outdoor Gear. We're picking up part number 2 of our conversation where we're answering listener questions - thanks for listening!  To listen to the podcast click the...
72 min
EP. 223: Big Woods Bucks - Hal Blood
Today's podcast is a little different, where I'm joining the Big Woods Bucks podcast as a co-released episode with Hal and his team. Hal has written the modern day book (literally a few books) on big woods hunting and tracking when it comes to hunting...
82 min
EP. 222: Learn About Deer By Being Around Deer ...
Today I'm joined again by Todd Mead for part 2 of our Adirondack Mounting hunting discussion. In this session we go a little deeper into Todd's approach for finding mature bucks in the mountains - thanks for listening!  To listen to the podcast...
77 min
EP. 221: Learning From The Past & Planning for ...
Today I'm joined by my good buddy Chad Sylvester of Exodus Outdoor Gear. If you've listened to this podcast for a while you'll know Chad is my road dawg. We travel and hunt together, and share strategies/tactics often. He's one of the harders working...
55 min
EP. 220: Adirondack Mountains Bucks
Today I'm joined by Todd Mead. Todd is big woods hunter who cut his teeth in the vastness of the Adirondack mountains in upstate New York. He's lived the outdoor lifestyle making the outdoors a pivotal part of his life, and making a habit of...
62 min
EP. 219: Closure In Kansas
Today I'm joined by my good buddy Johnny Utah to do some catching up. To say He's had a roller-coaster of a deer season is an understatement. But the ending couldn't have been more fitting. Hope you all dig the discussion - thanks for listening! To...
69 min
EP. 218: Archery Strong - Avoiding & Rehabbing ...
Today we're diving into a topic that I've personally been working through for a few months. I'm joined by Christian Williams of Archery Strong. Christian's background is in sports performance and he married that with his love for archery and...
94 min
EP. 217: Out Of State Hunting - John Eberhart
Today we're cranking up another episode of the DIY Report mini-series. This is the third and final episode of this series with John Eberhart. Today's episode is all about John's approach to planning a hunt out of state - thanks for listening! To...
55 min
EP. 216: Big Woods Ground Hunting W/Josh Ildert...
Today I'm joined by Josh Ilderton of The Untamed. Josh is predominantly a ground hunter. The kicker is, when most people deploy this approach it's in open landscapes. Josh has been finding success on the ground hunting the big woods of West Virginia...
80 min
EP. 215: Postseason Scouting - John Eberhart
Today we're cranking up another episode of the DIY Report mini-series. This is part 2 of a 3 part series with John Eberhart. Today's episode is all about John's approach to postseason scouting, how you all enjoy it- thanks for listening! To listen...
44 min
EP. 214: Hard Earned Bucks
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Byron Horton from the Whitetail Experience. Byron is a mobile hunter who hunts the big woods public land of Ohio. He's very much like all of us who are students of the game looking for any and all information to become...
110 min
EP. 213: High Pressure Late Season – John Ebe...
Today we're cranking up the first DIY Report mini-series of the year. This is a 3 part series with John Eberhart. Today's episode is all about John's approach to finding late success hunting highly pressured whitetails- thanks for listening! To...
41 min
EP. 212: Pennsylvania Big Woods
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Aaron Hepler. This is part 2 of our conversation. Today Aaron and I talk about hunting the big woods and hill country of eastern PA along with having an adaptable strategic framework for evaluating sign- thanks for...
82 min
EP. 211: Public Transition
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Aaron Hepler. This is part 1 of our conversation. Today Aaron and I talk about our introductions into hunting through our families, and how we transitioned to hunting public lands. Hope you dig the show - thanks for...
59 min
EP. 210: Killing Deer In January
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Greg Litzinger for part 2 of our conversation. Greg and I talk about hunting the challenge of hunting late season on pressured public land, focusing on browse, and getting a head start on intel for next year. Hope you dig...
69 min
EP. 209: NJ Success & PA Redemption
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Greg Litzinger. Greg and I talk about his season...home state success, the hurt of failure, and the sweetness of redemption. Always love having Greg on, authentic and insightful as always - thanks for listening! To...
113 min
EP. 208: Mature Buck - Playing Cat And Mouse
Today I'm joined by my buddy, Johnny Utah. John and I both have had a season full of "just a bit outside" calls. He's been playing cat and mouse with a particular buck in Iowa for a few seasons that just seems to know how to evade him by a handful of...
81 min
EP. 207: Breaking New Ground
Today I'm joined by my good buddy Wilson McSwain. Have you ever had that friend who has the strangest things happen to them when hunting? Wilson's that friend. I can always count on him to kill deer, and have crazy stories. Today We talk about hunting...
103 min