Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Pod...

Covering all things DIY whitetail hunting, the Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Podcast is the place to get your deer hunting stories, deer hunting tips and more. We'll launch a new podcast each week exploring topics across the landscape of deer and deer hunting. So take your time and enjoy each episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and take us with you across all your devices. Whether in the car or at work, we could all use a little more deer hunting in our lives!

EP. 156: DIY Report—Hunting Active Scrapes - Jo...
Today I'm rolling into another DIY Report episode with John Eberhart. Today we cover a lot of good information about finding and hunting active/primary scrape areas - so stay tuned! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of...
48 min
EP. 155: Failure & Perseverance - Dan Infalt
Today I'm joined by my buddy Dan Infalt. We all know Dan as the Big Buck Serial Killer that he is. However, he's human like the rest of us and isn't immune to misses and failure in the whitetail woods. Today Dan and I talk about how to persevere when...
84 min
EP. 154: DIY Report—Access Tactics - John Eberhart
Today we kickoff another DIY Report min-series with the Godfather of saddle hunting, John Eberhart. In this series we cover a lot of good information. In this first part, we'll be focusing on entry and exit strategies - so stay tuned! To listen to...
59 min
EP. 153: 4th Quarter Iowa Public Land Magic
The Iowa hunt was a wild ride. Today John and I talk about our recent hunts. An arrow was released on public land and we came out heavy - so stay tuned! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
75 min
EP. 152: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 12 & 13
Days 12 & 13 updates...we've got the Whitetail Drifter with us talking Iowa rut - so stay tuned! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and...
70 min
Day 11...I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog's Day? As always thanks for listening. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google...
29 min
EP. 150: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 7 - 10
Day 7-9...been slower than we had hoped but John has had a few encounters with great deer! As always thanks for listening. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via...
56 min
EP. 149: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 6
Well...I had a great hunt today...and a not so good ending? As always thanks for listening. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google...
24 min
EP. 148: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 5
Great day in the timber today. Saw two shooters out of the 5 bucks I had encounters with today. One was a hammer...we'll hope we meet up again soon. Thanks for listening and enjoy the show! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at...
17 min
EP. 147: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 4
It feels like the rut is just starting to heat up here in Iowa. I Had a great encounter with a 9 pt. last night - snort wheezed him in to 25 yards...but he was not the one I'm looking for. Hoping the upcoming temp drop flips the switch on the big...
20 min
EP. 146: Daily Iowa Rut Log—Day 3
Hey gang! Action is picking up! Rattled in a young buck and laid eyes on an Iowa stud. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google...
17 min
EP. 145: Daily Rut Log—Day 1 & 2
Hey gang! My first update from Iowa. Right now it's a lot of checking cams, and scouting...with hunting in between. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes,...
34 min
EP. 144: Booner Bears & Whitetails
John and I catch up prior to me visiting him in Iowa for the rut. We also talk about the booner bear he took on a recent trip to Canada —enjoy, and thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page....
56 min
EP. 143: Public Land Giants & Looking For Lefto...
Every hunter has experienced finding good deer only for them to disappear when archery season opens forcing you to create a new plan on the fly during the season. Today I talk with Josh Profit about finding multiple public land booners he was...
90 min
EP. 142: Beast Tactics & 190 Inches Of Public L...
Alright...if you're not pumped up for deer hunting yet (as if that's possible), today's podcast will be the straw the broke the camels back. Today I'm joined by Jake Bush. Jake recently moved to Ohio and pounded the Ohio public land this off season...
72 min
EP. 141: DIY Report—In-Season Big Buck Strategi...
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Don Higgins for the third and final part of this DIY Report series. We're going to pick Don's brain to understand the adjustments and overall approach he takes during the season to kill mature bucks—enjoy,...
55 min
EP. 140: Hunt Like A Girl
Today on the podcast I'm joined by Lindsey Zastrow. Lindsey is someone I started following on IG, as she's all into the outdoors. We discuss how her career in analytics influences how she prepares for a hunt, and talk about being a woman in a male...
97 min
EP. 139: DIY Report—Pre-Season Big Buck Strateg...
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Don Higgins for the the second of this three part series. In this DIY Report series we're going to pick Don's brain and understand how a big buck killer approaches the pre-season for big buck...
35 min
EP. 138: 2019 Season Goals, Plans, & Aspirations
What's happening folks. Today John and I talk about our goals and plans for our 2019 archery hunts—thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via...
80 min
EP. 137: DIY Report—Post Season Big Buck Strate...
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Don Higgins for the the first of a three part series. In this DIY Report series we're going to pick Don's brain and understand how a big buck killer approaches each phase of the season (post, pre, in...
50 min
EP. 136: Evolution Of A Bowhunter
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by my good friend Tate. This is the gentleman who introduced me to bowhunting. And in many ways is responsible for me starting the blog and podcast. Special episode for me and hope you all enjoy—thanks for...
106 min
EP. 135: DIY Report—Public Land Strategies For ...
What's happening folks. Today I'm again joined by my buddy the Bowhunting Fiend (Greg Litzinger) for another installment of our DIY Report Look Back series. Today we dissect my previous conversation with Aaron Warbritton—thanks for listening! To...
63 min
EP. 134: East Coast Bow Hunting W/The Modern As...
What's happening folks. Today I'm joined by Garret Benner (AKA The Modern Assassin). We're talking all things east coast whitetails, filming, keeping it real, and how our youth shaped our hunting approach - thanks for listening! To listen to the...
118 min
EP. 133: DIY Report—False Intel & Hunting Terra...
What's happening folks. Today I'm again joined by my buddy the Bowhunting Fiend (Greg Litzinger) for another installment of our DIY Report Look Back series—thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of...
56 min
EP. 132: Go West Young Man & Listener Q&A
What's happening folks. Today John and I catch up on his recent trip west, our hunting updates, and we answer your listener questions - thanks for listening! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can...
73 min