Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Pod...

Covering all things DIY whitetail hunting, the Truth From The Stand Deer Hunting Podcast is the place to get your deer hunting stories, deer hunting tips and more. We'll launch a new podcast each week exploring topics across the landscape of deer and deer hunting. So take your time and enjoy each episode and be sure to subscribe to the podcast and take us with you across all your devices. Whether in the car or at work, we could all use a little more deer hunting in our lives!

Podcast #106: DIY Report—Public Land Trail Came...
What's up gang! I heard you all loud and clear that you wanted to hear more about camera strategies for hunting public land. So we're bringing you a 3 part series with my friends at Exodus trail cams who are experts in cameras and have a ton of...
25 min
Special Announcement: Skull Brew Coffee Is Born
Hey gang — Making a quick announcement to all of you who follow the podcast. I've been alluding to working on a project for the past several months and have been inching closer to launching it. Well, today is the day I can share what I'v been...
9 min
Podcast #105: 200 Inch Southern Ohio Giant—Dave...
Today on the show I'm joined by Dave Shade. Dave is a consistent big buck killer and this year was no exception with a 200 inch southern Ohio giant. I'm familiar with where he killed this deer which made it extra interesting to me. As I was hunting a...
70 min
Podcast #104: New Products & What’s Hot At The ...
What’s up gang! Today John and I are recapping our trip to ATA and discuss what products caught our eye and what kind of nonsense took place—tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
80 min
Podcast #103: Saddle Hunting Climbing Methods
What’s up gang! Today We're bringing you the first DIY Report episode of 2019. And we're covering climbing methods for saddle hunting—tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also...
36 min
Podcast #102: Saddle Hunting Transition & Tips ...
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by Greg Godfrey of Tethrd. Today we're taking a little twist here... where Greg is interviewing me to get a newbie's perspective on making the switch to saddle hunting. We're covering a lot of ground in this one! Hope...
75 min
Podcast #101: Urban Deer & Saddle Hunting w/Tay...
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by Taylor Chamberlin (Urban Bowman). You may have seen the First Lite film based on Taylor's approach to urban deer hunting. This type of hunting is gaining more popularity and offers some great hunting opportunities...
130 min
Podcast #100: Deer Calling & Mature Bucks w/Ste...
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by Steve Stoltz of Buckmen TV. Steve is known as the "working man's" hunter and focuses on sharing hunts for mature deer that the everyday hunter can accomplish.  Steve was one of the original members when Drury...
91 min
Podcast #99: Late Season, Late Rut & Hunter Eth...
What's up gang! Today we're joined by none other than Don Higgins. Don is known as one of the best mature buck hunters anywhere—last year killing two 200 inch bucks in back-to-back weeks in October. Today we pick his brain about hunting late season,...
96 min
Podcast #98: Suburban PA Whitetails, Alaskan Mo...
What's up gang! Today I'm joined by my good friend Wilson. Wilson is newer to hunting but has had tremendous success in a short period of time. His attitude and willingness to try new things is something we should all look to take something from. I...
103 min
Podcast #97: Illinois, Ohio Public Land Late Ru...
Alright everyone, I hope you all survived your Thanksgiving food coma by now! John and I both had a chance to do a little late rut hunting over the holiday. We're talking Illinois, outfitters, and Ohio public land late rut--tune in! To listen to the...
87 min
Podcast #96: New York State of Mind & Public La...
Happy Thanksgiving a day early! I hope everyone will get a chance to have a little down time to spend with friends and family this weekend. I'll of course spend Thursday with family and then off to Ohio for Friday and Saturday hunts to try and fill...
88 min
Podcast #95: Iowa & Ohio Rut Hunts
What's up everyone! I hope you all are finding success in the timber during these past few weeks. John and I are catching up on our rut hunts. You won't want to miss John's epic hunt in Iowa—tune in! To listen to the podcast click the orange play...
90 min
Podcast #94: Daily Rut Log—Day 12
Hey gang! Updates from my final day in Ohio. Back home in PA to continue the pursuit of the swamp monsters! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher...
13 min
Podcast #93: Daily Rut Log—Day 11
Hey gang! Updates from Friday's hunt! I may have had a shooter in range?! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google Play—don't forget...
15 min
Podcast #92: Daily Rut Log—Day 8 , 9 & 10
What's up everyone! Updates from Wednesday through Thursday! Chasing has begun and bucks are on the move! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio...
20 min
Podcast #91: Daily Rut Log—Day 6 & 7
What's up everyone! Updates from Sunday and Monday hunts! I saw a hammer on the hoof. I think it could be one of the targets I had on camera? To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the...
11 min
Podcast #90: Daily Rut Log—Day 5
What's up everyone! I Going to full draw on a buck and more scouting in Ohio. To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio and Google Play—don't...
14 min
Podcast #89: Daily Rut Log—Day 4
What's up everyone! Im now in Ohio for rut camp. Trail camera pull looks promising with a few big deer cruising in daylight! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via...
15 min
Podcast #88: Daily Rut Log—Day 3
What's up everyone! It was a warm one today. Here's hoping the temps get back to being rutty? Day 3 of the daily rut log coming at you! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the...
14 min
Podcast #87: Daily Rut Log—Day 1&2
What's up everyone, Rutcation is in full swing. Here are the first of the daily rut logs—day's 1 and 2! To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the top of the page.  You can also download the podcast via iTunes, Stitcher Radio...
14 min
Podcast #86: Whitetail Rut Preparation and List...
What's up everyone, Primetime is here! Today John and I recap our recent hunts and talk about our whitetail rut preparation. And for the first time ever, we answer a few listener questions To listen to the podcast click the orange play button at the...
92 min
Podcast #85: Deer Movement Part 3, The Science ...
What's up everyone! Today I'm joined again by Dr. Bronson Strickland of MSU Deer Lab for our third and final part of our deer movement DIY Report mini series. And today we're covering the timely subject of the science behind the whitetail rut and...
47 min
Podcast #84: North Dakota Velvet, Whitetail DNA...
What's up everyone! Hope you all caught a little of this front that came through. It looks like fall has finally arrived! Today I'm joined by Alex Comstock of Whitetail DNA. He's had a killer start to his season with a great N.D. velvet buck. We also...
92 min
Podcast #83: Deer Movement Part 2 w/ Dr. Bronso...
What's up everyone! Today I'm joined again by Dr. Bronson Strickland of MSU Deer Lab for part two of our deer movement DIY Report mini series. Today we're covering the type of things that will get individual deer on their feet, and to what extent....
34 min