Dragon Age Lorecast

A podcast dedicated to all of the wonderfully confusing, complex, and interesting lore in the Dragon Age universe. Co-created and co-hosted by Teecup and Shecup, who you may also know as The Cups or Austin and Shelby. We'll jump into topics like the many different gods and cultures throughout Thedas, the history of each country, the Blight, Fen'Harel's real ambitions, character deep dives, and so much more. We'll also be answering all of your questions and talking about all of your favorite side characters and NPCs along the way.

Video Games
The Qunari Wars: Mainland Thedas's Counterattac...
In this week's episode, the Cups finish up this two-part miniseries on Qunari lore
52 min
What's Your Favorite Dialogue Between Companion...
On this week's episode, the patrons join the show and bring several of their favorite quotes and conversations between companions.
42 min
The Qunari Wars: The Qunari's First Expedition ...
In this week's episode, the Cups look at a precursor war to another set of Exalted Marches.
47 min
Chantry Civil War: The Exalted March Against th...
These are the Marches called against the Imperial Chantry of Tevinter.
59 min
Character Deep Dive #16: Alistair Theirin
In this week's episode, the Cups discuss the one and only Alistair Theirin.
59 min
What Modern-Day Country in Thedas Would You Wan...
The patrons join the show and discuss which country they'd want to be from in Thedas.
38 min
The Second Exalted March: The Chantry Colonizes...
In this week's episode, the Cups look at another Exalted March. This one is the Exalted March against the Dales.
60 min
Character Deep Dive #15: Flemeth of Highever, P...
In this part two, we talk about Flemeth's daughters, her relationship with Morrigan, and some fan theories that connect Flemeth to other important characters in the Dragon Age universe.
61 min
Character Deep Dive #15: Flemeth of Highever, P...
In this week's episode, the Cups and guest SariaLue dive into our first non-companion character deep dive: Flemeth.
46 min
Which Characters In-Game Do You Ship or Wish Ha...
Which Characters In-Game Do You Ship or Wish Had Gotten Together? | February 2023 Patron Chat
36 min
The First Exalted March: Andraste and Maferath ...
In this week's episode, the Cups discuss the very first Exalted March, led by Andraste and Maferath against Tevinter.
63 min
Dragon Age Absolution Reactions and Episode Bre...
In this week's episode, the Cups talk with Lewis Hackfath, the one and only Nug King patron!
82 min
Character Deep Dive #14: Fenris
We're finally talking about Teacup's favorite character: Fenris. We talk about what little we know of Fenris's backstory and childhood, but we spend most of our time focusing on his roles in Dragon Age 2 as a companion and in the comics as the Blue Wraith.
71 min
Who's the Best Villain or Antagonist in Dragon ...
On this week's episode, the patrons join the show and discuss who is the best villain or antagonist in Dragon Age.
41 min
Slavery in Thedas: Not Just a Tevinter Problem
In this week's episode, the Cups discuss the problem of slavery throughout Thedas.
78 min
The History of the Avvar Tribes: Finally, A Hea...
This season, we're going to be looking at major historical events, people groups, and wars that impact the cultural and political fabric of Thedas. We're beginning this week with a look at the Avvar tribes.
68 min
Character Deep Dive #13: Morrigan
We talk about Morrigan's backstory, her childhood and role as Flemeth's daughter, her obsession with eluvians and ancient magic, and more.
55 min
Dragon Age Trivia with our Patrons! | December ...
On this week's episode, the patrons join the show and compete against one another in a night of Dragon Age trivia!
51 min
Dragons and Their Relatives: Fire and Blood
This week, the Cups are diving into dragons and (most) of the many other species that are included in their family
57 min
Golems and Rock Wraiths: Creatures of the Deep ...
This week, the Cups are looking at dwarven-related creatures: golems and rock wraiths
60 min
Community Survey Results with CloudyAtlas | Hap...
Today, we're unpacking the full survey results!
81 min
Character Deep Dive #12: Merrill
In this week's episode, the Cups dive into another main character and party companion from Dragon Age 2, the one and only Merrill.
46 min
Halla: The Real Pantheon of the Dalish Elves
This week, the Cups discuss the lore surrounding the halla--the elven deer creature.
58 min
Create and Cast Your Own Dragon Age TV Show | R...
The Cups and the patrons discuss what ideas they have for their very own Dragon Age television show!
47 min
Mabari: Ferelden's Best Friend | Take the Drago...
In this week's episode, the Cups talk about mabari--the best boys and girls of Thedas!
50 min