Dragon Age Lorecast

A podcast dedicated to all of the wonderfully confusing, complex, and interesting lore in the Dragon Age universe. Co-created and co-hosted by Teecup and Shecup, who you may also know as The Cups or Austin and Shelby. We'll jump into topics like the many different gods and cultures throughout Thedas, the history of each country, the Blight, Fen'Harel's real ambitions, character deep dives, and so much more. We'll also be answering all of your questions and talking about all of your favorite side characters and NPCs along the way.

Video Games
What Are You Most Looking Forward to About Drag...
In this week's episode, Shecup and the patrons discuss what we're most looking forward to about Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
41 min
Dragon Age: Dreadwolf is now Dragon Age: The Ve...
We're going over everything we know about the game thus far, including companions, gameplay, mechanics, and some changes from previous games.
44 min
Book Club: Hard in Hightown by Varric Tethras a...
Join our book club covering Hard in Hightown, Varric's literary masterpiece and bestseller.
54 min
Who's Your Favorite Non-Playable NPC? | May 202...
Join the Cups and their patrons to discuss which non-companion, non-playable character is their favorite and why.
39 min
Book Club: The Calling by David Gaider
Welcome to Season 8!!!! We're so excited to launch this new season, dedicated to all things Entertainment of Thedas. In the first half of this season, we'll be diving into each of the books, comics, and short stories. The format will be a little different because we won't have any side characters at the end. In the second half of this season, we'll dive into all things recreational in Thedas: sports, theatre, music, and more. Today's episode is our first book club episode, focusing on The Stolen Throne by David Gaider. We discuss the plot, characters, and lore within this novel at length, and at the end, we give the book a rating out of 5. Now introducing Dragon Age Lorecast merch for everyone! Check it out at our shop! Want to chime in on the conversation? You can become a patron at the First Enchanter tier or higher and join us ON THE SHOW! https://www.patreon.com/dalorecast We've launched merch! Become a patron at the Antivan Crow tier or higher to get these exclusive rewards! Check out our website! cupspodcasting.com If you love our merch, check out the artist behind the designs! https://libanezink.wixsite.com/libanezart If you love our music, check out the musician behind our theme! Pipeman Studios If you enjoyed our podcast, give us a rating and review on Apple and/or Spotify! We'll even read your review out on the show! Join our The Cups Podcasts discord server where we dive deeep into Dragon Age discussions. https://discord.gg/fxR2WVDNhP Join the Robots Radio discord server to join the fun! You can also send us your Heroes, Hawkes, and Heralds to be featured on the podcast! https://discord.gg/AW5Wc4kgZb You can also find us on Twitter at @DALorecast, and you can dm us or email us side character suggestions (dalorecast@gmail.com). Music by Pipeman Studios Website designed by H-I-T Media Solutions Merch designed by Lauren Ibañez Ink Sources: The Stolen Throne by David Gaider
76 min
Book Club: The Stolen Throne by David Gaider
Welcome to Season 8!!!! We're so excited to launch this new season, dedicated to all things Entertainment of Thedas.
93 min
Uthenera: The Eternal Sleep
Today, we're discussing an ethereal and heady topic – uthenera. Uthenera was an ancient practice whereby elder elves in Arlathan would go to their eternal sleep
45 min
The Long Walk and the Establishment of the Dales
This week's episode is all about how the elves get from Tevinter to the rest of Thedas.
50 min
Which Member of the Evanuris Would You Follow a...
Join the Cups and their patrons to discuss which of the elven pantheon – also known as The Evanuris – that we'd each want to follow.
37 min
Vallaslin: Elven Blood Writing
The Cups discuss a part of elven culture -- vallaslin.
46 min
Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf | Part Two
Today, the Cups return for the second half of their discussion on the Dread Wolf
75 min
Fen'Harel: The Dread Wolf | Part One
Today, the Cups tackle the long-awaited discussion of the Dread Wolf, the Roamer of the Beyond, the God of Betrayal and Rebellion himself... Fen'Harel.
65 min
Which Romances Are the Objective Best and Worst...
The Cups and the patrons discuss which romances are objectively best and worst!
42 min
Character Deep Dive #20: Grand Enchanter and Gr...
In today's episode, the Cups discuss the role of Fiona., who appears in multiple books and Dragon Age Inquisition.
60 min
Dirthamen: Keeper of Secrets
In today's episode, the Cups discuss the elven god of knowledge and secrecy -- Dirthamen.
59 min
Falon'Din: Friend of the Dead
In today's episode, the Cups discuss the elven god of death -- Falon'Din.
76 min
FMK: Dragon Age Edition
The Cups are joined by the patrons to spin the wheel and decide who they're going to f***, marry, or kill.
35 min
All About Romance and Relationships in Dragon A...
Today, the Cups are joined by the Two Girls to discuss everything related to relationships, romance, love, and lust in the world of Thedas!
88 min
Sylaise: The Hearthkeeper
Today's episode is covering another member of the Evanuris pantheon: Sylaise.
46 min
June: The God of Craft | Featuring Special Gues...
Today, the Cups are joined by a special guest that all devoted Dragon Age fans should know -- Caitie, also known as the voice behind and creator of the Ghil Dirthalen YouTube channel! You might also know her as one half of the Split the Veil podcast. Caitie joins us to discuss the most little-known elven god: June.
76 min
What New Year's Resolutions Will the Dragon Age...
the Cups and the patrons discuss new year's resolutions, the protagonists and companions throughout the games, who is making what resolutions, and who is FAILING their resolutions.
39 min
Ghilan'nain: Mother of the Halla
In today's episode, the Cups discuss another elven god – this week, Ghilan'nain.
62 min
Andruil: The Huntress and Lady of Fortune
This week, the Cups take a look at Andruil, the Huntress, Lady of Fortune, Mother of Hares, and much more.
44 min
Dragon Age Game Show: Canon or Fanon | December...
The patrons joined the podcast for a gameshow episode, Canon or Fanon!
34 min
Mythal: Goddess of Justice and the All-Mother
Taking a look at Mythal, we discuss her history, her role among the Evanuris, who the Dalish say she is, and how Flemeth and Andraste fit into this story.
54 min