Kaitlin Sidorsky, "All Roads Lead to Power: The...
Sidorsky combines qualitative and quantitative research to examine appointed and elected state positions...
46 min
Sharra L. Vostral, "Toxic Shock: A Social Histo...
In 1978, doctors in Denver, Colorado observed several healthy children who suddenly and mysteriously developed a serious, life-threatening illness with no visible source...
20 min
Anne O’Brien, "Women, Inequality and Media Work...
How do women experience gender inequality in film and television production industries?
40 min
Amy Collier Artman, "The Miracle Lady: Kathryn ...
Artman tells the story of Kuhlman’s life and, in the process, relates the larger story of charismatic Christianity, particularly how it moved from the fringes of American society to the mainstream...
57 min
Katharina Karcher, "Sisters in Arms: Militant F...
Karcher examines a critical time in the history and development of the feminist movement in Germany...
52 min
Celeste Watkins-Hayes, "Remaking a Life: How Wo...
How do women -- especially poor and low-income women with histories of childhood sexual trauma and drug addiction -- respond to and deal with an HIV/AIDS diagnosis?
25 min
Ashley Robertson, "Mary McLeod Bethune in Flori...
Mary McLeod Bethune was often called the "First Lady of Negro America," but she made significant contributions to the political climate of Florida as well...
37 min
Courtney Pace, "Freedom Faith: The Womanist Vis...
Pace examines Hall’s life and philosophy, particularly through the lens of her civil rights activism, her teaching career, and her ministry as a womanist preacher...
53 min
Emilie Le Beau Lucchesi, "This Is Really War: T...
Lucchesi presents the largely unknown story of the US Navy nurses captured by the Japanese in the Philippines during World War II...
62 min
Maria Cotera, "Chicana Movidas: New Narratives ...
The editors have formulated a landmark anthology illustrating Chicana feminism and activism that spread in the Southwest, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest during the Chicana/o movement era...
57 min
Tanisha C. Ford, "Dressed in Dreams: A Black Gi...
Ford investigates Afros and dashikis, go-go boots and hotpants of the sixties, hip hop's baggy jeans and bamboo earrings, and the #BlackLivesMatter-inspired hoodies of today...
66 min
Emily S. Johnson, "This Is Our Message: Women's...
Johnson examines the lives and work of four well-known women-evangelical marriage advice author Marabel Morgan, singer and anti-gay-rights activist Anita Bryant, author and political lobbyist Beverly LaHaye, and televangelist Tammy Faye Bakker...
47 min
Tiffany Gill, "To Turn the Whole World Over: Bl...
Annette Joseph-Gabriel talks with Tiffany Gill about the history of African American travel in the late twentieth century and its significance to Black communities across the lines of class and gender...
34 min
Joan Wallach Scott, "Sex and Secularism" (Princ...
"Sex and Secularism" is a compelling analysis of the discourse of secularism in the modern democratic (imperial) nation-states of “the West”.
57 min
Caitlyn Collins, "Making Motherhood Work: How W...
Where in the world do working moms have it best?
45 min
Nancy Mirabal, "Suspect Freedoms: The Racial an...
Mirabal details New York Cuban diasporic history between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries with keen attention to how political debates about the potential future, visibility, and belonging in Cuba played out along issues of race and gender...
48 min
Amanda Littauer, "Bad Girls: Young Women, Sex, ...
Amanda Littauer traces the origins of the "sexual revolution" of the 1960s...
76 min
Candace L. Bailey, "Charleston Belles Abroad: T...
Bailey uses a close reading of the music owned and performed by three prominent women in antebellum Charleston to demonstrate the varied experiences and perspectives of figures who also had much in common...
53 min
Brenda Elsey and Joshua Nadel, "Futbolera: A Hi...
Elsey and Nadel uncover the hidden history of the arrival of physical education for girls in the late-nineteenth century,
59 min
Heather Mayer, "Beyond the Rebel Girl: Women an...
Mayer finds women played a crucial role in the politics of the union...
27 min
Kristen R. Ghodsee, "Second World, Second Sex: ...
Ghodsee addresses a telling gap in the historiography of women rights movements – the contributions of the Second World women rights activists...
66 min
Alexandra M. Nickliss, "Phoebe Apperson Hearst:...
Nickliss shows how Hearst came to exercise such power and the ways she uses it to advance the causes in which she believed...
50 min
Joseph Hill, "Wrapping Authority: Women Islamic...
Hill provides life stories of various fascinating and powerful female muqaddamas (or Sufi leaders) in Dakar and explores how they navigate the complexity of their gendered authority in religious, familial, and public domains...
61 min
Shennette Garrett-Scott, "Banking on Freedom: B...
Think running an insurance company or a bank is hard? Try doing it as an African-American woman in the Jim Crow South...
39 min
Melanie A. Medeiros, "Marriage, Divorce, and Di...
Medeiros explores the women’s rich stories of desire, love, respect, suffering, strength, and transformation...