New Books in Women's History

Discussions with scholars of women's history about their new books

Social Sciences
Angela Rudert, "Shakti's New Voice: Guru Devoti...
Gurumaa’s syncretic approach innovates Hindu religiosity, as does her progressive attitudes towards treatment of women...
78 min
Richard J. Bernstein, "Why Read Hannah Arendt N...
Nobody should feel excited about the renewed relevance of Hannah Arendt's work today...
56 min
Dana Fisher, "American Resistance: From the Wom...
"American Resistance" follows activists from the streets back to their congressional districts around the country...
25 min
Alicia Izharuddin, “Gender and Islam in Indones...
Izharuddin explores the development of the Islamic film genre with a specific focus on gender representation...
43 min
John Launer, "Sex Versus Survival: The Life and...
Spielrein's life resembles a nodal point; she stood at the crossroads of extraordinary changes in world politics and psychoanalysis...
56 min
Paula McQuade, "Catechisms and Women’s Writing ...
McQuade opens up an entirely new field for the study of early modern women’s writing,..
32 min
Annabel L. Kim, "Unbecoming Language: Anti-Iden...
Kim tangles with the question of difference so central to French feminism, theory...
58 min
Erica Armstrong Dunbar, "She Came to Slay: The ...
Harriet Tubman is best known as one of the most famous conductors on the Underground Railroad...
35 min
Eileen Boris, "Making the Woman Worker: Precari...
Eileen Boris illuminates the ILO's transformation in the context of the long fight for social justice...
41 min
Naleli Morojele, "Women Political Leaders in Rw...
Rwanda and South Africa have some of the highest rates of women’s political representation in the world, with significant growth particularly in the last 20 years...
43 min
C. Strachan and L. Poloni-Staudinger, "Why Don′...
"Why Don′t Women Rule the World?" is a comprehensive and useful addition to the established literature on women and politics...
37 min
Susan Goodier, "Women Will Vote: Winning Suffra...
Goodier and Pastorello examine the many distinct, yet interconnected, groups that fought for women’s suffrage in New York State before 1917...
67 min
Gerry Milligan, "Moral Combat: Women, Gender an...
Milligan takes as its subject the woman warrior in early modern Italy as she was and as she was represented across varied types of texts,..
52 min
Zahra Ayubi, "Gendered Morality: Classical Isla...
How are notions of justice and equality constructed in Islamic virtue ethics (akhlaq)?
64 min
Tammy R. Vigil, "Moms in Chief: The Rhetoric of...
Vigil’s analysis is particularly interesting and informative in how we think about the role of public women in our country, especially in relation to the White House and their unelected roles within the political sphere...
43 min
Kate Kirkpatrick, "Becoming Beauvoir: A Life" (...
Beauvior is now celebrated, but during her life she was a controversial figure both by conventional and feminists’ standards...
52 min
Hendrik Hartog, "The Trouble with Minna: A Case...
Hendrik Hartog uses a forgotten 1840 case to explore the regime of gradual emancipation that took place in New Jersey over the first half of the nineteenth century...
23 min
Katie Jarvis, "Politics in the Marketplace: Wor...
The king’s guards became increasingly nervous as they watched nearly 7,000 individuals march on Versailles on October 5, 1789...
47 min
Cecilia Caballero et al. "The Chicana M(other)w...
The editors bring together a diverse collective of Women of Color Mother-Scholars to end the silence experienced by Mothers of Color in academia....
63 min
Suzanne Scott, "Fake Geek Girls: Fandom, Gender...
Scott provides an overview of the convergence culture industry and the world of fandom while examining the role that gender and misogyny has played in understanding who is and is not considered an “authentic” fan...
37 min
Nancy Lough and Andrea N. Geurin, "Routledge Ha...
Lough and Guerin bring together forty different authors to survey the status of women's sports in 2019.
75 min
Belinda Stillion Southard, "How to Belong: Wome...
Southard examines the discourse of international women leaders seeking agency for women, the traditional subjects of violence across the global south...
51 min
Mary-Elizabeth Murphy, "Jim Crow Capital: Women...
Though women’s roles in the black freedom struggle remain under-acknowledged, scholars continue to make their importance clear...
50 min
Lisa Greenwald, "Daughters of 1968: Redefining ...
May ’68 marked a watershed moment in French society, culture, and political life...
50 min
Polina Kroik, "Cultural Production and the Poli...
Kroik explores the relationship between work and gender in American culture...
48 min