New Books in Women's History

Discussions with scholars of women's history about their new books

Social Sciences
D. J. Taylor, "The Lost Girls: Love and Literat...
Who were the Lost Girls?
20 min
Great Books: Catherine Stimpson on de Beauvior'...
51 min
Helen Taylor, "Why Women Read Fiction: The Stor...
Why and how is fiction important to women?
29 min
Carol Dyhouse, "Hearthrobs: A History of Women ...
What can a cultural history of the heartthrob teach us about women, desire, and social change?
28 min
Rachel Chrastil, "How to Be Childless: A Histor...
Chrastil explores the most personal of women’s decisions from the 1500s on...
34 min
Dr. Alice Collett, "Lives of Early Buddhist Nun...
Collett delves into the lives of six of the best-known nuns from the period of early Buddhism...
64 min
Eileen Botting, "The Wollstonecraftian Mind" (R...
A political and moral thinker and a forerunner to modern feminism, Wollstonecraft has not received attention on par with the wide breath of her ideas...
66 min
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, "Sisters and Rebels: A Str...
Seeking their fortunes in the North, Grace and Katharine Lumpkin reinvented themselves as radical thinkers whose literary works and organizing efforts brought the nation’s attention to issues of region, race, and labor.
37 min
Jacquelyn Dowd Hall, "Sisters and Rebels: A Str...
Seeking their fortunes in the North, Grace and Katharine Lumpkin reinvented themselves as radical thinkers whose literary works and organizing efforts brought the nation’s attention to issues of region, race, and labor.
37 min
Ingrid Horrocks, "Women Wanderers and the Writi...
Ingrid Horrocks talks about the way women travelers, specifically women wanderers, are represented in late-eighteenth century literature, particularly in the work of women writers...
31 min
Alys Eve Weinbaum, "The Afterlife of Reproducti...
Weinbaum investigates the continuing resonances of Atlantic slavery in the cultures and politics of human reproduction that characterize contemporary biocapitalism...
53 min
Great Books: Jared Stark on Virginia Woolf's "T...
“On or around December 1910, human character changed.”
40 min
Adele Lindenmeyr, "Citizen Countess: Sofia Pani...
In the aftermath of the February Revolution in 1917 Panina served on the Petrograd city council and as an assistant cabinet minister—the first female cabinet member in world history...
42 min
Jennifer Utrata, "Women without Men: Single Mot...
Utrata investigates what she calls a “quiet revolution” in the Russian family after the fall of the Soviet Union...
53 min
Alex Lichtenstein, "Margaret Bourke-White and t...
"Life" published two photo-essays highlighting Bourke-White’s photographs, but much of her South African work remained unpublished until now...
35 min
Talitha LeFlouria, "Chained in Silence: Black W...
LeFlouria discusses the lives, labors, and legacies of incarcerated black women and the convict lease system in the early 20th century South...
34 min
Zahra Ali, "Women and Gender in Iraq: Between N...
Ali presents a detailed and fascinating account of Muslim feminist discourses and politics in modern Iraq...
69 min
Amy Aronson, "Chrystal Eastman: A Revolutionary...
Aronson gives us the life of a women’s rights activist, labor lawyer, radical pacifist, writer and co-founder of what became the Civil Liberties Union...
57 min
Vicky Pryce, "Women vs. Capitalism: Why We Can'...
Free market capitalism has failed women...
27 min
Sally Holloway, "The Game of Love in Georgian E...
What was the role of love and courtship in eighteenth-century English culture?
38 min
Caroline Wanjiku Kihato, "Migrant Women of Joha...
Kihato's book is about home and not-home, eloquently told about the hopes and dreams, fears and hardships of migrant women trying to make life and livelihoods in inner city Johannesburg....
42 min
Kathleen Sheppard, "The Life of Margaret Alice ...
After Napoleon occupied Egypt, Europeans became obsessed with the ancient cultures of the Nile...
31 min
Laura K. T. Stokes, "Fanny Hensel: A Research a...
Nineteenth-century composer Fanny Hensel is the subject of more published research than any other woman of the period, with the possible exception of Clara Schumann...
49 min
Brianna Theobald, "Reproduction on the Reservat...
Theobald delivers a long-overdue, comprehensive history of Native women’s reproductive health, rights, and practices...
41 min
Michelle Haberland, "Striking Beauties: Women A...
Haberland discusses the dynamics of gender, class, race and globalization in the southern apparel industry from the 1930s to today...
43 min