Melissa R. Klapper, "Ballet Class: An American ...
For much of the last century, ballet class has been a rite of passage for millions of little girls in the United States.
36 min
Mallika Kaur, "Faith, Gender, and Activism in t...
Kaur unearths the stories of three people who found themselves at the center of Punjab’s human rights movement...
59 min
Fiona Vera-Gray, "The Right Amount of Panic: Ho...
Have you ever thought about how much energy goes into avoiding sexual violence?
51 min
Cynthia Orozco, "Agent of Change: Adela Sloss-V...
Orozco traces the life of Adela Sloss-Vento, a twentieth-century Mexican American woman civil rights activist in Texas...
61 min
Cassia Roth, "A Miscarriage of Justice: Women’s...
Roth examines women's reproductive health in relation to legal and medical policy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil...
69 min
Amy Koerber, “From Hysteria to Hormones: A Rhet...
Koerber shows that the boundary between older, nonscientific ways of understanding women’s bodies and newer, scientific understandings is much murkier than we might expect...
61 min
Kimberly A. Hamlin, "Free Thinker: Sex, Suffrag...
Hamlin offers a fascinating biography of a little-known suffrage leader...
55 min
Jin Y. Park, "Women and Buddhist Philosophy: En...
Park offers an account of the Korean Buddhist nun, Kim Iryŏp’s life and philosophy, which takes place from 1896-1971...
58 min
Jessica Wilkerson, "To Live Here, You Have to F...
Wilkerson discusses the recent history of feminist social justice activism in Appalachia...
35 min
Great Books: Julie Carlson on Mary Shelley's "F...
Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus when she was nineteen years old on a bet...
50 min
Joana Cook, "A Woman's Place: US Counterterrori...
Cook investigates how and why women have developed the roles they have, and interrogates US counterterrorism practices in key countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, and Yemen...
44 min
Melissa Kravetz, "Women Doctors in Weimar and N...
Kravetz examines how German women physicians gained a foothold in the medical profession during the Weimar and Nazi periods,..
57 min
Nancy Sinkoff, "From Left to Right: Lucy S. Daw...
Sinkoff offers s the first comprehensive biography of Dawidowicz (1915-1990), a pioneer historian in the field that is now called "Holocaust Studies"..
56 min
Michael O’Sullivan, "Disruptive Power: Catholic...
How did Catholic mysticism shape politics and religion in 20th-century Germany?
75 min
Melissa Walker and Giselle Roberts, "Women’s Di...
Walker and Roberts discuss the field of documentary editing and how the personal writings of southern women reveal the broader history of life in the U.S. South during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries...
40 min
Erika Engstrom, "Feminism, Gender, and Politics...
Engstrom analyzes the various ways the series presented feminism as a positive force, such as the satirical portrayal of patriarchy...
49 min
Sher Banu Khan, "Sovereign Women in a Muslim Ki...
Khan provides a rare and empirically rich view of queenship in early modern maritime Southeast Asia...
43 min
Emily E. LB. Twarog, "Politics of the Pantry: H...
Twarog examines how working- and middle-class American housewives used their identity as housewives to protest the high cost of food. In doing so, housewives' relationships with the state evolved over the course of the century...
37 min
Erika Denise Edwards, "Hiding in Plain Sight: B...
Edwards has produced the first comprehensive study in English of the history of African descendants outside of Buenos Aires in the late colonial and early republican periods...
69 min
Megan Burke, "When Time Warps: The Lived Experi...
Burke considers the relationship of sexual violence to lived time by reexamining and building upon the work of Simone de Beauvoir, and in conversation with Judith Butler, María Lugones, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and many others...
55 min
Robin Pickering-Iazzi, "Dead Silent: Life Stori...
Pickering-Iazzi literally “unburies” the identities of over two-hundred girls and women who lived in Italy between 1878 and 2018, and were killed by members of the organized crime from different regions of Italy,..
52 min
S. Bergès, E. Hunt Botting, A. Coffee, "The Wol...
"The Wollstonecraftian Mind" is an extensive compendium of Mary Wollstonecraft as a writer, as an interlocutor, as a philosopher and political theorist, and as a feminist thinker...
61 min
Roger Gilles, "Women on the Move: The Forgotten...
Gilles recovers the history of women’s cycle racing in the 1890s...
58 min
Carol Gilligan and Naomi Snider, "Why Does Patr...
Carol Gilligan and Naomi Snider use psychoanalysis and psychology as frameworks for understanding the vexingly enduring power of this social structure...
40 min
Blain Roberts, "Pageants, Parlors, and Pretty W...
Roberts talks about intersections of race, identity, and memory in the South in a wide-ranging discussion that starts in the segregated beauty parlors of the Jim Crow era...