Karen Patel, "The Politics of Expertise in Cult...
By analyzing the impact and importance of social media, the book offers an important insight into how inequality functions even where technology seems to offer an end to cultural hierarchy...
36 min
Barry Witham, "From Red-Baiting to Blacklisting...
Witham traces Fried’s long career as a labor organizer and Communist Party militant, as well as the obsessive lengths the FBI went to in order to suppress his activism...
46 min
Jennifer Atkins, "New Orleans Carnival Balls: T...
Atkins draws back the curtain on the origin of the exclusive Mardi Gras balls, bringing to light unique traditions unseen by outsiders...
63 min
Caridad Svich, "Mitchell and Trask’s Hedwig and...
This book is Caridad Svich’s love letter to the 1998 musical that introduced the world to its favorite East German ex-pat genderqueer rock star, Hedwig...
Gertrude Hoffman is one of many entertainers who were big stars in vaudeville before World War I, but whose celebrity faded as the American public was seduced by radio and film after the Great War.
Central to Reddy's project is upending the male-centric understanding of the relationship between the diaspora and the “nation”.
40 min
Kevin J. Byrne, "Minstrel Traditions: Mediated ...
Bryne examines the technologically-mediated interactions that developed between live performances and their circulating images during this fraught period...
64 min
Mary Kathryn Nagle, "Sovereignty" (Northwestern...
How can Cherokee people fight for justice under an unjust colonial legal framework?
45 min
Telory Arendell, "The Autistic Stage: How Cogni...
Arendell creates a revolutionary fusion of disability studies and performance studies...
52 min
Manuel Betancourt, "Judy Garland's Judy at Carn...
Betancourt explores what makes Judy Garland’s landmark album great, and why it holds such a central place in queer culture...
60 min
Nasser Rahmaninejad, "A Man of the Theatre: Sur...
Rahmaninejad's memoir provides a fascinating glimpse into the political and artistic life of Iran...
65 min
C. Jester and C. Svich, "Fifty Playwrights on t...
Jester and Svich talk to writers from the US, the UK, and countries around the world about what it means to be a playwright today....
What is the place of classical music in contemporary society?
47 min
Creshema R. Murray, "Leadership Through the Len...
The book examines how TV impacts our expectations of leadership, organizational life, and pedagogy.
45 min
Grace Elizabeth Hale, "Cool Town: How Athens, G...
Grace Elizabeth Hale tells the epic story of the Athens, Georgia music scene...
80 min
François Clemmons, "Officer Clemmons: A Memoir"...
Clemmons offers a touching coming of age story that reveals what it felt like to be young, gifted, black, and gay during a time of intense racism and homophobia....
78 min
Greg Garrett, "A Long, Long Way: Hollywood’s Un...
Garrett brings his signature brand of theologically motivated cultural criticism to bear on this history...
62 min
Shana Redmond, "Everything Man: The Form and Fu...
Redmond explores the ways in which Paul Robeson, silenced by state repression in his lifetime, still speaks to us today....
61 min
Clifford Mason, "Macbeth in Harlem: Black Theat...
Mason offers a sweeping history of Black theatre from the early nineteenth century through 1959...
59 min
Brian Greene, "Until the End of Time: Mind, Mat...
Greene offers the the reader a theory of everything...
117 min
Ian Burrows, "Shakespeare for Snowflakes: On Sl...
Burrows examines the fraught meeting place of slapstick and tragedy, asking us under what literary and performative conditions we extend and withhold sympathy....
64 min
Steve Zeitlin, "The Poetry of Everyday Life: St...
Zeitlin taps into the artistic side of what we often take for granted: the stories we tell, the people we love,,,
66 min
Caridad Svich, "The Hour of All Things and Othe...
Svich remains one of America’s most exciting playwrights, and this book collects some of her most invigorating work yet.
78 min
Stacy Wolf, "Beyond Broadway: The Pleasure and ...
From backstage moms to tiny divas to dinner theatres, Wolf demonstrates that this charming pastime of American culture that is anything but past...
64 min
Melissa R. Klapper, "Ballet Class: An American ...
For much of the last century, ballet class has been a rite of passage for millions of little girls in the United States.