Joel Miller, "Memoir of a Roadie: Axl Said I ma...
Joel Miller recounts his time in the early 2000s as a road for Stone Temple Pilots, Guns N’ Roses, Poison, and The Cranberries...
59 min
Dave O’Brien, "Culture is Bad for You: Inequali...
This book combines quantitative data analysis with personal interviews to weave together the complicated picture of who the people behind some of our most cherished experiences are.
54 min
William P. Seeley, "Attentional Engines: A Perc...
How do we distinguish art from non-art artifacts, and what does cognitive science have to do with it?
62 min
Jill Richards, "The Fury Archives: Female Citiz...
Richards radically rewrites our understanding of first-wave feminism by demonstrating its proximity to international avant-garde movements including surrealism,..
49 min
Joshua Chambers-Letson, "After the Party: A Man...
Through this diverse cast of characters, Chambers-Letson highlights moments of immanent communism: collaborations, romantic relationships, and serendipitous collisions that point towards a liberated future which also exists in our troubled present...
58 min
Fabian Holt, "Everyone Loves Live Music: A Theo...
Holt shows how festivals and other institutions of musical performance have evolved in recent decades...
57 min
Bruce Isaacs, "The Art of Pure Cinema: Hitchcoc...
Isaacs offers the first book-length study to examine the historical foundations and stylistic mechanics of pure cinema...
66 min
Karen Quigley, "Performing the Unstageable: Suc...
From the gouging out of eyes in Shakespeare's King Lear or Sarah Kane's Cleansed, to the adaptation of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy, theatre has long been intrigued by the staging of challenging plays and impossible texts, images or ideas...
Klein explores the relationship between music and money, from the early years of the pop industry to contemporary society’s ‘promotional culture’...
40 min
Jack Santino, "Public Performances: Studies in ...
Santino offers a deep and wide-ranging exploration of relationships among genres of public performance and of the underlying political motivations they share...
65 min
Anne García-Romero, "The Fornes Frame" (U Arizo...
Playwright and theatre scholar Anne García-Romero traces the career and legacy of Maria Irene Fornes.
51 min
Laura Westengard, "Gothic Queer Culture: Margin...
Westengard examines the intersection of queerness and the gothic...
60 min
Co-Authored: A Discussion of "The Party Decides"
"The Party Decides" is the most (only?) meme'd book in the history of political science.
34 min
Chantal Bilodeau, "Forward" (Tanlonbooks 2018)
Chantal Bilodeau has made a name for herself a playwright singularly dedicated to writing plays about the issue of climate change...
49 min
Ronak K. Kapadia, "Insurgent Aesthetics: Securi...
Kapadia theorizes the world-making power of contemporary art responses to US militarism in the Greater Middle East....
46 min
Annie-B Parson, "Drawing the Surface of Dance: ...
"Drawing the Surface of Dance" collects thirty years of “charts” by renowned choreographer and co-founder of Big Dance Theater Annie-B Parson...
62 min
Adam Broinowski, "Cultural Responses to Occupat...
Broinowski analyzes the emergence of Ankoku Butoh (dance of darkness) in the context of America’s de jure and then de facto occupation of Japan following the Second World War...
Khubchandani follows queer South Asian men across borders into gay neighborhoods, nightclubs, bars, and house parties in Bangalore and Chicago...
47 min
Steven C. Smith, "Music by Max Steiner: The Epi...
During a seven-decade career that spanned from 19th century Vienna to 1920s Broadway to the golden age of Hollywood, three-time Academy Award winner Max Steiner did more than any other composer to introduce and establish the language of film music....
65 min
F. Henry and D. Plaza, "Carnival Is Woman: Femi...
Henry and Plaza examines the presence of women in contemporary Carnival by demonstrating not only their strength in numbers, but also the ways in which they participate in the festivities...
71 min
L. D'Amour and K. Pearl, "Milton: A Performance...
In 2012, Lisa D'Amour and Katie Pearl--known collectively as PearlDamour--began visiting five small American towns named Milton....
60 min
Lauren Michele Jackson, "White Negroes: When Co...
Jackson demonstrates that cultural appropriation (especially of Black culture by white artists) is prevalent and deeply rooted in America’s history of inequality...
59 min
Kimberly Brown Pellum, "Black Beauties: African...
Pellum explores the glamorous history of African American beauty queens by using the stories of former contestants to address colorism and racism still prevalent in the industry.
31 min
Rae Linda Brown, "Heart of a Woman: The Life an...
In 1933, the Chicago Symphony performed the Symphony in E Minor by Florence B. Price. It was the first time a major American orchestra played a composition by an African American woman...