Bench traces the changing ways dance is distributed and created on the internet from the heady early internet of the 1990s to the ubiquitous social media platforms of today.,,
48 min
David Adjmi, "Lot Six" (Harper, 2020)
Adjmi’s memoir also traces his evolving relationship with his family and his community, from whom he desires to escape even as he finds himself drawn continually back to them...
57 min
Victoria Phillips, "Martha Graham's Cold War: T...
Phillips adeptly tells the story of Martha Graham's role as diplomat, arts innovator, and dancer...
49 min
George Musgrave, "Can Music Make You Sick?: Mea...
The authors propose that whilst making music is therapeutic, making a career from music can be traumatic...
Behind the braided wigs, buckskins, and excess bronzer that typified the mid-century "filmic Indian" lies a far richer, deeper history of Indigenous labor, survival, and agency...
36 min
Charles L. Leavitt IV, "Italian Neorealism: A C...
Leavitt steps back from the micro-histories focusing more narrowly on, for example, Italian cinema so as to weave together divers cultural strands (literature, the visual arts, drama, journalism, poetry, essays) into a tapestry of historical practice....
63 min
Terry Baum, "One Dyke’s Theater: Selected Plays...
The plays range from outlandish comedies like Bride of Lesbostein to the historical drama Hick: A Love Story...
50 min
Eithne Quinn, "A Piece of the Action: Race and ...
Quinn explores the transitional years following the civil rights movement of the 1960s, in order to chart the struggle by Black film makers for rights, recognition and representation....
Davila draws on numerous interviews with artists, dealers, and curators to explore the problem of visualizing Latinx art and artists....
57 min
Southeast Asian Performance, Ethnic Identity an...
From glove puppets of Chinese origin and Hakka religious processions, to wartime political theatre and contemporary choirs and dance groups, the diverse performance practices of ethnic Chinese communities throughout Southeast Asia highlight the complexity of minority self-representation...
25 min
Kevin Mattson, "We're Not Here to Entertain: Pu...
Mattson documents punk rock in the early 1980s through a comprehensive look into the music, zines, films, bands, and punk Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tactics...
63 min
Jeremy M. Glick, "The Black Radical Tragic: Per...
What if the Haitian Revolution, perhaps the only “successful” Black revolution in history, weren’t over?
85 min
Julia S. Charles, "That Middle World: Race, Per...
Charles highlights how mixed-race subjects invent cultural spaces for themselves—a place she terms that middle world...
47 min
Megan Sandberg-Zakian, "There Must Be Happy End...
Sandberg-Zakian makes a powerful case for “militant optimism” in an age of chaos...
67 min
Emily J. Lordi, "The Meaning of Soul: Black Mus...
Lordi takes on the challenge of explaining “soul,” through a book that zooms in and out between sweeping ideas about suffering and resilience in Black culture and fine-grained, close readings of individual performances by soul musicians...
51 min
Warren Hoffman, "The Great White Way: Race and ...
Hoffman explores the ways that race and racism have shaped the American musical from Show Boat to Hamilton....
Szwydky explores a range of works by authors such as Mary Shelley, Charles Dickens, Lord Byron, John Keats and many more...
60 min
Bonny H. Miller, "Augusta Browne: Composer and ...
Born around 1820, Augusta Browne was a pianist, organist, composer, music pedagogue, entrepreneur, music critic, and writer...
53 min
Neil Shister, "Radical Ritual: How Burning Man ...
Shister contends that Burning Man is a significant player in the avant-garde, forging new social paradigms as liberal democracy unravels. Burning Man’s contribution to this new order is postmodern, a fusion of sixties humanism with state-of-the-art Silicon Valley wizardry...
58 min
Lisa B. Thompson, "Underground, Monroe, and the...
Lisa B. Thompson is equally renowned as a scholar of African and African-American studies and as a playwright...
57 min
Robert Bartlett, "Against Demagogues: What Aris...
Bartlett provides a stirring argument for the relevance of comic playwright Aristophanes as a serious political and philosophical thinker. In his translations of two lesser-known plays,..
47 min
Eric San Juan, "The Films of Martin Scorsese: G...
Few mainstream filmmakers have as pronounced a disregard for the supposed rules of filmmaking as Martin Scorsese...
58 min
Chinua Thelwell, "Exporting Jim Crow: Blackface...
Thelwell offers a rich, well-researched, and sobering investigation of blackface minstrelsy as the “visual bedrock of a transcolonial cultural imaginary.”