New Books in South Asian Studies

Interviews with Scholars of South Asia about their New Books

Society & Culture
Audrey Truschke, “Aurangzeb: The Life and Legac...
For many, the history of the Mughal empire looms heavy over contemporary South Asian social imaginaries. The lightning rod figure within modern day myths about the past is the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (1618-1707)...
64 min
Alessandro Graheli, "The Bloomsbury Research Ha...
This book spans over two thousand years of inquiry into language in the Indian subcontinent....
103 min
Martin Gansten, "The Jewel of Annual Astrology:...
Gansten offers the first-ever scholarly volume on Sanskritized Perso-Arabic (Tājika) astrology...
92 min
Shankar Nair, "Translating Wisdom: Hindu-Muslim...
Nair offers intellectually daring and dazzlingly imaginative study of scholarly interactions, made visible through translation, between Sanskrit and Arabo-Persian philosophical traditions in premodern South Asia...
60 min
Jeffery D. Long, "Hinduism in America" (Bloomsb...
Long explores the influence of concepts such karma, rebirth, meditation and yoga on the American consciousness, along with Hindu temples in America...
86 min
Arti Dhand, "Woman as Fire, Woman as Sage: Sexu...
The Hindu tradition has held conflicting views on womanhood from its earliest texts—holding women aloft as goddesses to be worshipped on the one hand and remaining deeply suspicious about women’s sexuality on the other...
38 min
Kareem Khubchandani, "Ishtyle: Accenting Gay In...
Khubchandani follows queer South Asian men across borders into gay neighborhoods, nightclubs, bars, and house parties in Bangalore and Chicago...
47 min
Ravi Palat, "The Making of an Indian Ocean Worl...
Palat counters eurocentric notions of long-term historical change by drawing upon the histories of societies based on wet-rice cultivation to chart an alternate pattern of social evolution and state formation...
30 min
Ananya Chakravarti, "The Empire of Apostles" (O...
Chakravarti recovers the religious roots of Europe's first global order, by tracing the evolution of a religious vision of empire through the lives of Jesuits working in the missions of early modern Brazil and India...
76 min
Gaurav Desai, "Commerce with the Universe: Afri...
Desai offers an alternative history of East Africa in the Indian Ocean world...
76 min
Gabriel Dattatreyan, "The Globally Familiar: Di...
Dattatreyan focuses on non-elite, urban, lower caste/class embodiments of masculinity, in the context of globally familiar soundscpaes, images and aesthetics...
52 min
Khurram Hussain, "Islam as Critique: Sayyid Ahm...
Hussain explores ways in which Sayyid Ahmad Khan’s thought on profound questions of moral obligations, knowledge, Jihad, and time disrupts a politics of “either/or” ...
58 min
Vanita Reddy, "Fashioning Diaspora: Beauty, Fem...
Central to Reddy's project is upending the male-centric understanding of the relationship between the diaspora and the “nation”.
40 min
Pritipuspa Mishra, "Language and the Making of ...
The province of Odisha, previously “Orissa,” was the first linguistically organized province of India...
69 min
Lakshmi Subramanian, "The Sovereign and the Pir...
Subramanian offers an amphibious history written around the juncture of the nineteenth century, when the northwestern littoral of India—largely comprising of Gujarat, Kathiawad, Cutch, and Sind—was battered by piratical raids....
83 min
A Conversation with Chris Chapple, Part II: Liv...
The ancient Indian philosophers conceptualized the universe as comprising 5 elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space), corresponding to the five human senses...
78 min
Edward Alpers, "The Indian Ocean in World Histo...
Alpers offers a concise yet an immensely informative introduction to the Indian Ocean world, which remains the least studied of the world's geographic regions...
110 min
Johannes Bronkhorst, "A Śabda Reader: Language ...
Bronkhorst makes the case through an extensive introduction and select translations of important Indian texts that language has a crucial role in Indian thought...
62 min
Sara Smith, "Intimate Geopolitics: Love, Territ...
Smith’s book centers intimacy in the consideration of geopolitics which is otherwise only seen as a game between nation states...
73 min
David L. Haberman, “Loving Stones: Making the I...
Haberman explores the worship world of Mount Govardhan; located in the Braj region of India, the mountain is considered an embodied form of the Hindu deity Krishna...
72 min
A Conversation with Chris Chapple, Part I: MA i...
In this interview, we have a candid conversation with Dr. Christopher Key Chapple of Loyola Marymount University...
59 min
Jonathan Parry, "Classes of Labor: Work and Lif...
Jonathan Parry looks at a context in which the manual workforce is divided into distinct social classes, which have a clear sense of themselves as separate and interests that are sometimes opposed...
110 min
Drew Thomases, "Guest is God: Pilgrimage, Touri...
Drew Thomases investigates the Indian pilgrimage town of Pushkar...
55 min
Adheesh Sathaye, “Crossing the Lines of Caste" ...
What does it mean to be a Brahmin, and what could it mean to become one?
50 min
Ayesha Siddiqi, "In the Wake of Disaster: Islam...
Siddiqi offers a forceful meditation on a number of key issues around the social contract, citizenship, and state provisions such as disaster relief and social protection...
52 min