New Books in South Asian Studies

Interviews with Scholars of South Asia about their New Books

Society & Culture
Ajantha Subramanian, "The Caste of Merit: Engin...
Subramanian provides an insightful account of their emergence is post-independence India as a set of distinct and “world class” institutions underwritten by the Indian state...
62 min
Simon Brodbeck, "Krishna's Lineage: The Harivam...
While typically circulating as a separate text, The Harivamsha forms the final part of the Mahabharata storyline...
45 min
James M. Vaughn, "The Politics of Empire at the...
Vaughn offers an powerful challenge to the received view that the Asian domains were acquired by accident and formed part of an empire of liberty.,,
39 min
Sidharthan Maunaguru, "Marrying for a Future: T...
Maunaguru sketches for us the journeys and scenes of transnational Sri Lankan Tamil marriage between Sri Lanka, India, the United Kingdom and Canada during the ‘wedding season’...
67 min
Alberto Cairo, "How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter...
We’ve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we don’t understand what we’re looking at?
54 min
Sebastian Prange, "Monsoon Islam: Trade and Fai...
Prange provides a fascinating window into the Muslim world of the medieval (12-16th century) Malabar Coast and the development of Islam that was defined by significant trade networks.
54 min
Nosheen Ali, "Delusional States: Feeling Rule a...
Ali presents a lyrical and at many times haunting account of the aspirations, anxieties, and tragedies enfolding everyday life in the rarely studied Gilgit-Baltistan region in Pakistan...
40 min
Simon Wolfgang Fuchs, "In a Pure Muslim Land: S...
Fuchs interrogates this framework with a novel intervention by examining the case of Shi’i Islamic intellectual thought in Pakistan as it relates to the Middle East....
46 min
Angela Rudert, "Shakti's New Voice: Guru Devoti...
Gurumaa’s syncretic approach innovates Hindu religiosity, as does her progressive attitudes towards treatment of women...
78 min
Karine Gagné, "Caring for Glaciers: Land, Anima...
Gagné explores how relations of reciprocity between land, humans, animals, and glaciers foster an ethics of care in the Himalayan communities of Ladakh...
97 min
Kathryn Conrad on University Press Publishing
What do university presses do, and how do they do it?
37 min
J. Neuhaus, "Geeky Pedagogy: A Guide for Intell...
The things that make people academics do not necessarily make them good teachers...
29 min
Jessica Hinchy, "Governing Gender and Sexuality...
Hinchy documents the ability many Hijras have to preserve in spite of systematic policing and criminalization...
60 min
Vishwa Adluri and Joydeep Bagchee, "Philology a...
The Hindu great epic, Mahābhārata, exists today in hundreds of variant manuscripts across India...
65 min
Farhat Haq, "Shariʿa and the State in Pakistan:...
Few doctrinal and political issues are more controversial in Pakistan today than that of blasphemy...
60 min
Mark McClish, "The History of the Arthaśāstra: ...
Was ancient India ruled by politics or religion?
40 min
Ather Zia, "Resisting Disappearance: Military O...
Zia's urgent ethnography is centered on Kashmiri women of the APDP (Association of the Parents of the Disappeared Persons)...
77 min
Kim A. Wagner, "The Skull of Alum Bheg: The Lif...
How did a Danish historian wind up with a human skull from colonial India in his University of London office
58 min
Geoffrey Barstow, "Food of Sinful Demons: Meat,...
Barstow explores the tension between Buddhist ethics and Tibetan cultural norms to offer a novel perspective on the spiritual and social dimensions of meat eating...
62 min
Dolly Kikon, "Living with Oil and Coal: Resourc...
Kikon offers a rich account of life in the midst of a landscape defined by multiple overlapping extractive industries and plantation economies...
54 min
Shayne Legassie, "The Medieval Invention of Tra...
Legassie talks about medieval travel, especially long distance travel, and the way it was feared, praised, and sometimes treated with suspicion.
37 min
Mubbashir A. Rizvi, "The Ethics of Staying: Soc...
Rizvi presents an original framework for understanding this major social movement, called the Anjuman Mazarin Punjab (AMP)...
51 min
Arik Moran, "Kingship and Polity on the Himalay...
Arik Moran examines three Rajput kingdoms during the transition to British rule (c. 1790-1840) and their interconnected histories and court intrigues.
51 min
William M. Gorvine, "Envisioning A Tibetan Lumi...
Gorvine provides a multifaceted analysis of Shardza Tashi Gyaltsen (1859-1934), one of the most prominent modern representatives of the Tibetan Bön tradition...
63 min
William Elison, "The Neighborhood of Gods: The ...
Elison explores how slum residents, tribal people, and members of other marginalized groups use religious icons to mark urban spaces in Mumbai...
64 min