New Books in South Asian Studies

Interviews with Scholars of South Asia about their New Books

Society & Culture
Margrit Pernau, "Emotions and Colonial Modernit...
Pernau examines the varied and hugely consequential expressions of and normative investments in emotions in modern South Asian Muslim thought...
67 min
Tahseen Shams, "Here, There, and Elsewhere: The...
Drawing from the experiences of diasporic South Asian Muslim community in America, namely Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, and Indians, Shams introduces an innovative conceptual notion of “elsewhere” which informs her new multicentered approach to the study of globalized immigrant identities...
57 min
Bihani Sarkar, "Heroic Shāktism: The Cult of Du...
Heroic Saktism is the belief that a good king and a true warrior must worship the goddess Durga, the form and substance of kingship...
63 min
Sree Padma, "Vicissitudes of the Goddess: Recon...
Padma focuses on two types of Gramadevatas or goddesses: deified women and those associated with disease and fertility...
32 min
Ahalya Satkunaratnam, "Moving Bodies, Navigatin...
How can dance be sustained by its practitioners in the unstable political and geographical landscape of war?
42 min
Wilson Chacko Jacob, "For God or Empire: Sayyid...
Sayyid Fadl, a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad, led a unique life—one that spanned much of the nineteenth century and connected India, Arabia, and the Ottoman Empire...
93 min
Michael Slouber, "A Garland of Forgotten Goddes...
Slouber surveys the diversity of India's feminine divine tradition by bringing together a fresh array of captivating and largely overlooked Hindu goddess narratives from different regions....
53 min
Tim Bruce, "Devi Mahatmyam: The Glory of the Go...
For millions worldwide, the Devi Mahatmyam is of central spiritual importance and of equal cultural significance within Indian Sanskrit literature to the Bhagavad Gita, Mahabharata, and the Ramayana...
38 min
Adam Auerbach, "Demanding Development: The Poli...
India’s urban slums exhibit dramatic variation in their access to basic public goods and services—paved roads, piped water, trash removal, sewers, and streetlights. Why are some vulnerable communities able to secure development from the state while others fail?
58 min
Rita D. Sherma, "Contemplative Studies in Hindu...
What counts as contemplative practices in Hinduism? What can Hindu Studies offer Contemplative Studies as a discipline?
56 min
Ravinder Kaur, "Brand New Nation: Capitalist Dr...
It is 21st century commonsense that India is an “emerging” economy. But how did this common sense itself emerge?
43 min
E. A. Alpers and C. Goswami, "Transregional Tra...
81 min
Robert M. Geraci, "Temples of Modernity: Nation...
What is the relationship between science, religion and technology in Hinduism?
42 min
Ronit Ricci, "Banishment and Belonging: Exile a...
Ricci suggests that the island served as a concrete exilic site as well as a metaphor for imagining exile across religions, languages, space and time...
90 min
Nicholas H. A. Evans, "Far from the Caliph’s Ga...
Evans offers a sustained and compelling critique of the doubt/belief binary in the anthropology of religion and Islam,..
44 min
Chhaya Goswami, "Globalization Before Its Time:...
How did the Kachchhi traders build on the Gujarat Advantage?
60 min
Durba Mitra, "Indian Sex Life: Sexuality and th...
Mitra shows how deviant female sexuality, particularly the concept of the prostitute, became foundational to this knowledge project and became the primary way to think and write about Indian society...
43 min
Debjani Bhattacharyya, "Empire and Ecology in t...
What happens when a distant colonial power tries to tame an unfamiliar terrain in the world's largest tidal delta?
61 min
Omar H. Ali, "Malik Ambar: Power and Slavery ac...
Ali provides insight into the life of slave soldier Malik Ambar...
33 min
Sai Balakrishnan, "Shareholder Cities: Land Tra...
Balakrishnan examines the novel phenomenon of the conversion of agrarian landowners into urban shareholders in India’s newly emerging “corridor cities.”
47 min
Malcolm Keating, "Controversial Reasoning in In...
Keating offers a ground-breaking reference resource for understanding arthāpati, and debates in Indian philosophy at large....
64 min
Jonathan Lee, "Afghanistan: A History from 1260...
Lee tells the story of the emergence and sometimes surprising longevity of the Afghan state in the face of serious external and internal challenges over the last three centuries...
74 min
Matty Weingast, "The First Free Women: Poems of...
A radical and vivid rendering of poetry from the first Buddhist nuns that brings a new immediacy to their voices...
49 min
Thomas R. Metcalf, "Imperial Connections: India...
Metcalf offers an innovative remapping of empire...
46 min
Sana Aiyar, "Indians in Kenya: The Politics of ...
Aiyer investigates how Indian diasporic actors influenced the course of Kenya’s political history, from partnering with Europeans in their colonial mission in East Africa to political solidarity with Africans in their anticolonial struggles....
86 min