P. Bilimoria and P. Hughes, "The Indian Diaspor...
Since the late 1990s, the Indian community in Australia has grown faster than any other immigrant community....
62 min
Daniel Simpson, "The Truth of Yoga: A Comprehen...
Much of what is said about yoga is misleading.,.
69 min
Dinyar Patel, "Naoroji: Pioneer of Indian Natio...
Mahatma Gandhi called Dadabhai Naoroji the “father of the nation,” a title that today is reserved for Gandhi himself....
89 min
Jinee Lokaneeta, "The Truth Machines: Policing,...
Using case studies and the results of extensive fieldwork, this book considers the nature of state power and legal violence in liberal democracies by focusing on the interaction between law, science, and policing in India...
55 min
S. Newcombe and K. O'Brien-Kop, "Routledge Hand...
This book offers a comprehensive and interdisciplinary resource, which frames and contextualises the rapidly expanding fields that explore yoga and meditative techniques...
46 min
Jason Keith Fernandes, "Citizenship in a Caste ...
Fernandes explores the interconnected themes of language, citizenship and identity, showing how, by deliberately excluding the Roman script, the largely lower-caste and lower-class Catholic users of this script were denoted as less-than-authentic members of civil society....
58 min
Ithamar Theodor, "The Bhagavad-Gītā: A Critical...
Theodor offers a systematic and comprehensive introduction to one of the most read texts in South Asia....
At once a reflection on inequality and a call to arms, Caste Matters argues that until Dalits lay claim to power and Brahmins join hands against Brahminism to effect real transformation, caste will continue to matter...
Banerjee explores the efforts of Delhi's urban poor to create a livable life with cancer as patients and families negotiate an overextended health system unequipped to respond to the disease...
62 min
Marco Ferrante, "Indian Perspectives on Conscio...
Ferrante shows how a set of tenth century philosophers living in Kashmir argue for the existence of a self on the basis of the interrelationship between linguistic concepts and mental experience...
62 min
Sumit Guha, "History and Collective Memory in S...
In this far-ranging and erudite exploration of the South Asian past, Sumit Guha discusses the shaping of social and historical memory in world-historical context...
57 min
Amit S. Rai, "Jugaad Time: Ecologies of Everyda...
In India, the practice of jugaad—finding workarounds or hacks to solve problems—emerged out of subaltern strategies of negotiating poverty, discrimination, and violence but is now celebrated in management literature as a disruptive innovation...
67 min
Ned Bertz, "Diaspora and Nation in the Indian O...
The vibrant Swahili coast port city of Dar es Salaam—literally, the “Haven of Peace”—hosts a population reflecting a legacy of long relations with the Arabian Peninsula and a diaspora emanating in waves from the Indian subcontinent...
63 min
E. Goldberg et al, "Bollywood Horrors: Religion...
The authors offer is a multi-faceted and wide-ranging collection that examines cinematic representations of real-life horror...
46 min
Christopher J. Lee, "Making a World After Empir...
In April 1955, twenty-nine countries from Africa, Asia, and the Middle East came together for a diplomatic conference in Bandung, Indonesia, intending to define the direction of the postcolonial world...
84 min
Michel Boivin, "The Sufi Paradigm and the Makin...
Boivin maps the construction of a vernacular knowledge (as opposed to colonial knowledge) of a complex Sufi paradigm in Sindh by both British Orientalists, such as Richard Burton, but also Sindhi intelligentsia, like Mirza Qalich Beg...
69 min
Pedro Machado, "Pearls, People, and Power: Pear...
This book examines the trade, distribution, production, and consumption of pearls and mother-of-pearl in the global Indian Ocean over more than five centuries...
72 min
James Staples, "Sacred Cows and Chicken Manchur...
Bovine politics exposes fault lines within contemporary Indian society, where eating beef is simultaneously a violation of sacred taboos, an expression of marginalized identities, and a route to cosmopolitan sophistication...
62 min
Uma Majmudar, “Gandhi and Rajchandra: The Makin...
This book traces the little-known yet unparalleled influence of Shrimad Rajchandra, Jain zaveri (jeweller)-cum-spiritual seeker, on Mahatma Gandhi...
55 min
Andrew Liu, "Tea War: A History of Capitalism i...
Liu’s book offers a fascinating new history of this ubiquitous beverage, leveraging its production, consumption, and global circulation to offer a fresh and compelling account of capitalist accumulation....
47 min
Annapurna Garimella, “The Contemporary Hindu Te...
This book takes as its subject the multiple forms of architecture, design and sociability that Hindu spaces of worship encompass today...
41 min
Coulter George, "How Dead Languages Work" (Oxfo...
The book takes readers through Greek, Latin, Old English and the Germanic Languages, Sanskrit, Old Irish and the Celtic Languages, and Hebrew, introducing their phonology, morphology, lexicons, grammar, and excerpting passages from texts such as the Illiad, Beowulf, and the Rig Veda...
62 min
Hayden J. Bellenoit, "The Formation of the Colo...
Bellenoit digs beneath imperial formation on a macro level and looks at the fiscal management of empire....
30 min
Anway Mukhopadhyay, “The Authority of Female Sp...
Mukhopadhyay excavates numerous instances of the authority of female speech from Indian goddess traditions and relates them to the contemporary gender debates, especially to the issues of mansplaining and womansplaining...
35 min
Kristin Plys, "Brewing Resistance: Indian Coffe...
In 1947, decolonization promised a better life for India's peasants, workers, students, Dalits, and religious minorities. By the 1970s, however, this promise had not yet been realized...