Spotlight with Laurie Hardie

Each week host Laurie Hardie brings you the issues affecting the Pacific Northwest and the people making a difference in our community and sometimes beyond. Expect compelling conversations with local leaders and influencers. Spotlight is dedicated to presenting you with issues that matter - including education, health, mental health, and the environment.

News Commentary
Society & Culture
Joining me today is Monique Thees Director of Programs & Fun with Z Girls., Most girls struggle with self-doubt, insecurity, and constantly beat themselves up. They start to wonder if there’s something wrong with them. But please hear...
26 min
Spotlighting "Bake Away" No Kid Hungry
Sahana Vij is the author of "Bake Away" a cook book full of recipes, stories, and amazing pictures. She decided to create the book in order to help support No Kid Hungry is the only national campaign committed to...
21 min
Spotlighting The Seattle Aquarium
Joining me this week is Tim Kuniholm Director of Public Affairs at the Seattle Aquarium. Tim covers not only the hours and the COVID information. He talks about special exhibits and favorite PNW fish. He also talks about diving in the...
27 min
Spotlighting Cleaning up the Mental Mess with D...
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. She shares her 5 step Neuro...
32 min
Spotlighting Mental Health with Dr. Shauna Spr...
Dr. Shauna Springer with the Stella Center talks about mental health from Olympic Athletes to Veterans and PTSD. She has launched a new program for people who work with veterans and first responders. Redefine Your Mission at ...
31 min
Spotlighting Dating Sucks but You Don't
Connell Barrett, went through his own transformation. He had to learn how to date and now he wants to help men of all ages find their confidence. You see, most single men doubt their attractiveness, so they put on an act—they pretend  to...
32 min
Spotlighting Bill Cosby With Doc Springer Stell...
Dr. Springer talks about the effect of Bill Cosby's release on the 60 women he abused. She talks about types of therapy. How and where to get help and why sexual abuse has more layers than most traumatic...
35 min
Spotlighting Cyber Bullying with Reena B. Patel
Joining me is Reena B. Patel (LEP, BCBA) renowned parenting expert, licensed educational psychologist, board-certified behavior analyst, and author of Winnie & Her Worries explains teens are susceptible to peer pressure and are also...
26 min
Spotlighting Labyrinths with Amanda Knox
Joining me today is Amanda Knox, we talk about her podcast Labyrinths: Getting Lost with Amanda Knox, infertility, The Innocence Project, and so much more. Get to know Amanda for the amazing young lady she has become in spite of all she...
29 min
Spotlighting Lifelong and Cricket Wireless
Two segments, starting with Warren Leyh the Director of Clinical Services at Lifelong, who also teaches a class at Highline College on understanding AIDS. Warren tells us how Lifelong has been serving the HIV/AIDS community for 40 years...
29 min
Spotlighting Game to Grow
Adam Davis with Game to Grow shares how they use board games to help kids not only connect but work on social skills. Game to Grow is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the use of games of all kinds for therapeutic, educational,...
33 min
Spotlighting Seattle Pride
Seattle Pride is this weekend, we talk with Seattle Pride Executive Director Krystal Marx as well as Kimber Shade with the BeautyBoiz. We’re celebrating National LGBTQIA+ Pride Month as part of Seattle Pride’s virtual celebration, with...
30 min
Spotlighting Whidbey Island Angels
Cindy Buchanan saw a post when covid first hit. Someone needed help, so she stepped up and before you know it Whidbey Island Angels was born. A group of volunteers who helped people out during covid. Shut ins, people who lost their jobs,...
26 min
Spotlighting Black Girl in Love (with herself)
Trey Anthony is the author of Black Girl in Love (with Herself) She was on track to write a book about relationships, she is a relationship coach. When her world crashed around her. She adopted a baby and within days her partner texted...
28 min
Spotlighting Take Steps Crohn's & Colitis Found...
Joining us today is Laurel Grimm Senior Manager, Fundraising Campaigns & Volunteer Engagement Along with Jennifer O’Connor who is our Regional Director for the Northwest Chapter and a Take Steps team captain. She’s been a captain and...
27 min
Spotlighting Aspiration and Bamboo Learning
Aspiration is a new concept in banking. Andrei Cherny is the CEO of Aspiration Banking and he shares the good things they are doing for our environment. Plant a climate change-fighting tree with every purchase by rounding up to the nearest...
28 min
Spotlighting Getting Back Up by Harma Hartouni
Harma Hartouni is a self-made entrepreneur and developer. He shares a collection of life events that have been most impactful in leading him where he is today: a proud gay man living in Los Angeles, one of the most successful real estate...
24 min
Spotlighting Stella with Dr. Shauna Springer
Stella is on a mission to create a world where no person needlessly suffers from the symptoms of PTSD. they believe that collaboration with Mental Health Providers offers the greatest opportunity for success. Dr. Shauna Springer (Doc Springer)...
30 min
Spotlighting Black Girl in Love (with Herself)
Trey Anthony is the author of Black Girl in Love (with Herself) She was on track to write a book about relationships, she is a relationship coach. When her world crashed around her. She adopted a baby and with in days her partner texted...
28 min
Spotlighting WA529 College Savings Plan
Luke Minor the Director of WA 529 tells us about the Washington College Savings Plan. If you invest up front you won't have huge student loans to pay off when your kids are out of college. They have two plans available the GET plan...
29 min
Spotlighting "Spot" Hiking Safety
Joining me today IS Denise Corporate communications director with Spot Satellite tracking systems. SPOT offers peace of mind, using 100% satellite technology. SPOT products keep you connected to the people and things that matter most. SPOT...
27 min
Spotlighting From Plain to Plane By Patty Bear
This is National Hope Month so Joining me today is Patty Bear author of From Plain to Plane: My Mennonite Childhood, a National Scandal and an Unconventional Soar to Freedom. Patty knows first hand that getting out of an abusive situation...
32 min
Spotlighting Give Big Wa
Give Big 2021 is already underway. It's a great annual fund-raising event for our community to come together and support many of the non-profits in the Puget Sound area. And to underscore the need is greater than ever this year! We...
28 min
Spotlighting From Plain to Plane By Patty Bear
This is National Hope Month so Joining me today is Patty Bear author of From Plain to Plane: My Mennonite Childhood, a National Scandal and an Unconventional Soar to Freedom. Patty knows first hand that getting out of an abusive situation...
32 min
Spotlighting About Dads
Marvin Charles with was going to sign his baby girl over to the authorities because he couldn’t raise her. Instead he got into rehab, got all his kids back and created a ministry to help other dads who needed support in getting...
26 min