Spotlight with Laurie Hardie

Each week host Laurie Hardie brings you the issues affecting the Pacific Northwest and the people making a difference in our community and sometimes beyond. Expect compelling conversations with local leaders and influencers. Spotlight is dedicated to presenting you with issues that matter - including education, health, mental health, and the environment.

News Commentary
Society & Culture
Spotlighting Finding Hope: A Birthmothers Journ...
After placing her newborn son for adoption in 2013, Hope O Baker struggled with depression, addiction, and overcoming the stigma that surrounds birthmothers. In her first book, Finding Hope: A Birthmother’s Journey Into the Light, she shares...
30 min
Spotlighting Perinatal Support
Post Partum Depression, better know as perinatal depression is REAL. Join me as I talk with Mia Edinin Clinical director at Perinatal support Washington. The first weeks and months of being a new parent can be overwhelming, but you don't...
25 min
Spotlighting Amanda Knox Labyrinths
Joining me today is Amanda Knox, we talk about her podcast Labyrinths: Getting Lost with Amanda Knox, infertility, The Innocence Project, and so much more. Get to know Amanda for the amazing young lady she has become in spite of all she...
29 min
Spotlighting Cricket Wireless Affordable Care P...
Matt Cave from Cricket Wireless joins us to talk about the Affordable Care Package with big savings for eligible customers, here in the Pacific Northwest and nationwide.
14 min
Spotlighting Caring is Art With Leilani Norman
Artist and former caregiver Leilani Norman offers a gift of thanks to dementia caregivers everywhere through this journal. She writes, “The daily experience of caring for my mother ranged from fulfillment to heartbreak. When I learned to...
22 min
Spotlighting Stella Center Stellate Ganglion Block
Dr. Shauna Springer and Kevin Brigs join us for the before and after the Stellate Ganglion Block procedure. Dr. Springer has worked with Veterans with PTSD walking them through the SGB procedure. SGB is an injection of a local anesthetic...
26 min
Spotlighting Don't Keep Your Day Job
This week we talk with Cathy Heller, Podcaster and author of Don’t Keep Your Day Job. Cathy offers encouragement during this quarantine, to take time to look at what your purpose is and how to show up in your world. Her words are motivating...
26 min
spotlighting Debt Free ASAP John Nicholas
John Nicholas was a high-flying Ivy League grad and sports media executive who lost his job and fell into serious debt after 9/11. He learned painful lessons during his recovery and even more when he worked inside the debt-relief industry—including...
33 min
Spotlighting Dr. Caroline Leaf "Cleaning up You...
Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. She shares her 5 step Neuro...
32 min
Spotlighting Clothes For Kids
Joining me is Lisa George out reach coordinator for Clothes for kids. Clothes For Kids provides free school clothing to lower-income students. Any child who attends school in Snohomish County or the Northshore School District (Head Start/ECEAP...
26 min
Spotlighting Bamboo Learning
Ian Freed with Bamboo learning joins us to share the good news that there is now a Bamboo Learning app for the Iphone and Ipad. Bamboo® Learning creates voice-enabled educational applications for children in Kindergarten through 5th...
32 min
Spotlighting Birthday Dreams
Birthday Dreams is an organization that provides birthday parties for kids in transition. They are in shelters at the time of their birthday so because Birthday Dreams believes everyone deserves a birthday they go to the shelter and throw...
26 min
Spotlighting Doney Coe Vet Clinic
Marti Casey, President of the board of directors, for Doney Coe Pet Clinic. She is a dynamic and committed woman working toward better health care for the pets of homeless people throughout Seattle. The team of Doney Coe Pet Clinic matches...
25 min
Spotlighting Hand in Hand
Joining me today are LaCrisha Brown: Outreach Coordinator, Raniere: Outreach Coordinator Lead and Porsche Thompson Children and Family Outreach Program Manager of Hand in Hand/ Hand in Hand exist to foster hope and opportunity...
26 min
Spotlighting WA 529 College Saving Plan
Joining me is Luke Minor with WA 529 College Saving Plan. College is one of the biggest expenses people face in their lifetime. 529 plans were created to help parents, future students, friends, and family save money tax-free for eligible...
30 min
Spotlighting Mike Andrews Empathy and Influence
Mike Andrews fantastic new book, 'The Influential Christian: Learning to Lead from the Heart'. The book deals with the topics of influence and empathy— Of one, most Americans would say, there is too much. The other, not enough....
26 min
Spotlighting Adoptive Parents with PTSD
PTSD expert Dr. Lipov, a board-certified physician in Anesthesiology and Pain Management, and his family went through years managing the trauma that came with the adoption of their son. Research shows that adoptees are 4 times more likely...
17 min
Spotlighting Type 1 Diabetes and Austin Meyer
Austin Meyers from Seattle WA is running the New York City Marathon November 7, 2021. He is running with Beyond Type Run Team with 50 other runners. This is his 4th marathon and he is trying to get qualified for the Boston Marathon. Austin...
22 min
Spotlighting Cyber Dive/Aqua-One A Childs First...
The Co-Founders of Cyber Dive - Jeff Gottfurcht (CEO) and Derek Jackson (CTO). Created a child’s first smart phone with parental dashboard so parents know what their children are looking at and what apps they download. They believe it is...
38 min
Spotlighting Birthday Dreams
Birthday Dreams is an organization that provides birthday parties for kids in transition. They are in shelters at the time of their birthday so because Birthday Dreams believes everyone deserves a birthday they go to the shelter and throw...
28 min
Spotlighting We Connect Recovery
We Connect App, the founders are in long-term recovery; we know recovery is unique to every individual. We believe your recovery tool should be as flexible and supportive as you need it to be to help you improve your life. That's why...
27 min
Spotlighting Anti Bullying with Dr. Glenda Brown
Dr. Brown, author of Gap Tooth Smile Girl and National Bully Prevention Month advocate, offers guidance to parents on how to navigate the shifting nature of personal interactions as their kids return to school. She can comment on how to...
35 min
Spotlighting Retired Navy Seal, Eric Frohardt a...
Retired Navy SEAL Eric Frohardt, following his service in the military, Eric became the COO of DEFY, a leader in premium performance beverages and wellness products. Eric served as a SEAL for 12 years and, as a disabled veteran himself,...
24 min
Spotlighting "Groomed" by Elizabeth Good
Elizabeth Melendez Fisher Good is our guest, she wrote the book “Groomed”, she talks about sex trafficking and how it can be happening right under our noses, some of the children are even coming home every night. The secrets have to stop...
27 min
Spotlighting Depression with Comedian Mickey Bell
Mickey Bell is a comedian, encourager, and author of the book Reverse The Course Of Depression: The Self-Help Guide to Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression and Living Daily with a Sound Mind, a step-by-step guide in handling the emotions...
33 min