Enough with Coach Laurie

In my 20 plus years as a life coach, I learned from my clients that most of us believe we are not enough, making it tough to purse our dreams . My goal is to encourage people to discover their purpose and make an impact, leave a legacy, even start a movement. Enough with Coach Laurie gives you action steps to making a difference not only in your life but of those around you. Are you ready to make an impact?

Schedule a discovery session: HERE

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Enough About What We Think Others Think Of Us
Just because we think something about ourselves, doesn’t mean that is what others think.
3 min
Enough About Your Why
Simon Sineck says “People don’t care what you do, they care why you do it.”
3 min
Enough about Pleasing Others
Are you a people pleaser? Did you know it is not only addictive but disrespectful?
3 min
Enough About Questions
There are three types of questions, yes or no, either or, or open ended. What is an open-ended question and why do we want to use them?
1 min
Enough About What We Believe
Can we change our thoughts and change our lives? Find out on Today’s Enough.
3 min
Enough About Why
Why does asking “why” make us feel minimized? Find out on today’s Enough.
2 min
Enough About Should
I think “Should” is a nasty word. Whether we should on ourselves or on others it sets us up for failure. Anybody “shoulding” on you?
2 min
Enough About Impact
We all want to have an impact, leave a legacy maybe even start a movement. What does it take?
3 min
Enough About Our Story
We all have behaviors or beliefs that come from a story in our head. How do we change that story and move forward?
3 min
Enough About Enough
Most of us believe we are not enough, you are not alone.
3 min