What Drives You with Kevin Miller

From host Kevin Miller: When I was 7 years old and got out of line, my parents would give me an “attitude adjustment” and make me listen to motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but the experience gave me awareness of how powerful our minds and outlook on life are. I went on to become a pro athlete, have 9 kids, start 17 businesses and become addicted to performance and production. Till I burnt out. Multiple times.

That started a quest to not just pursue performance, but to uncover my true potential which was far more than just what I did. It became about who I was and could be. I started podcasting as host of The Ziglar Show, in a stroke of irony. After countless conversations with the most influential thought leaders on the planet, I wrote a book called What Drives You to look at what we really want and understanding why we want it. I now host a podcast of the same name, What Drives You. I’ve had deep talks with over 270 experts in the Human Potential Movement and my shows have had over 70 million downloads. I’ve walked with well over 1,000 people as they pursue their own personal evolution.

Today I don’t seek out the most popular leaders, but the most knowledgeable. I find the professors teaching classes, the therapists counseling with patients and the researchers in labs who understand what causes us to transform in today’s world. And what keeps us stuck. We don’t need more ideas. We need better understanding. I’m pursuing my own personal growth and evolution and invite you to learn and grow with me. Join me on the What Drives You podcast.

How To
How To Transcend The Onslaught of Negativity In...
Without making a case that there is more negativity in our world today than ever, it’s simply more easily delivered to us through our constant devices. The media want our attention and if it bleeds it leads. Negativity gets more views. And on social media, I don’t know the exact stats, but I tend to see more sharing of and discussions around criticism and debate, than joy and peace.
36 min
Authentic Drive & How To Know What You Really W...
I’ve had three guests on this show recently who really have me grappling with the realities of what we as humans say and think we want, and what our behavior proves we want. What you’re about to hear may shock you and make you take a step back, as it did me.
17 min
Your Work & Why To Remember Your Why Over Your ...
How many times have you been asked, “So, what do you do?” Meaning, what work do you do. A primary way we establish hierarchy in our culture. But have you ever had anyone follow and ask why you do what you do? Have you asked yourself recently?
49 min
The Second & Better Half Of Life & How To Trans...
Many of you listening to this show are at or nearing the midpoint of life. The rest of you will be there before you know it. This show is geared to blow away a myth and massive problem we live with in our culture.
64 min
How To Embrace The Athlete Inside You For Susta...
This is our Functional Friday episode where we tend to our physical and mental capacity to support us in our desired goals and achievements.
48 min
The Medical & Financial Benefit Of Friendships ...
I’m wrapping up my series on Laura Tremaine, host of the 10 Things To Tell You podcast and author of The Life Council: 10 Friends Every Woman Needs.
65 min
Finding Purpose Amidst A Broken & Toxic Home | ...
Friends, when I first started writing my new book, What Drives You, I sat down with some influential people to get their stories. I wanted to know what took them from, wherever they started, to realize the significant achievements that landed them on my show.
60 min
How To Accumulate Valuable Relationships | 3 Di...
This is Part 3 of my discussion on Laura Tremaine host of the 10 Things To Tell You podcast and author of her most recent book, The Life Council: 10 Friends Every Woman Needs. My focus is on the friends everyone needs, women and men.
65 min
Create New And Better Normals | Functional Friday
This is our Functional Friday episode and I’m with Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert and we discuss some of the normal maladies that have been normalized in our culture. Not because they are ok, but we’ve just made peace with them. If you want long term wellness, this is not a good peace. But changing them for the better is not ultimately that hard, it’s just that initial shift to create a new normal, that once we do…is fairly easy.
51 min
How To Discover What Drives You | Kevin Miller
What Drives You: How to Discover Your Unique Motivators and Accelerate Growth in Work and Life, published by McGraw Hill, releases May 10, 2023 on Amazon, and you can pre-order now.
18 min
Connect With Yourself To Best Connect With Othe...
I’m back with Laura Tremaine, host of the 10 Things To Tell You podcast and author of her most recent book, The Life Council: 10 Friends Every Woman Needs. As you heard us cover in part one, friendships are, or can be, our lifesource. Here we continue the conversation as I walk with her through her Values, Motives, and Habits in the key areas of life fulfillment.
78 min
Friends & How To Create True Guidance & Support...
We all know relationships are ultimately what we desire most. This is where we get the most happiness and fulfillment. Yet we generally don’t make friendships a priority, and as you’re about to hear, there is a high chance you have been doing friendships…wrong.
76 min
The Good & Bad Of Our Personal Health Journeys ...
I asked the Self-Helpful audience this question, “What area of your health do you feel good about and what area do you not?” What followed were many personal testimonies of strengths and weaknesses in everyone’s personal wellness pursuit.
54 min
8 Understandings Of The Stoic Way To Find Harmo...
In our series on stoicism, I kept coming back to the aspect of control. Controlling our emotions. Controlling our reactions. Controlling our internal world so as to not be controlled by the outer world. ⁣
16 min
The Value of Virtue & Why To Decide On A Chosen...
This is part three of my series on Tanner Campbell and his rapidly growing podcast, Practical Stoicism. I invited Tom Ziglar to discuss this with me.
56 min
How To Build Character The Stoic Way | 2 Tanner...
Each of us is waking up every day and engaging in a “way of life.” The more aware, decided, and convicted we are to a way of life we uphold and are dedicated to, the more we will fall on the healthier side of the spectrum.
51 min
How To Vacation | Functional Friday
This is my Functional Friday episode and I’m with Randy James. We zeroed in on three different types of vacations that all have benefits, but the value is in understanding what you are getting into and what to expect, and thus what you can do to prepare and get the most out of your vacations, so you do in fact, look forward to and benefit from them.
50 min
7 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Enneagram | ...
In this episode I’m going to cover 7 aspects of our discussion that have really stuck out to me and seem to be resonating with other listeners.
18 min
Stoicism - Self-Awareness & Not Letting Externa...
The topic and concept of stoicism has gained popularity as of late but I haven’t given it a focus here on the show. Now…we hit it. Or to be fair, we hit one tangent of it. There are others and I’ll be looking to have more discussion around the topic in coming episodes.
80 min
Discover Your Real Yet Expertly Fluid Personali...
We all want to know who and what we are. We want to understand ourselves so we can understand this world we live in.
69 min
How To Get Actual Recharging Sleep | Functional...
We want our sleep to be like plugging our phone in overnight. You plug it in when the battery is low and wake to find it fully charged, energy-filled and ready for a quality day.
70 min
What Is Self-Help & How To Step Up To Benefit F...
As this Self-Helpful podcast grows and as I continually read, review and critique the latest and greatest knowledge being shared about self-help,
12 min
Fractured Lives vs Finding Alignment & Continui...
This is part two with Ian where I walk through the Values, Motives, and Habits of his life, and this was the conversation around his work and career that was entirely relevant to our previous discuss on the Enneagram, the personality tool he is an expert in and advocate of.
56 min
Your Made-Up Story & A Test To Discover Your Re...
Whether you’ve heard of the Enneagram or not, this is going to be a new perspective. My guest is Ian Morgan Cron. Ian takes us through the Enneagram’s nine personality types and brilliantly showcases our propensities and especially where we tend to fall when we are unaware of ourselves.
73 min
How To Have More Energy | Functional Friday
Low energy is an ongoing national pandemic. Not many years ago coffee was a little pick me up for the mornings that people enjoyed. Now there isn’t a checkout counter in America that doesn’t offer some type of energy drink.
51 min