What Drives You with Kevin Miller

From host Kevin Miller: When I was 7 years old and got out of line, my parents would give me an “attitude adjustment” and make me listen to motivational speakers like Zig Ziglar. I didn’t appreciate it at the time but the experience gave me awareness of how powerful our minds and outlook on life are. I went on to become a pro athlete, have 9 kids, start 17 businesses and become addicted to performance and production. Till I burnt out. Multiple times.

That started a quest to not just pursue performance, but to uncover my true potential which was far more than just what I did. It became about who I was and could be. I started podcasting as host of The Ziglar Show, in a stroke of irony. After countless conversations with the most influential thought leaders on the planet, I wrote a book called What Drives You to look at what we really want and understanding why we want it. I now host a podcast of the same name, What Drives You. I’ve had deep talks with over 270 experts in the Human Potential Movement and my shows have had over 70 million downloads. I’ve walked with well over 1,000 people as they pursue their own personal evolution.

Today I don’t seek out the most popular leaders, but the most knowledgeable. I find the professors teaching classes, the therapists counseling with patients and the researchers in labs who understand what causes us to transform in today’s world. And what keeps us stuck. We don’t need more ideas. We need better understanding. I’m pursuing my own personal growth and evolution and invite you to learn and grow with me. Join me on the What Drives You podcast.

How To
A Quick Audit Of Our Life Alignment
14 min
Can Anything Overcome Our Expectations For Ours...
81 min
When Are The Best Times For Certain Activities,...
52 min
Learn The Two Definitions Of Connection & Which...
15 min
Why True Connection Is At The Root Of Your Happ...
82 min
Considering Confidence vs Vulnerability w/ Arml...
53 min
Considering The Threads Of Why You Are The Way ...
16 min
Your Genetic Problems That You Can Rightfully B...
80 min
How & Why To Stop Relying On Your Limited Willp...
55 min
How Can So Many People Be So Stupid - Or - What...
My most recent show was with heavy metal front man, Randy Blythe, who started his music career in the punk rock movement, rebelling against the system. In his new book, Just Beyond the Light: Making Peace with the Wars Inside Our Head, he talks candidly and humbly about how he now regrets his polarized positions, and today questions his positions rigorously, with a lot more grace for all sides.
16 min
Being Intellectually Sober w/ Lamb of God Heavy...
Randy Blythe is the lead singer and songwriter for the heavy metal band, Lamb of God. He writes and sings, you might call it yelling...even growling, very angry, aggressive, and dark music.
77 min
The Advantage Of A Handicap w/ Mandy Harvey
I adore music. It moves me like few other things in existence. There was a time when my family and I watched America’s Got Talent, and it was the breakout singers that we most enjoyed.
44 min
The Self-Serving Propensity Of Moral Outrage
Wrapping up my series on binary thinking and our cultural propensity and judge and reject others with differing perspectives, I am interested in this concept of moral outrage. In my recent discussion with Fox TV personality Kat Timp, she stated that “Moral outrage is often rooted in self-esteem more than altruism.
11 min
Curiosity Is Confidence & Threat Is Insecurity
I feel if an alien came to earth today and looked at media, whether the news headlines or social media, they’d think we must be near war.
9 min
If We Don't Reject What We Don't Agree With Are...
In my previous episode I talked with Fox TV personality, Kat Timpf about binary thinking. Right, wrong, black, and white. And our cultural propensity to take a differing opinion or view or belief someone else has, judge them completely for it, and reject them.
9 min
How To Keep Issues From Dividing Us w/ Kat Timpf
My perspective is that we are the most divided culture ever right now. Every issue is a trigger for everyone and you are required to stand on one side or the other or be deemed negligent or ignorant.
60 min
What Comprises A Good Life w/ Jonathan Fields
Talking about a good life feels like speaking to success. What makes it up? And we generally say that we must define this for ourselves. Agreed. However, my guest has been studying this for a long, long time, and to have a good life he’s found it boils down to three buckets.
64 min
20 Daily Activities To Boost Your Mental Health
In my show with TJ Powers, talking through his book, The DOSE Effect: Optimize Your Brain & Body By Boosting Your Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphins, he lists out 20 activities to address all those brain chemicals, and I want to give it to you, whether you buy the book or not.
11 min
Experiencing Your Life Requires Depth - Not Speed
In our culture today, the concept of “slowing down” has little attraction. We are enamored with speed.
9 min
Let's See A Video Of Your Daily Viewing Habits ...
I’m a very visual guy, so I often think of visual analogies to help me better conceptualize a concept. So imagine you are watching a video tape of yourself, sped up to show all your activities for a day.
10 min
How To Save Up Brain Chemicals To Fuel Your Mos...
Sometimes an analogy comes along that just clicks. It takes information you may have heard before and helps drive it home.
77 min
Can You Really Revamp Your Life & Why Would You...
In the world of personal development you hear a lot of stories of people making huge changes. Rags to riches, zero to hero, and massive life turn-arounds. It makes for a great story, but is it relevant for us? In 2003 I was at a critical juncture in my life where I'd bit off more than I could chew.
41 min
How Much Do We Really Need A Community
Anytime a question like this is posed, you really expect that it’s bait to pull you in and emphasize in this case, how we really, massively need community.
11 min
What Voids Are We Trying To Fill
A couple episodes ago in my conversation with Ian Morgan Cron on addiction and the benefits of 12 steps, he started off talking about the “great human ache” we all feel and are trying to address. Ian is a man of faith, actually an Episcopal priest along with all his other roles.
10 min
Are We Addicted & How Do You Know
I’ve often heard addiction debated, as to what really defines it. I typed into a search engine, “How do you define addiction” and this is what it showed; Addiction is when you have a strong physical or psychological need or urge to do something or use something.
11 min