Sara Schulting Kranz is a board-certified International Life & Trauma Coach, best-selling author of Walk Through This, TED Talk and Keynote speaker. In her podcast LIVE BOLDLY with Sara, she brings much of her learned fearlessness and positive attitude in life to her listeners and helps them Live Boldly. She shares her ups and downs and practical advice that helped her move through hard situations to creating her most joyful life. Sara shares her personal journey, her low points and her joy points for a podcast that hits so many universal experiences. Her biggest wish is to help everyone to be fearless in attaining their most Joyful life.

Health & Fitness
One Strong, Confident Step at a Time
Hello, everyone! Joan McGrail is on today's show. Today, we talk about the liberation of showing up as an individual, the concept of whole human wellness, prioritizing safe spaces, the importance of personal development, committing to the next step,...
51 min
I didn't pass out on the TEDx stage! The beauti...
*To stay in the know about future retreats with Sara: This week’s episode comes from a recent I wrote, and it got such a great response that I wanted to share it with all of you here! Without a doubt, one of the biggest things holding people back...
19 min
Choosing Faith Over Fear
Kelley Tyan Is a leading faith based entrepreneur, coach, speaker, author, and top 1% podcaster. Both her show and book are called , which is a faith-fuelled movement that inspires, empowers, and creates courage to keep on climbing no matter what...
61 min
"How Did You Not Know?": Responding to Prying, ...
*To stay in the know about future retreats with Sara: This week’s episode comes straight from my own personal experience.  Often when you’ve walked through trauma, people are curious and, frankly, not always tactful or sensitive when it...
24 min
The Ripple Effect: How Surviving a Jump from th...
Kevin Hines is a storyteller. He is a bestselling author, global public speaker, and award-winning documentary filmmaker. In the Year 2000, Kevin attempted to take his life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Many factors contributed...
67 min
#CreateIt: Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone a...
*To stay in the know about future retreats with Sara: In this week’s episode, I’m sharing a story about one of my many adventures hiking in the mountains of California. I hope this episode inspires you to say yes to the scary opportunities in...
17 min
Creating Confidence: Choosing to Step Into Your...
Heather Monahan is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, TEDx speaker, podcast host, and Board Member of Healthlynked Corporation. As a former C-suite executive in media, she was named one of the most Influential Women in Radio in 2017, and Thrive...
56 min
The Power of Saying Yes
*To stay in the know about future retreats with Sara: In this week’s episode, I’m sharing a story about one of my many adventures in the Grand Canyon and how the power of saying yes can transform the expected into the extraordinary. I hope this...
19 min
Becoming Your Own Biggest Fan: How Nurturing Yo...
Growing up, Cam dealt with academic and social challenges. Bullying and anxiety led him to join a boxing gym to protect himself. Cam had tried out but was unable to make any teams he tried out for. Boxing was the only available choice since no team...
59 min
Finding Gratitude for the Moments
*To stay in the know about future retreats with Sara: In this week’s episode, I’m skipping over all the goal-setting and destination talk that we hear so much about in the New Year. Of course, those things have their place and importance in...
13 min
An Intergenerational Conversation: How can we, ...
Anna Rodin is an author, a yoga teacher, and a college student. At just 21 years old, she has taken a nontraditional approach to life between going abroad at 18 to Italy, taking a semester off later on to get her yoga teacher certification,...
56 min
Live More, Fear Less
There’s something beautiful about climbing a mountain alone in the dark. Stars shining bright, only to reach the summit at sunrise.  You look over the ridge at 10,064 ft, watching the world wake. The sky turns color, from black, to shades of...
19 min
Being Seen: A Conversation with the World's Lea...
Dr. Mark Goulston is a retired psychiatrist and former UCLA professor of psychiatry and FBI who had a subspecialty focus on suicide prevention, and during his 40+ year practice, none of his patients died from suicide. He is the developer of Surgical...
63 min
Setting Intentions: How are you showing up for ...
As the New Year fast approaches and we are surrounded with talk of goal setting, I want also to explore intention setting and how we are planning to show up for ourselves in 2023. For me personally, 2022 was a year of loss and growth.  My heart...
15 min
How to Elevate Your Wellness By Making Small Ch...
Samantha Harris is an author, certified health coach, TV host, and cancer survivor. She is most well-known as co-host of Dancing With The Stars and Entertainment Tonight, and Bestselling author of Your Healthiest Healthy: 8 Easy Ways to Take Control,...
49 min
Learning to Put Down the Things That Aren't You...
The Rocks in the Pack Analogy led me to one of the biggest ah-ha moments that I’ve ever had on the trail.    In this episode, I share this life lesson along with a huge moment that became a pivotal part of my healing journey.   “I...
13 min
Facing Fears, Overcoming Self-Doubt and Rising ...
Michelle Curran has led an impressive career as a Fighter Pilot during her 13 years in the United States Air Force. From 2019-2021, she flew as the only female pilot for the Air Force Thunderbirds and performed for millions across the country and...
83 min
How to Find Your Purpose
17 min
I Can, I Shall, I Will: The StrokeHacker's Driv...
Sean Entin was a successful entrepreneur who suddenly had a stroke when he was 39 years old. After many surgeries, doctors told him he would never walk, talk, drive, or be independent again. It has been 10 years since he had his stroke, and he has not...
100 min
Words of Wisdom from Dad: Family, Unconditional...
Today’s episode comes straight from the heart.  I am honored to share this conversation I had with my dad all about life, family, leadership, and unconditional love.  Wise words from a wise man. I love this man!   Let’s go!  ...
24 min
Resilience: Breaking the Bounce-Back Mentality ...
Amberly Lago is a Peak Performance Coach, TEDx Speaker, Podcaster, and a leading expert in the field of resilience and transformation. She is the best-selling author of “True Grit and Grace” and the founder of “UNSTOPPABLE Life Mastermind.”...
61 min
How to Get Motivated: 3 Tips to Keep You Going ...
Today I’m bringing you another of my solocast series. Every other week, I’ve been releasing a short 10-15 minute solo episode on a topic that has come up within my life or for my audience.  Today’s episode is all about motivation. How do...
17 min
Advanced Adulting: Helping “Grown Ass” Adults N...
Bradley Richardson is the creator of Advanced Adulting, where he coaches and creates content to help “grown ass” adults navigate the shifts and changes of midlife. He is a 5x best-selling author, speaker, coach, and executive who has been featured...
71 min
What Are You Running From?
Today I’m bringing you episode 3 of my new series. Every other week, I’ll be releasing a short 10-15 minute solo episode on a topic that has come up within myself or my audience. Have a topic in mind you’d like me to cover? Email my team and let...
15 min
Principles and Practices to Help You Transcend ...
One part paraplegic athlete, one part musician, one part performance coach, one part mystic. These are the ingredients that make up the soul of Sam Morris. Blessed with an agile mind and an indomitable spirit, these are the traits that Sam helps his...
65 min