Women In Leadership

The podcast that empowers women to reach their full potential.

Join your host - Annemarie Cross, Brand & Communication Strategist (also known as The Podcasting Queen) as she interviews influential leaders and leadership experts from across the globe.

22. Teach elements of your methodologies
What are some of your methodologies – the steps you take clients through and can you teach aspects of those methodologies to validate your knowledge and thought leadership and bring value to your ideal clients?  
4 min
[Ep172] How to Move from Regret to Resilience
Find out how you can move from regret to resilience and the importance of M*S*G – Mindset, Skillset, Get Off Your Asset
34 min
21. Do the Opposite
What have you done that was the opposite of what everyone else in your industry was doing? Or, what can you do in order to bring positive change and quicker results for your clients that’s opposite to what other people are doing in your industry?  
5 min
[Ep 171] Launching & Growing a Business as a Bu...
How to launch & grow your business as a busy parent
35 min
20. Challenge The Status Quo
What status quo have you challenged when it comes to your industry? Or, what status quo could you challenge when it comes to your industry?
4 min
[Ep 170] Difference Between Time Management and...
My guest today says, “Spend more time being yourself and spend less time fixing yourself.”
31 min
19. Expose the elephant in the room
It’s the wisdom and knowledge YOU bring through longevity in your industry that matters! Showcase THAT by exposing the elephant in the room.
5 min
18. Address the BS
It’s the wisdom and knowledge YOU bring through longevity in your industry that matters! Showcase THAT as you build your thought leadership collateral.  One way to do that is to Address the BS in your industry.  
3 min
17. Your Promise of Value and Promise of Expect...
Today’s tip I want to speak to you about Your Promise of Value and your Promise of Expectation, which are two things you want to continue to express in your marketing and your message as it plays an integral role in helping you continue to build that irresistible factor with your ideal client.
3 min
16. Authenticity is NOT a buzzword
Ever heard the saying ‘Marketers ruin everything?" EVERY Tom, Dick, and Harry (sorry to all of the Tom, Dick, and Harry’s out there – no offense to you) however just making my point that every sadly unscrupulous marketer under the sun – jumps on the bandwagon overusing something so much – that it can become tarnished.
5 min
15. Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this
Here’s another shout-out to all of the multi-passionate #entrepreneurs who struggle with defining their ONE THING.
2 min
14. Why trying to be all things to all people n...
On today's tip, find out why trying to be all things to all people never works.
2 min
[Ep169] Be the Hero of Your Own Life
My guest today says: “Every life starts with a dreamer that dares to imagine what is possible, that dreamer is you.”
32 min
13. Less is more
You know how some marketers will often tell us we need to share more content, across more platforms, with more frequency so our message can cut through the noise? That’s NOT really sound advice for Thought Leaders. LESS is more.
3 min
[Ep 168]Learning How to Trust Your Gut
Why you should trust your gut. From failures to success, trusting yourself isn’t always easy. Let your gut can often be your strongest guide.
42 min
12. Being Irresistible – speak to an audience o...
Want to build your reach while becoming known as a trusted authority in your field?
3 min
[Ep 167] Transcendent Leadership
My guest today says: " Complacency is one of the deadliest things that can happen to a leader because the minute you stop growing, the rest of the world is going to pass you by.”
37 min
11. Being Irresistible – what is it and is not
Being irresistible as you would probably know means to be so compelling that you are hard to resist.
4 min
10. Your Uncopyable Story: Markers & Milestones
Following on from yesterday’s tip where I spoke about two elements that are unique and uncopyable about you being a blend of your characteristics and your mannerisms, today I’m sharing another two elements that no one else can copy because they’re unique to you and no-one else. 
4 min
09: Being Unique and Uncopyable starts here (Ma...
Yesterday I spoke about what it means to Uncopyable and how when we identify unique elements about who we are – no one can copy you. In today’s tip, I want to speak about two of those and in tomorrow’s tip – I’ll share two more. Today, I want to talk about your Characteristics (or character traits) and Mannerisms.
3 min
08: Being Uncopyable – what it is and is NOT
Today I want to speak about what I mean when I speak about being Uncopyable, and what it is NOT.  
4 min
07: The importance of defining your ONE thing
Are you a multi-passionate person, who loves to learn, you have many interests, and you struggle to define who you are and how you can support people in one succinct statement?
5 min
06: The Distinction Triad
In yesterday’s tip I shared what it means to be distinguishable and that it was NOT tooting your own trumpet and saying how wonderful you are and better than everyone and anyone else in your industry. But rather it’s about highlight areas that speaks directly to your ideal client and positions you being better-placed to serve and support them in achieving their goals and desired outcomes.
3 min
[Ep 166] How to Live up to Your Full Potential
My guest today says:  "With your most important asset, your personal brand, you illustrate what value you have to offer the world. 
48 min
05: Being Distinguishable – what it is and is NOT
Being Distinguishable – what it is? And, what it is NOT is important. And, may just be what is keeping you stuck FROM becoming distinguishable.
3 min