Women In Leadership

The podcast that empowers women to reach their full potential.

Join your host - Annemarie Cross, Brand & Communication Strategist (also known as The Podcasting Queen) as she interviews influential leaders and leadership experts from across the globe.

[Ep#197] Strategy & Tactic(s): Why both matter ...
Adopting a tactic without the right strategy doesn’t work nor does adopting the wrong tactic for the stage that you’re in with your business, or your business model. Listen more on today's show!
32 min
17. How to define your niched topic for your po...
I wonder – when it comes to YOUR message... are you building your reputation as a go-to authority in your area of expertise? Or like me all those years ago, you’re watering down your message because of the vast topics you speak about? Listen more!
5 min
[Ep#196] Distraction or a Valuable Opportunity:...
Distraction or Opportunity? How do you gauge whether a project you’re considering is a valuable opportunity or a distraction? Listen more!
24 min
16. The importance of speaking to an audience o...
Do you want to build your reach while become known as a trusted authority in your field with your podcast? Listen more!
3 min
[Ep#195] Success Principles to Start the Year S...
As we prepare for the year ahead, there are certain things you do in order to position yourself to start the New Year strong. Listen more!
31 min
15. How to find the perfect guests for your pod...
Today’s tip is answering the question "How do I find guests for my podcast?”
5 min
[Ep#194] Have BIG 2023 plans for your business ...
Do you have big plans for 2023 for your coaching/consulting business but unsure how or where to even begin? Today's episode is for you.
23 min
14. How to structure your podcast episode to ca...
In today's tip, we'll talk about how you can structure your podcast episode to capture attention from the get-go
4 min
[Ep#193] Fear Means Go!
In today's show, Rachael Evans will talk about how fear means go - how it does not mean turning and running the other way. 
37 min
13. How to encourage your guests to promote the...
Annemarie shares some things to consider when it comes to helping your guest help you by promoting their interview with their audience.  
4 min
[Ep #192] 7 Exciting Sales Statistics that’ll b...
In today's show, Annemarie will share 7 exciting sales statistics that'll build visibility and influence your sales as Coaches & Consultants.
22 min
12. How to ensure your podcast stands out
In today's episode, we'll talk about how you can ensure your podcast stands out.
3 min
[Ep#191] The Fail-Proof Formula for Success for...
In today's episode, Annemarie shares her formula for success Clarity + Consistency, Over Time, WILL enable you to build the Momentum you need to grow a successful business. 
44 min
11. Starting a podcast: How to come up with the...
Want to build a community of potential clients AND make your podcast something valuable that people will pay for down the road? Choose your podcast name wisely.
4 min
[Ep#190] Build Visibility, Generate Leads and E...
Let's dive a little deeper into WHY your Customer Relationship-Building Funnel works so well when you have all of the 5 pillars in place correctly.
32 min
10. Starting a podcast: How often should you pu...
On today's show, Annemarie talks about how often you should publish your podcast.
4 min
[Ep#189] 5 Pillars to an Optimal Client Relatio...
In today’s episode I’m going to expand on the three stages of the customer journey we covered recently by sharing the 5 pillars you want to have in place across the customer journey
29 min
9. Starting a podcast: How long should your pod...
4 min
[Ep#188] Networking: 5 steps to show up and shine
On today’s show, Pat Mussieux is going to share all about networking and the 5 steps to show up and shine.
45 min
8. Starting a podcast: Which is the best microp...
What’s the best microphone for your podcast? The best microphone is the one that you already have right now. Listen as Annmarie shares more.
5 min
[Ep#187] Business Basics – Crucial to business ...
On today’s show, Lorraine Pirihi is going to speak about the business basics, which are crucial to your business success.  
33 min
7. Starting a podcast: Where do you start?
One of the most common questions I’m asked by coaches who are thinking of starting their podcast is – where do I start? So in this tip I want to share what I share with them and with all of my clients and my community. 
4 min
[Ep#186] The 3 Key Stages of the Customer Journ...
Annemarie shares more about the importance of having the right strategy in place when it comes to your client relationship building funnel.
25 min
6.Mistake5: Your message getting lost in the no...
Hey, this is Annemarie, and welcome to another #ListenerIntoLead tip. This is tip #6. And this tip is not to let your message get lost in the noise of your own podcast.
5 min
{Ep# 185] The Beauty of Letting Go
I thought it would be great to feature some of the conversations I’ve had on Business Women Australia Podcast with you, right here on Women In Leadership Podcast.  And, that’s exactly what this show is. A wonderful conversation I had with Kathy McKenzie about the beauty of letting go, how it’s impacted her life, and how it can impact yours.  I hope you enjoy the show!
37 min