Weekly Health and Fitness Corner

Welcome to the "Weekly Health and Fitness Corner " where you get deep explanations and "candid discussions on critical "health and wellness issues" afflicting our society. There is an ever-increasing burden of "chronic diseases", primarily driven by a lack of common knowledge and the inability to ask questions. We need to know about these diseases in bits and reliable treatment procedures to follow up with. On this show, Healthcare professionals give a detailed breakdown of "over 5000+ human health problems. Enjoy the show. _NC Network. ® 2022

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Functional Medicine - Supplements
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
37 min
Functional Medicine - Oxygen
"...today we're going to get to back to we're going to get oxygen okay we're going to talk about following the fuel so the first thing of the basics of getting better is to follow the fuel now what is the fuel that makes our physiology work the two main fuels that make our you wo
32 min
Functional Medicine - Diet
"...with all these Foods you go you're all the ones that says you're not sensitive to in the next thing you're getting sick or just happened to me about five times blew up the whole program and and food sensitivities are as big a part of what is the diet for me what diet should I eat for fibromyalgia what do I shave for irritable bowel syndrome as anything but they're not the only thing so let me walk you through what we've come up with..."
40 min
Trailer| Functional Medicine - Diet
"...with all these Foods you go you're all the ones that says you're not sensitive to in the next thing you're getting sick or just happened to me about five times blew up the whole program and and food sensitivities are as big a part of what is the diet for me what diet should I eat for fibromyalgia what do I shave for irritable bowel syndrome as anything but they're not the only thing so let me walk you through what we've come up with..."
3 min
Functional Medicine - Obstacle To Cure
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
42 min
The Pancreas- Chronic Health Conditions
12 min
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
<p>"...and it's not that way so we talk about the bells we talk about large and small intestines we talked about leaky gut even though it's very difficult to Clearly say this the next thing we're going to talk about is going to be chemical sensitivities because you can't get chemical sensitivities without having a leaky gut Okay so we've already dealt with the leaky gut you almost can't have chemical sensitivities if you have a strong frontal lobe now we have not talked about that because that's separate that's that's like functional neurology but we will talk about it as time goes on you almost can't have chemical sensitivities if you're if you have enough Bluetooth ion so we're so let's talk about multiple chemical sensitivity so chemical sense since they were a patient that comes in..."</p>
29 min
Female Hormones Pt2
15 min
Female Hormones PT1
<p>blood sugar has an awful lot to do with the manufacture of estrogen down the road I'm going to be looking at adrenals stress hormones your secondary sex glands are your adrenals and your adrenals and your blood sugar work together you can look at that segment and when adrenals go up then blood sugar goes up when adrenal goes down blood goes down when your blood sugar is high and low it affects these things called sex hormone-binding globulin 's these are the things that carry your estrogen all over the place and so when you're stressed and your adrenals are flaring off and it's causing your blood sugar to be high it screws with these old taxi cabs these sex sex hormone-binding globulin now all the sudden you're not getting estrogen that where you're supposed to be and it shows up as low as sturgeon and it's actually that you're stressed that's affecting your adrenals that's affecting your blood sugar and all of that is affecting you are female hormone Cycles so again</p>
15 min
Chronic Health Conditions- Male Hormone
<p>I'm going to present you with a little different look on that there's a reason that your testosterone is low we're going to talk about there's a reason that it's being presented last and actually the way we look at problems is not that their testosterone is low but the vast majority this is usually the problem basically male problems with the exception of prostate problems which is too much testosterone because it's not getting cleared out are low testosterone problems secondary to estrogen being high and that's has a term is called andropause and when I mentioned that to my male patients they kind of look at me like like they've never heard the term before</p>
29 min
Chronic Health Conditions- Blood Sugar
<p>So today we're going to talk about something that isn't going to sound very sexy but you need to manage your blood sugar period Okay I lied I'm morphing more into more education on blood sugar because over this past year are just so many of the cases just they came in here were there that their success just hung the ability of us to get their blood sugar crack and people would commonly say why don't have lecture problem I'll say well you filled out my assessment for him and there are 16 symptoms on there that would indicate that you have a blood sugar problem if you mark them down and you have all of them so then the next retort from the patient is usually but my blood tests are normal kind of like the Hashimoto's thing and I'm telling you that is so common I</p>
10 min
The Stomach - Chronic Health Conditions
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
25 min
Symptoms Or Corrections- The Focus
<p>in a certain context of an entire frame of reference that's called functional medicine and functional medicine is no longer about chasing symptoms and that's what the medical profession has been about and then you know it's their defense they were about fixing broken legs and then having heroics surgeries and heart transplants and then making drugs that got ready to send this because nobody knew any different but when you really look at it the Health Care System the Alternative Healthcare System as a lot of it has followed that model and I look online and I look at certain well-known websites which I was looking at last night it's like magnesium here are the 12 things you can do for met that night Museum does and next thing you do is you can take that magnesium is going to work and it does for most people for just a short period of time and when I say most people I'm talking about the patients who walk in here and I'm talking about the patients who are looking online today</p>
17 min
Patients Exam Pt2
Patients' Exam: this is going to be about the examination I want to go through the exam so you see what kind of data could be gotten from the exam and again this goes your question of why aren't you telling me what's what how to how to fix my polycystic ovarian syndrome or my blood sugar
15 min
Patients's Exam Pt1
<p>Patients' Exam: this is going to be about the examination I want to go through the exam so you see what kind of data could be gotten from the exam and again this goes your question of why aren't you telling me what's what how to how to fix my polycystic ovarian syndrome or my blood sugar my diabetes or my fibromyalgia or whatever it is that you come in with and it's because I it's because there are a lot of moving pieces to it and that's something I explained in our initial two episodes which we talked about whack-a-mole met as functional medicine and functional neurology exam because we practice functional medicine we practice functional neurology but the exam is incredibly important and so I wear exam sheets in front of me here as a guide and I'm just going to walk through this with you and as I talked about the different areas</p>
20 min
Patient's History Pt2
<p>go as you were going through and that alters immune function and we we now know it was your mother was your mother stressed when when when you were born during oh my God she was going through well we now know stress hormones can cross the placenta and that person who has anxiety and panic attacks literally since they were born the mother says they've been that way since they were born it may actually the fact that that there are that there were stress enzymes coming from all the way back that far and Doctor Bland put was the first one I saw that put this together and every step along the way you would take the you would take the particularly pertinent information from every step along the way and you would put it on this template this chart and then you would use that to compare to the person's present-day symptoms and problems and you would start to use that to</p>
25 min
Patient's History
<p>go as you were going through and that alters immune function and we we now know it was your mother was your mother stressed when when when you were born during oh my God she was going through well we now know stress hormones can cross the placenta and that person who has anxiety and panic attacks literally since they were born the mother says they've been that way since they were born it may actually the fact that that there are that there were stress enzymes coming from all the way back that far and Doctor Bland put was the first one I saw that put this together and every step along the way you would take the you would take the particularly pertinent information from every step along the way and you would put it on this template this chart and then you would use that to compare to the person's present-day symptoms and problems and you would start to use that to</p>
21 min
Classic Functional Medicine
<p>there's a way to do it and and and and so there's a there's a way to proceed there's an organization there certain foundational things that need to be done before your supplements work we're going to answer those questions this year and we're going to do it in a very organized fashion the answer to that one is one whole presentation in and of itself and we're going to do that so what we're going to do is we're going to walk you through functional medicine and awful lot of people who do functional medicine out there don't do an exam now they're going to tell you I don't know what I'm talking about well these guys who have put it together are going to tell you you need to do an exam I just was through a seminar month ago and a doctor who was presenting it was on it was on Endocrinology it was on PC iOS and and and and polycystic ovarian syndrome and infertility and menstrual problems all</p>
12 min
Introduction To Classic Functional Medicine-Tra...
<p>for those of you who may be tuning in for the first time I am a functional medicine practitioner I'm certified functional medicine practitioner here in Reno Nevada the best way to answer those of you who said well tell us how to get better and and and and from from my side to at least in many cases answer why we can't tell you how to get better completely and this venue okay was just a walk you through what a classic functional medicine practitioner should look like and I'm not saying that because this is what I think it should look like I have my notes in front of me here these are my notes these are the notes that I've taken from attending class with literally the guys who started functional medicine the tough some of the top functional medicine researchers in the world and the and and they teach classic functional medicine does that mean classic functional mess it means there's it</p>
3 min