Weekly Health and Fitness Corner

Welcome to the "Weekly Health and Fitness Corner " where you get deep explanations and "candid discussions on critical "health and wellness issues" afflicting our society. There is an ever-increasing burden of "chronic diseases", primarily driven by a lack of common knowledge and the inability to ask questions. We need to know about these diseases in bits and reliable treatment procedures to follow up with. On this show, Healthcare professionals give a detailed breakdown of "over 5000+ human health problems. Enjoy the show. _NC Network. ® 2022

Health & Fitness
Alternative Health
Schizophrenia - Psychology
"...schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by impairments in the way reality is perceived with Associated changes in schizo means split and free Nia means mind in Greek but it's important to remember it is not meant to mean split personality which is a condition schizophrenia affect how people think to feel and behave and the symptoms are divided into three main types Karthik or positive symptoms negative symptoms and cognitive symptoms psychotic symptoms include hallucinations meaning sensing something that there and auditory hallucinations are particularly common thought to occur in 80% of patients at some point delusions are fixed belief that something is true despite having evidence that it is not in schizophrenia paranoid delusion is a common for believing the FBI is following them or that they're being poisoned delusions of reference are also common in schizophrenia where a person believes messages and meant for them for example believing a newsreader on TV is talking directly to them they can be delusions of control where a person believes that someone else is controlling their thoughts such as the FBI placing thoughts in their minds they can be delusions of grandeur meaning being a figure of great importance and delusions of erotomania meaning believing a person typically of higher status is in love with them another positive symptom is disorganized..."
10 min
Serotonin Syndrome Serotonin Toxicity - Psycho...
"...Serotonin syndrome also known as serotonin toxicity is a potentially life-threatening condition due to excessive serotonin levels in the body this can come from using the medication as a therapy due to drug interactions recreational drug use or even intentional overdoses the end result is an increased in the amount of serotonin in the synaptic cleft able to bind serotonin receptors, for example, selective serotonin reuptake Inhibitors like Citalopram inhibit the reuptake of Serotonin into the presynaptic neuron meaning more is available to bind the postsynaptic receptors monoamine oxidase Inhibitors likes alleged lean prevent the breakdown of Serotonin so more is available SSRIs tend to be the most common cause was because of their widespread use while monoamine oxidase Inhibitors tend to produce the more severe cases other medications include serotonin noradrenaline reuptake it is tricyclic antidepressants serotonin modulators and tryptophan supplementation as it is converted and leads to serotonin formation opioids amphetamines and cocaine also increase serotonin release serotonin is found mostly in the gastrointestinal system it is carried by platelets and also exerts a acts on the central nervous system within the CNS it has rules in attention mood sleep cognition and thermoregulation in the other systems it is involved in vasoconstriction gastrointestinal motility uterine contraction and..."
8 min
Hot Flash And Hormone Replacement -Health FAQS ...
"...welcome back to me chiropractor and functional medicine practitioner primarily is dr. Gates I am a board-certified chiropractic neurologist and so we have practice in which we have morphed into a practice of chronic pain and chronic conditions in the title of today's topic is hot flash going Beyond hormone replacement therapy and Little did I know when I started getting into treating fibromyalgia many years ago and that it would morph into the practice that we have and even less that I know that it would more into me having to understand something about hot flashes and or hormone therapy and hormone replacement therapy seems to be pretty popular in this country I know those of you who may be watching in Southern California there seems to be hormone replacement therapy doctor on every other corner and and it's it seems to be like so many of the other treatments that have evolved current medical model or this current Healthcare model even relative to we have a symptom we try to alleviate the symptoms we find we don't have enough f let's take more estrogen that's we'll talk about a few minutes that is rarely a good long-term response and that's not even a saying that that's like the endocrine Society I agree with that so harm or replacement therapy has become really popular for a lot of different things but three things can happen when you use hormone replacement therapy for and and hot flashes are certainly one of the most common options that doctors will use hormone replacement therapy for..."
40 min
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome - Psychology
"...obstructive sleep apnea is a breathing disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of Airway obstruction during sleep leading to periods with breathing stops known as apnea moving from wakefulness to sleep causes relaxation of muscle tone including the muscles of the upper Airway this allows the soft palate and the tongue to relax and to create an obstruction that reduces the patency of the respiratory tract rapid eye movement or REM sleep, in particular, is known to feature this reduction in muscle tone but it can happen throughout the Sleep Cycle there is snoring when some still enter but as the obstruction progresses the airflow can be severely reduced causing apnea the reduction in the ventilation of the lungs causes a reduction in blood oxygen levels and as a result there is an interruption in sleep known as neurological arousal with a partially awakens in order to restore muscle tone and therefore oxygenation but this isn't necessarily perceived by the person partial collapses with reduced oxygen or arousals a termed hypo apneas while apnea is defined as over a 90% airflow obstruction lasting 10 longer a cycle is there for generated alternating between periods of deeper sleep and higher wakefulness with a typical sleep cycle is which ultimately disrupts the quality of sleep and can cause sleep deprivation risk factors are thought to be obesity as it increases the amount of soft tissue around the airway..."
9 min
Major Depressive Disorder - Psychology
depression is a mental state of low mood there are several subtypes of depression but major depressive disorder is the one that usually intended it is expected to be the number one cause of disease burden worldwide by 2030 the term major depressive disorder was first used in the 1970s and the disorder was added to the diagnostic and statistical Manual of mental disorders known as the DSM in the in 80s today we have the DSM-5 which lays out nine criteria on which the diagnosis is based they include a low mood most of the day on most days and anhedonia which means a loss of pleasure or interest in previously enjoyable activities these two are considered core symptoms and one of them must
10 min
Health QaA Weekly - Non-celiac Gluten Sensitivity
e the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a like confused you on this matter if we have confused on this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it everyday it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating eating glue is creating incentives and you amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it
40 min
Trailer Health QaA Weekly - Non-celiac Gluten S...
e the autoimmune issue and the Celiac and the non-celiac gluten sensitivity all really go together I know mites I hope we haven't thrown out too much I hope we have a confused you on this matter if we have confused this matter because it's a complex matter and if just get that to you then relative to these chronic problems than that's good but we go back to the beginning of this and the bottom line is there is such a thing as non-celiac gluten sensitivity we see it every day it is hugely important for you to understand that if you are eating glue is creating incentives and your amount of what the tests say you get off of it and you need to stay off of it...
3 min
Health FAQs Weekly-Stress And High Blood Pressure
..apparently, we already have enough questions for the next several months but one of the questions was related to stress and hypertension and blood and it was kind of a question that seemed to require a little bit more of coverage than just answering it in that format so to my stress and hypertension there's some we see every day all day long it's a big part of what we see I think it's kind of took like okay stress and hypertension yeah but when you're in something all day it seems so obvious and so normal and everything and then you when you get a question like that you realize that that that there's a lot of folks out there wondering about the connections and what the mechanisms are and so on and so forth so I think the question was more specifically about the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone...row and renin-angiotensin system or something along those nature so I know how stress affects and how stress affects it so they must have been trolling through the internet or something like that about stress right and how to get rid of it
10 min
Adrenal Receptors - Health FAQs Weekly
...in the end you have indicated through your research and response to care that you've been treating it as an autoimmune problem for quite a while now I've been three or four or five have I for at least four I'm thinking the one specific case back to back then so at least for so so share with us the data the new data on further on the fact that it's probably an autoimmune attack against the with certain aspects of your adrenal gland yeah exactly so the original studies came out the Mayo Clinic where they attacking the adrenal receptor basically there were these adrenal receptor antibodies sometimes there were immune cells to your autonomic nervous and so that's your the system that creates your fight and flight response in your rest and digest if you go to San dot you need a fight response to get blood up to your brain because otherwise all the blood...
9 min
Stress Hormones - Health FAQs Weekly
they also looked at patients who had PTSD suicidal ideation so those are your severe depression patients and bipolar disorder and they looked at all of their stress hormones they looked at cortisol they looked at aldosterone aldosterone is a hormone that goes up when you're trying to save sodium into your circulation like if you cut off an arm and you're bleeding out that's why we have aldosterone but it is a stress hormone look to DHEA DHS a sex hormone that comes from your adrenal glands they also looked at estrogen and testosterone levels and what they found is that in the marathon runners their cortisol levels and they're all dosterone just went up a little bit but it was only temporary whereas they saw in these soldiers who are out there for two weeks and you know bad conditions their aldosterone went up three times normal what it should be
5 min
Multiple Sclerosis - Health Faqs Weekly
"...do you want me to just go down let's go down the so we haven't we have a long list we're not going to get through all of them we're going to spend about 15 or 20 minutes going over over these questions and we'll see how far along we get so the first one and these are quotes right off of the right off of the websites and from you so first one is a question about multiple sclerosis what is your thought on stress and multiple sclerosis so what I would say is that with most odd immune diseases what we find is that stress can be an exacerbating Factor when you look at the literature that holds true for many different conditions when it comes to Ms lots of times you'll read will stress may not be a major factor or Diet isn't a major factor but we would say in our clinical experience we disagree substantially any time an individual is under chronic stress just looking at the basic physiology of it you're going to decrease blood flow to the gas...hustle track is putting your body into a state of fight-or-flight ready to fight the line or run from it so to speak and in doing so we know the literature on Ms is robust on the gastrointestinal related to the illness meaning it has been shown that the gastrointestinal tract breaks down and patients who have MS and that leads to immune activation which is also seemingly associated with the immune activation in the brain so we would say stress can be a major component of Ms we've seen viral infections cause patients to go from you know basically secondary Progressive to primary Progressive we've seen the same thing with stress responses so stress is a major factor and if it is present not only in Ms or any other autoimmune illness it's one of the main factors that we have to address some yeah more in general if you're any type of a chronic pain patient the cliff notes on stresses when your chronic stress it can affect your brain it can cause short-term memory loss..."
15 min
Inner Tremors And Fibromyalgia - Health FAQs W...
"...first question is do you ever see patients who experience inner Tremors can you address what this might be all about and I would say yes we can address what this is all about we see a lot of patients with a variety of some Tremors and inner tremors are something that have a specific medical understanding for us yeah and the internal Tremors can be a number of things you could be anxiety it could be an autoimmune response your thyroid it could be hyperthyroidism it could be something like a pheochromocytoma which is where your adrenal gland has a tumor on it and makes to me adrenal hormones so all of those are possibilities for the internal Tremors we frequently see it with autoimmune thyroid disease but we see a lot of so that so that's kind of our take on anxiety a lot of anxiety those are two things I would go to those two things first I don't know yeah okay but yes can you have fibromyalgia this is a great question because it's kind of fiber understanding of fibromyalgia can you have fibromyalgia not have irritable bowel syndrome and not hurt when someone hugs you or touches you great question the understanding of what it fibromyalgia is evolve and and we've stayed on top of that Gates has done continued to stay on top of the research so I think this is an interesting question to answer for people who are confused yeah like me right so if I were myalgia we had the 1990 criteria by the American College of Rheumatology and that criteria set forth that if you have tenderness at a certain number of the trigger points 11 out of the 18..."
21 min
Stress related Health Problems - Health FAQs We...
"...and depending on how this goes we may end up doing in the first two weeks I don't know but we'll definitely do it today so I'm just going to get cut right to the chase here this seems to be a stress-related group of questions so is there a link between long-term stress of about five years and hyperthyroidism / Graves disease tell you what I'll just read this and and I'll keep my stuff out of this now I think we should turn back and forth but with Graves disease the literature does state that stress can precipitate the condition some people dispute that in the literature but overall it's pretty well accepted this stress does cause Graves disease stress is not as much identified as a trigger for Hashimoto's yet but we're anticipating that that's going to change because we hear it all the time or person goes through major stressor and then they develop Hashimoto's so just realize this is an evolving situation we don't have all the answers even here in...things are changing all the time but I just read an article this morning...and they were talking about stress as it pertains to hyperthyroidism so yes without a doubt without
23 min
Azhiemers - Health FAQs Weekly
...so Alzheimer's is kind of an interesting topic I still keep hearing nobody's found the cause of it yet I'm not sure there is a the cause relative to that and and and then our observation we do a lot of chronic pain that's what we do for those of you haven't seen us we combine functional medicine and functional neurology to create a paradigm to address kind of the cornerstones of physiology that seemed to be the core of what causes chronic conditions chronic pain in general and so if a person comes in here let's say with fibromyalgia it's pretty common that they're going to have brain fog and short term memory loss and and people come in here and there in PTSD there they're going to have short-term memory loss
12 min
Health FAQs Weekly With Dr. Gates
Answers to top on the list health questions from our listerners Every week with board-certified chiropractic neurologist Doctor Gates.
3 min
Chronic Health Condition Vs Functional Medicine...
"...you start out with the largest has a lot of people don't realize that the dysbiosis all these things that they're hearing about are a lot of them are are in the and I made a mistake when I said microbiome that's more your that's more to the small intestines but but large intestines the symptoms would be feeling that balance do not empty completely so and within the framework of this entire category there are specifics a lower abdominal pain relief by gas passing store gas means we have a bacterial problem
12 min
Berberine - Health FAQs With Dr. Gates
so we're going to talk about "berberine" what we want to do is put it in a context because it can be a pretty amazing adjunct to what we do some really good success with them but lately I have been seeing pamphlets going out to the nation on various things one of them was on gluten one was a for those of you have Celiac for those of you who are Gluten Sensitive it was a pamphlet to said take this supplement you can eat pizza for the rest of your life I'm trying to assimilate my disastrous that must have been for a lot of people but they probably sold a lot of their product but one right now I'm seeing a lot of is burglary products that have significant success in clinical populations are frequently taken to Market by some unfortunately some...
30 min
Health Faqs With Dr. Gates - Berberine Trailer
"...I am a certified functional medicine practitioner dr. Gates, I am a board-certified chiropractic neurologist and say that from now on because I always mess it up and together we have chronic pain I say it every week kind of just evolve kind of developed on its own frankly in the efforts are actually in the efforts of me to get better from my issues but ultimately with the help of some very very talented people and we've been doing it for a while and we it's pretty much all we do now ..."
4 min
Chronic Health Condition Vs Functional Medicine...
...just a number of things now I can't put them all on order and review them that we've gone through the history we've gone through the exam we've gone through so many of the basics of what needs to be done and now we're going to start moving into a little bit more into treatment and this topic today which is stress and how chronic stress creates and or perpetuates chronic conditions is kind of it's kind of a borderline foundational issue and it's kind of a its kind of also a huge functional issue as far as relative to the Future talks are going to be for example about the large intestines small intestines the stomach how they all play into each other the order in which to attack them and so when a person comes into our office we once we decided that they're probably a good candidate we have them fill out an...I have one section of about maybe 12 questions on the intestines and then we have another test area on maybe five questions on intestinal permeability we have five pages of questions on the brain and brain chemistry and brain chemistry when it goes abnormal results in anxiety it results in panic attacks or results in the Prussian it results in inflammation it results from the bottom line is all of these different physiological neurological abnormalities create a lot of problems I would make the argument that it's at least a ginormous contributor to this expanding group of patients who are The Chronic pain patients the autoimmune patients and I'm going to we're going to understand why things
18 min
Chronic Health Condition Vs Functional Medicine...
just a number of things now I can't put them all on order and review them that we've gone through the history we've gone through the exam we've gone through so many of the basics of what needs to be done and now we're going to start moving into a little bit more into treatment and this topic today which is stress and how chronic stress creates and or perpetuates chronic conditions is kind of it's kind of a borderline foundational issue and it's kind of a its kind of also a huge functional issue as far as relative to the Future talks are going to be for example about the large intestines small intestines the stomach how they all play into each other the order in which to attack them and so when a person comes into our office we once we decided that they're probably a good candidate we have them fill out an...I have one section of about maybe 12 questions on the intestines and then we have another test area on maybe five questions on intestinal permeability we have five pages of questions on the brain and brain chemistry and brain chemistry when it goes abnormal results in anxiety it results in panic attacks or results in the Prussian it results in inflammation it results from the bottom line is all of these different physiological neurological abnormalities create a lot of problems I would make the argument that it's at least a ginormous contributor to this expanding group of patients who are The Chronic pain patients the autoimmune patients and I'm going to we're going to understand why things
20 min
Chronic Health Condition Vs Functional Medicine...
...going to talk about one of my favorite subjects today so and then some people are going to like you're really weird or whatever it is but we're going to talk about the gallbladder today then you're not getting better is the gallbladder is like ginormously important to us you wouldn't think so with a gazillion gallbladders coming out I think it's God how much is it I actually have notes in front of me today I don't usually use notes okay but the gallbladder to me is so huge it's so important that I really I'm not good at statistics and stuff like that I'm not great at numbers so I but I really wanted you to get the whole idea of what's going on I most of you so I'm going to be looking down and reading off my notes so if that looks unprofessional than too bad that's this is what we're going to do it so so with his...
20 min
Chronic Health Condition Vs Functional Medicine...
...going to talk about one of my favorite subjects today so and then some people are going to like you're really weird or whatever it is but we're going to talk about the gallbladder today then you're not getting better is the gallbladder is like ginormously important to us you wouldn't think so with a gazillion gallbladders coming out I think it's God how much is it I actually have notes in front of me today I don't usually use notes okay but the gallbladder to me is so huge it's so important that I really I'm not good at statistics and stuff like that I'm not great at numbers so I but I really wanted you to get the whole idea of what's going on I most of you so I'm going to be looking down and reading off my notes so if that looks unprofessional than too bad that's this is what we're going to do it so so with his...
19 min
Functional Medicine - Liver Pt 2
"...liver and for those of you again who are just tuning in I I walked through this it from the eyes of a daily practitioner and what they actually see in practice so for example on liver I'm not going to be going through cirrhosis and all the herpes viruses and all that we might touch on the virus a little bit because that's not what we see we don't generally see people coming in here yeah and phased you know liver cirrhosis and alcoholic you know cirrhosis or hepatitis or a no well I just I rarely see those things that that person is already gone and to the medical field and gotten all the tests and then they come here or they are they get fixed that way so so the liver is kind of interesting in our world the..."
20 min
Functional Medicine - Liver
...liver and for those of you again who are just tuning in I I walked through this it from the eyes of a daily practitioner and what they actually see in practice so for example on liver I'm not going to be going through cirrhosis and all the herpes viruses
15 min
Functional Medicine - Gluten
Classic functional medicine you can rely on any time for the treatment of chronic health problems. Treating the Individual first and then the Diagnosis is always the first step toward finding a lasting solution to every health problem... Today we start to discuss the untold secret to achieving a 100% healthy lifestyle (causes/symptoms/treatment).
30 min