The Propaganda Report

The Propaganda Report with Brad Binkley offers amusing commentary on the news of the day as well as deep insights into the powers that be who reveal their agenda in their own words.

News Commentary
Ep. 103 - Trump & Putin Sittin' in a Tree
Trump's meeting with Putin declared treason.....before it even happened and we deconstruct a radical and dangerous Micheal Moore interview. From Putin's Official Website: A couple of relevant articles from Monica: (I hadn't realized how on point...
110 min
Ep. 102 - The Border Crisis - What Are We Reall...
Children separated from their families at the border is the latest media meme. But what exactly is the media trying to sell us on? Show originally aired on June 23rd, 2018 on A new board was recently put in at WSB. We're still working out the kinks....
96 min
Ep. 101 - The Inspector General Report Is About...
The Inspector General issued a controversial report showing bias and denying bias at the same time, but what he really did was move us one step closer to totalitarianism. (Show Originally Aired on June 16th, 2018 on WSB Radio Atlanta, WSB 750) A...
90 min
Ep. 100 - The Summer of Race-Baiting Has Begun
The summer of identity politics and race-baiting officially kicked off last week with three events that all occurred on the same day; the Starbucks racial bias training, MSNBC's 'Everyday Racism In America' Town Hall, and the Roseanne Barr tweet...
76 min
Ep. 99 - Stormy Daniels Is Lying & How Our Righ...
How the Mueller probe, the Cosby trial, #metoo, and other current events are being used to covertly take away our rights. Plus, evidence from Stormy Daniels past suggest that she's a political operative who is willing to tell lies to further her...
90 min
Ep. 98 - Soros Funded Stacey Abrams Misleads He...
Despite claiming to be a grassroots candidate in the Georgia Gubernatorial race, democrat Stacey Abrams is funded by liberal billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer. We discuss her truly terrifying plan for the public education system and we expose...
58 min
Ep. 97 - Are British Elites Behind The Russian ...
A Case Against the UK Based Chatham House & Sir Andrew Wood
65 min
Ep. 96 - DARPA & The Weaponization of Meme’s (M...
A modern version of Operation Mockingbird is in full effect as yet another former head of an intelligence agency makes the media rounds. Plus, we analyze a DARPA funded study into Military Memetics that reveals the government's scientific approach to...
79 min
Ep. 95 - Did James Comey Falsely Accuse A Man o...
No one is talking about how the man James Comey accused of being the Ramsey Rapist was acquitted and later awarded a large settlement. Did Comey accuse an innocent man? We discuss that and other evidence which suggests that Comey shouldn't be...
91 min
Ep. 94 - The Digitization of The Self
Social media companies conform to EU standards as the world creeps closer and closer to becoming a digital borderless society. Plus, the "unintended" consequences of social media regulation don't seem so unintended. And finally, the curious origins of...
82 min
Ep. 93 - Starbucks "Racism" Incident Looking Mo...
Show originally aired on WSB Radio Atlanta on Sunday, April 22nd, 2018. The Starbucks "Racism" incident is looking more and more like a publicity stunt. We talk about the incident, look at those who filmed it, and we take callers.  If you...
96 min
Ep. 92 - Did Starbucks Stage Its Race Controver...
The Starbucks race controversy looks and sounds like a publicity stunt that Starbucks may very well be a part of. Creepy Jim Comey continues his Operation Mockingbird propaganda book tour. And some questions about the Southwest Airlines plane crash ...
62 min
Ep. 91 - YouTube Shooter Dialectic & Local News...
To separate the public from local influences, local news has come under attack. Plus we discuss the long list of dialectics at play in the Youtube shooter story.  If you haven’t, Subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on iTunes. Rate and...
71 min
Who Really Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?
Who really killed Martin Luther King Jr.? This show is from the Monica Perez show on WSB 750, Atlanta, January 15th, 2018, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  If you haven’t, Subscribe to the Propaganda Report podcast on iTunes. Rate and review us...
46 min
Ep. 90 - What Google's New 300M "Fake News" Ini...
Google launches 300 million dollar plan to fight "fake news", Progressives roll out some hilariously idiotic new climate change talking points, Arnold Schwarzenegger sues big oil for murder, and Don Lemon perfectly illustrates the left's reaction to...
72 min
Ep. 89 - Facebook Cambridge Analytica Scandal -...
Nothing is as it appears to be with the Facebook Cambridge Analytica scandal. Plus, to silence dissent, the left has begun suing "conspiracy theorists." And finally, members of the deep state express their outrage over a new poll which finds thats...
99 min
Ep. 88 - Youtube Bans Us for Questioning (Origi...
Youtube bans and removes our show on Parkland shooting and Sheriff Scott Israel. Online censorship heats up. First and secondment are under heavy attack. Show originally aired on WSB radio, Atlanta on February 24th, 2018.    If you...
44 min
Ep. 87 - Florida School Shooting - Never Let A ...
The Stoneman Douglas High School mass shooting is a crisis that the shameless mainstream media is not letting go to waste. In fact, they've seized upon it to conduct a massive propaganda campaign that's pushing a multifaceted agenda. We talk...
79 min
Ep. 86 - Florida School Shooting Sheriff Desire...
Yet another school shooting gets instantly politicized and while the left and the right argue the same talking points, many are wondering what really happened at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and why. We analyze some of the Broward County...
69 min
Ep. 85: Nunes Memo - Why The Truth Won't Matter...
The Nunes Memo is set to be released any moment now. We tell you why it won't change a thing. Plus, the X-Files dedicates an entire episode to selling itself out. And finally, Stormy Daniels continues to con America on her, "Make America Horny Again...
90 min
Ep. 84 - Davos: George Soros Names His Enemies ...
We breakdown George Soros' Davos speech, including audio of him threatening Donald Trump. Also, we play audio of Women's March leader, Linda Sarsour, telling her followers to vote for undocumented immigrants and refugees in the 2018 midterm...
91 min
Ep. 83 - Why Facebook Suddenly "Cares" About Ch...
Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Twitter, and Google have been in the news lately acknowledging how damaging their technology is to children and to democracy. Do the admissions made by the tech giants reflect a genuine concern about the impact their...
77 min
Ep. 82 - DACA: Dems Dupe Dreamers & Soros Funds...
Liberals don't care about the Dreamers, they care about keeping their base enraged at Trump. George Soros and the Ford Foundation are funding a worldwide effort to "fight fake news" that's already shaping the reality we perceive. And we talk Trump's...
79 min
Ep. 81 - Will Explosive New Book Bring Trump Do...
Social media was set ablaze this week by the release of a new book titled Fire and Fury that delusional Trump haters believe will finally bring the President down. Will It? No. But it will serve it's propaganda purpose perfectly.  We talk about...
112 min
Ep. 80 - Sexual Harassment Training Scenarios &...
Sexual Harassment Training Scenarios, The Assault on Due Process, Bad advice for asking out a co-worker, and a Netflix executive gets fired for not blindly believing the women. This and more on a jam packed half hour episode of the Propaganda Report...
21 min